Where to stream World War Two Specials


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Released: 29th Nov, 2017

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Where to watch World War Two Specials


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Will Indy Neidell do WWII?

Thousands... tens of thousands have asked if Indy will do World War Two week by week just like The Great War, but even bigger. Now it's up to you!

Wed, 29 Nov 2017

Thank You For Launching WW2 - a TimeGhost WW2 Public Announcement

Three mad weeks and we're so happy for your support.

Fri, 21 Sep 2018

Coming to a foxhole near you: Between 2 Wars, Q&A, and WW2 day by day

Six Weeks of WW2 and 112,450 Subscribers later and thanks to your support there will be more.

Tue, 9 Oct 2018

New Collaborations and our live hangout on Sunday 11.11.2018 - WW2 Cribs 181105

Eleven weeks into World War Two, we're proud to announce upcoming collaborations with The Tank Museum, Bovington and Simon Whistler of Biographics, TopTenz, and Today I Found Out fame. And on 11.11.18 at 11AM CET we will be live here on this channel.

Mon, 5 Nov 2018

The T-26 and Tank Warfare in Finland and China

The T-26 tank was one of the most frequently used tanks during the first battles of World War Two. It saw action in the Soviet Union, Finland and China. In our first collaborative video with the Tank Museum in Bovington, UK, David Willey and David Fletcher talk about the development, production and action of the this tank.

Mon, 28 Jan 2019

War Against Humanity 025: December 1941, Part 2 - Christmas with Adolf Hitler

Christmas 1941. A holiday season in a year of darkness and suffering, where Hitler celebrates his own greatness as the world goes up in flames.

Fri, 25 Dec 2020

Rommel, German Press and Polish Resistance

The early-war career of Erwin Rommel, German Press on the Invasion of Poland and the birth of Polish resistance movements after the German occupation in 1939.

Thu, 28 Feb 2019

Outbreak of the War Against Humanity - March 5, 1940

When the Second World War breaks out, it is at first largely a war between one side of totalitarian aggressors against a portion of the democratic countries of the world defending other totalitarian states. From the first day of the war in Poland, as it already is in China, this will be a war against humanity.

Wed, 6 Mar 2019

Food Rationing - How to Make Woolton Pie - April 1940

Rationing of goods in Europe started immediately when the war broke out. Lord Woolton, British Minister of Food came up with one of the first substitute dishes... a vegetable pie that was promptly named after him. Our team chef Joram shows you how to do it.

Sun, 24 Mar 2019

The Start of our Road Trip Through France 1940 - Daily Road Trip Video 01

Hi guys and girls! As you might know, we are currently doing a road trip through France to make some interesting specials for this channel. This is the first of our daily videos in which we update you about our adventures and discoveries. Things are good, or as the French say, 'ca va tres bien'. Lets make history!

Wed, 10 Apr 2019

Visiting The Fields of Death - Daily Road Trip Video 02

Another update from la France! Wednesday, we visited some sites around Verdun to film a World War Two special as well as some stuff with the guys from Sabaton. We had a very long but rewarding during which we visited very impactful places. They literally made us shiver and effectively reminded us of the importance of what we are doing here: this history can never be forgotten.

Thu, 11 Apr 2019

To the Argonne with Sabaton - Daily Road Trip Video 03

On the third day of our road trip in France, we mainly shot stuff for Sabaton History in the Argonne Forest. Tomorrow, we will spend the whole day on the Maginot Line surrounding Sedan again. But today, we went back to World War One with Sabaton and some of the songs of their upcoming album 'The Great War'.

Fri, 12 Apr 2019

Debunking Maginot Line Myths - Daily Road Trip Video 04

On the fourth day of our road-trip through France, we visit Sedan and its surroundings together with local expert and guide Richard Tucker. He shows us that many of the common knowledge about the Maginot Line and its effectiveness in wartime is either doubtful or even outright incorrect. We visit several key locations which will play a major role in the coming events in May 1940.

Sat, 13 Apr 2019

The History Books are Wrong About France 1940 - Daily Road Trip Video 05

On the fifth and last day of our road-trip through France, we take some time to reflect on what we have seen, and to have some chips, paprika chips.

Mon, 15 Apr 2019

System of a Nazi Terror - April 1940

In April 1940 in Poland, if you are on the list of Nazi or Soviet non-desirables, there three options: run for your life, be shipped off to a camp, or face the execution squad... if you happen to be Jewish it's likely to be the fourth option: the Ghetto.

Sat, 27 Apr 2019

The Neurology of Hate

In this special episode of War Against Humanity, we take a look at the underlying neurological functions that allow us to hate another group of people. Maybe it helps us to understand the ultimate question about WW2; how on earth could all of this happen?

Sat, 27 Apr 2019

French Defense Politics and the Char B

After the Great War was over, the French reconsidered their armies function and the role that tanks would play in future warfare. At the brink of World War Two, the Char B tank is deeply embedded in the structure of the French armored Defences. David Willey from the Tank Museum in Bovington (UK) tells how French politics influenced how the Char B will be used if the Germans attack.

Tue, 30 Apr 2019

Balkans, Bazookas, and Bunkers

Out of the Foxholes is back to answer your questions about the war. In this episode, we take a look at anti-tank weaponry for infantry, the German defensive lines of the Westwall, the never-finished German aircraft-carrier Graf Zeppelin and the Balkans. The Chieftain, who has his own YouTube channel about tanks and armored vehicles.

Fri, 10 May 2019

The Maginot Line - WW2 on Location - France 1940 - 01

The Maginot Line was not the failure many think - in fact it was quite a remarkable feat - find out more in this video.

Thu, 16 May 2019

Armoured Vehicles of the Invasion of France 1940

The Chieftain takes you on an extensive walk through of the armored vehicles used by both sides during the German invasion of France in 1940.

Mon, 20 May 2019

107 Abandoned French Soldiers Killed for Propaganda - WW2 on Location - France 1940 - 02

After the German army breaks through the French lines at Sedan, the left flank of the moving army has to be secured. The French Ouvrage la Ferté, part of the Maginot Line Defense works, is subject to this consolidation. But the Germans move with ulterior motives, as to them capturing a Maginot Line fort in the first week of the offensive has a huge propaganda value. Tour guide Richard Tucker shows Indy the grounds of a modern tragedy, where 107 French soldiers gave their lives.

Thu, 23 May 2019

Tour of the Maginot Line Ouvrage Schoenenbourg - WW2 on Location - France 1940 - 03

Marc Halter takes Indy and all of us on a tour through the fort at Schoenenbourg on the Maginot Line.

Thu, 30 May 2019

The Strategy of Terror Bombing - May 1940

When WW2 breaks out, the belligerents promise to not bomb civilians. The promise is broken, literally within minutes by the Nazis and within weeks by the Soviets. Now, nine months later the Allies are about to follow suite.

Sun, 9 Jun 2019

High Hitler! - Nazis on Crystal Meth Part 1

You might have heard he a was vegetarian. You might have heard that he shunned alcohol. You might have heard he was anti-tobacco. Then you might think he was against hard drugs as well, but you’d be wrong…

Tue, 11 Jun 2019

Blitzkrieg on Speed - Nazis on Crystal Meth Part 2

While many armies use performance enhancing drugs during WW2, the Wehrmacht takes it to extremes in 1940, with more than debatable consequences.

Mon, 17 Jun 2019

The European Migration Crisis - June 1940

When the Nazi German Reich invades western and northern Europe this creates a massive refugee and forced migration crisis all across Europe. In eastern Europe, The Nazis and the Soviets have already been forcing families out of their homes to be relocated, incarcerated and murdered for nine months by now.

Thu, 11 Jul 2019

107 Abandoned French Soldiers Killed for Propaganda - France 1940

After the German army breaks through the French lines at Sedan, the left flank of the moving army has to be secured. The French Ouvrage la Ferté, part of the Maginot Line Defense works, is subject to this consolidation. But the Germans move with ulterior motives, as to them capturing a Maginot Line fort in the first week of the offensive has a huge propaganda value. Tour guide Richard Tucker shows Indy the grounds of a modern tragedy, where 107 French soldiers gave their lives.

Thu, 11 Jul 2019

Monetize This, YouTube! - WW2 - Cat 01

Last week YouTube sent us a list of things we could do to make sure our content gets monetized - that list made clear that any historical content is at risk of demonetization. So... is this what you want us to do YouTube?

Wed, 24 Jul 2019

"What the actual f*ck, France?"- WW2 - Reading Comments

Some of our comments are worthy of a bigger audience. Thats why we decided to start our sub-series 'Across the Airwaves', where we read to you some of our dear communities comments. This episode includes a roleplay and a touching eyewitness account from the Invasion of the Netherlands.

Thu, 1 Aug 2019

Young Recruits, French Planes, and Graf Spee

How young were British soldiers? Could Graf Spee have gotten away? What was the French air force like? Questions, questions, questions - from you no less! With answers from us Out of the Foxholes.

Fri, 30 Aug 2019

Göring, the Stoned Nazi Nut - Doped WW2 Leaders Part 1

Hermann Göring was one of the most powerful leaders of the Third Reich. He was also a drug addict with some serious problems and a remarkable lifestyle.

Thu, 10 Oct 2019

Churchill Was a Drunk... or Was He? - Doped WW2 Leaders Part 2

Winston Churchill was one of the most influential figures of World War Two. But as a heavy drinker he must have been under influence of constant drunkenness, right?

Thu, 17 Oct 2019

Greenland to USA, Australia to war, and French Colonies to…

In another edition of our Q&A format, Indy answers some questions about Greenland after the German occupation of Denmark, the state of Australia and the fate of the French Colonies.

Sun, 27 Oct 2019

War in 3 Fascist Ways: Slovakia, Spain, and Greece

What role did Slovakia play during the invasion of Poland? How did Franco view the war in Europe? And did Greece see an invasion coming? We answer all of this in this episode of Out of the Foxholes.

Tue, 5 Nov 2019

War Exiles: Kaiser Bill, Polish Forces, and US Volunteers

What happened to Kaiser Wilhelm II after World War One? How did Polish soldiers flee to Allied territories after the 1939 invasion? And did any American volunteers serve in the war in 1939 and 1940? We answer all of this in this episode of Out of the Foxholes.

Thu, 14 Nov 2019

The British Blitz Spirit is a Myth

Strategic bombing was used to destroy the popular support for their governments war effort, and the British boosted that their resistance to bombing was an unique trait. But both are false, based on lies and propaganda.

Tue, 3 Dec 2019

The Few Who Opposed Hitler - German Resistance in 1940

Where all German faithful Nazis? Not by a stretch, but a resounding majority approved of the Nazis, especially before the war, and again after the victory in France. Anyone that actively opposed Hitler and his gang were not only risking their life, but faced an uphill battle against public opinion. And yet... some people did.

Wed, 11 Dec 2019

Vive la Résistance! well, not really... French Resistance 1940

Immediately after France is occupied by the Nazis in 1940, the French are divided about what to do; resist for collaborate? To put it mildly, it's complicated.

Wed, 18 Dec 2019

9 Days of Christmas with the TimeGhost of Christmas Past

We are going to do something special for Christmas! For every day between 24 December and 1 January 2020, we'll have one episode about something that happened on that day in History. Tell your friends and stay tuned on our TimeGhost channel!

Thu, 19 Dec 2019

1941 and 2020 will be a Crazy Year on WW2 and TimeGhost

It's a new year - and what a year. We're going to make more content and new kinds of content and we will have two new hosts.

Tue, 21 Jan 2020

TimeGhost's Attacks for 1941 - WW2 PSA

Lot of new stuff coming and here's a preview by Indy and Spartacus on some of it - new TimeGhost series, Barbarossa, Pearl Harbor, who knows... well any minute you will.

Sat, 15 Feb 2020

Royal Resistance in Benelux and Scandinavia 1940

When the Racism of Naziism hits the Nationalism of Monarchism, it doesn't quite go like Hitler would have imagined.

Mon, 17 Feb 2020

The TimeGhost WW2 Memorial for the Heroes of a Great Generation - WW2 Public Service Announcement

We want to increase the scope of this channel by visiting locations relevant to World War Two. And for that, we need more financial support. We want to handle that tasteful though, without abandoning the integrity of this channel. This is what we came up with.

Wed, 19 Feb 2020

What if the Spanish Fascists Lost the Civil War?

This video is sponsored by Paradox Interactive. Indy shares his thoughts on what he thinks would have happened if the Spanish Revolution would have happened differently.

Thu, 20 Feb 2020

On December 7, 2020 - World War Two Goes Global

Pearl Harbor is one of the major events of 1941 and World War Two, bringing America into the war and changing history for ever. We want to do it justice by going there with boots on the ground, and by covering it minute-by-minute as it unfolds.

Tue, 25 Feb 2020

A French Civil War in 1937? - WW2 feat. Hearts of Iron IV

Indy shares his thoughts on what he thinks would have happened if the French would have decided to meddle in the Spanish Civil War – triggering a Civil War.

Wed, 26 Feb 2020

Resistance in China - Myth or Reality?

The war in China already started in 1931 when Japan invaded Manchuria. Early resistance was small and was met by heavy Japanese retaliations. But throughout the 30's, the movement started to grow.

Tue, 3 Mar 2020

August von Mackensen in WW2, Stolen Wine, and America

In this episode of Out of the Foxholes, we answer some community questions on what August von Mackensen did in World War Two, if there was a shortage on French wines and what the Axis' perception of the Monroe Doctrine was.

Thu, 5 Mar 2020

Pearl Harbor Teaser - WW2 - Coming December 7th 1941

On 7 December 1941, we will cover the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor minute-by-minute.

Thu, 5 Mar 2020

Carton de Wiart - A Man For All Seasons

Carton de Wiart was a remarkable figure in World War One, but his story continues in World War Two, where he rolls from one adventure into the next.

Tue, 10 Mar 2020

WW2 On The Homefront Starts next week!

Next week our monthly new sub series On The Homefront premieres hosted by Anna Deinhard. This is why...

Wed, 11 Mar 2020

Fallschirmjäger - Germany's Finest

The Fallschirmjäger were Germany's own paratrooper branch, designed to deal a swift and fatal blow behind the enemy's lines. They were deployed with great success in Scandinavia and the Benelux, but they come too close to the sun when they attempt to invade Crete.

Thu, 12 Mar 2020

When You Run Out of Stuff to Hoard - Rationing 1940

In this first episode of On the Homefront, Anna tells you about division of labour, food production and rationing in the early years of the war.

Tue, 17 Mar 2020

Will Stalin invade India? And what about the West Indies?

In today's episode of Out of the Foxholes, we answer exciting questions concerning Dutch and French colonies in America, British defence strategies in India and French soldiers stuck in Britain post-armistice.

Thu, 19 Mar 2020

Hans Oster - A German Against Nazism

Hans Oster opposed the Nazis and tried to oppose them from early on. As a member of the Abwehr, he tried to do whatever he could. During the war, his efforts increased with a dramatic outcome.

Tue, 24 Mar 2020

Poland Will Not Bow to Nazis & Stalinists

Poland faces two brutal occupiers led by Hitler and Stalin, hellbent on wiping Poland off the map. But the Poles have been preparing to stand up and resist since before the war - and now they do.

Fri, 27 Mar 2020

The end of US neutrality? The Lend-Lease Act

The United States of America aims to remain neutral during World War Two. But they see it in their best interest to aid the British in their fight against Nazism. The Lend-Lease Act is designed to do exactly that.

Tue, 31 Mar 2020

Barbarossa, African Jews, and the fate of PoWs in Germany

Did the British government know of the German plans for Operation Barbarossa? What happened to Jewish communities in Ethiopia? And to Prisoners of War in occupied countries?

Thu, 2 Apr 2020

Prince Paul of Yugoslavia - Victim of Circumstance?

A Serb royal with an English heart sounds pretty romantic, but the story of Prince Paul of Yugoslavia is far from it. Trapped by circumstance, he is forced to make decisions that go against his own personal beliefs and leave him condemned as a traitor.

Tue, 7 Apr 2020

Did the British Engineer the Yugoslavian Coup of March 1941?

As Hitler pressured Yugoslavia to join the Axis Powers, Britain tried to gain a Balkan ally. Then Yugoslavia did join then Axis... and then there was an anti-Axis coup in Yugoslavia. But just how much were the British involved in that coup? Let's find out.

Wed, 8 Apr 2020

Girls Armed With Pitchforks - The Women’s Land Army

Now that the labour-needs and the availability of manpower has changed due to the outbreak of World War Two, Women are required to join the workforce. They're put to work in the Women's Land Army.

Tue, 14 Apr 2020

Charles De Gaulle - The Flame of French Resistance?

Charles De Gaulle is a towering figure in history, and not just because of his height. Becoming increasingly political in the interwar years due to his unorthodox views on military strategy, The Fall of France will thrust him into the limelight.

Thu, 16 Apr 2020

Tanks of the Early North-Africa Campaigns, by The Chieftain

The Chieftain takes us to North-Africa, where he talks us through the tanks that were used during the first months of the Battles in North-Africa between the Italians and Germans on the one side and British and commonwealth forces on the other.

Tue, 21 Apr 2020

Field Rations, Foreign Legion, and French Anti-Semitism

What did soldiers eat on the frontlines? What happened to the French Foreign Legion? And how is the legacy of Alfred Dreyfus handled in the anti-semitic Vichy France? Find out in this exciting episode of Out of the Foxholes!

Thu, 23 Apr 2020

Haile Selassie - The New Messiah

Haile Selassie was the Emperor of the Ethiopian Empire. He led the country against the Italians in the Second Italo-Ethiopian War after which he is exiled to Britain.

Tue, 28 Apr 2020

Why Pearl Harbor? Peaceful Portugal, and the poor Kriegsmarine

How were relations between Japan and the United States at the beginning of the war? What were both sides doing to try and make Portugal enter the war? And to what extent did the Kriegsmarine match the Royal Navy? Find out as we answer these questions in this Out of the Foxholes episode!

Thu, 30 Apr 2020

Georgy Zhukov - Hero of the Soviet Union!

Georgy Zhukov's rise to one day become the Hero of the Soviet Union did not happen overnight. Instead, the son of a poor tradesman has slowly worked himself up the ranks of the Red Army using his grit, determination, and iron will.

Tue, 5 May 2020

Sending the Jews to Madagascar? - May 1941

The War Against Humanity is accelerating and accelerating. Across the world, people live under oppression. In Nazi Europe, solutions to the so-called "Jewish Question" has taken on new, fantastical, proportions.

Thu, 7 May 2020

Rudolf Hess - Nazi Pacifist, Traitor or Madman?

In a series of events, Hitlers second in command Rudolf Hess decides to fly to Britain to enter peace negotiations with the Allies. But the true reasons behind and effects of his action remain ambiguous at best.

Tue, 12 May 2020

Protecting the Innocent - Kids Evacuations

The European powers may be at war but there's now thing they can agree on: their young must be protected. So, before the first RAF or Luftwaffe bombs were even dropped on cities, countries are drawing up plans to save as many lives of their youth as they possibly can.

Thu, 14 May 2020

Roald Dahl - Pilot, Seducer and Author

Roald Dahl is not just a beloved author, he is also a wartime adventurer. He saw plenty of action in North-Africa and Greece, where he got the inspiration for many of his work to come.

Tue, 19 May 2020

Indy is in recovery from COVID 19

Indy has been suffering with Covid-19 for the past three weeks, but he seems to be well on the road to recovery. How does this affect the content and scheduling for WW2, TimeGhost, and Sabaton History?

Wed, 20 May 2020

Wehrmacht Wages, Argentina in WW2, and Otto von Habsburg

You’re just an average German doing your work when suddenly you’re called up for service and asked to put your life on the line for your country. But how does your country repay you? Find out today as we take a look at the regular German soldier’s salary, the political turmoil in Argentina during the war and the former powerhouse of Europe: the mighty Habsburg dynasty.

Thu, 21 May 2020

The Battle to Crack Enigma - The real story of "The Imitation Game"

For the British, breaking the German's seemingly unbreakable codes is one of the most vital battles of the war. If they fail, there is litte to stop the German U-Boats hunting down Allied shipping in the Atlantic.

Tue, 26 May 2020

Der Bismarck: Doomed to Fail?

The Bismarck is without a doubt a force to be reckoned with. But with the Kriegsmarine experiencing an identity crisis throughout the 1930s, the Bismarcks design and strategic purpose foreshadow a dramatic ending.

Thu, 28 May 2020

The Wehrmacht's License to Kill the Innocent - May 1941

As the Blitzes of Britain slow down considerably, violence in Croatia increases dramatically as the Ustaše government purges the country of Jews and Serbs and the Wehrmacht gets deadly instructions for their Invasion of the Soviet Union.

Tue, 2 Jun 2020

Foreign Fighters Part 1 - The Non-German Germanics Fighting for Hitler

The SS are the elite force of the Third Reich, representing everything good about the German race. But half of them will one day be foreign-born non-Germans. How did this happen?

Fri, 5 Jun 2020

US Racism Against Germans, South African Neutrality and the Occupation of the Maginot

Did the neutral US discriminate against German- and Italian-Americans? And exactly how pro-Axis was South Africa? And what happened to the Maginot Line after the Fall of France? Find out as Indy answers three more of your interesting questions in this episode of Out of the Foxholes!

Tue, 9 Jun 2020

Operation Barbarossa Transport Vehicles and Logistics

What good is your army if you can't supply it? As the German army prepares to invade the massive lands of the Soviet Union, it faces hefty production, logistical and supply challenges.

Thu, 11 Jun 2020

The Tanks of Operation Barbarossa

We take a look at the types and amounts of tanks available to the German and Soviet armies on the eve before Barbarossa.

Tue, 16 Jun 2020

What Actually Is Blitzkrieg?

When the Nazi war machines tears through Poland, France, and the Soviet Union, people will call it Blitzkrieg. But what is Blitzkrieg and is it anything that unique?

Thu, 18 Jun 2020

Soviet Gender Equality Was a Scam

The future looks bright for soviet women in the 1910s, they have the right to vote and they're on track for social emancipation. Yet this doesn't last long. Soon, the demands of the nation will rob them of these promises.

Fri, 19 Jun 2020

Bonus Before Barbarossa - Ep 001 to 014 1939 Remakes

Are you new to WW2 in Real Time, or a long time viewer? No matter, now you can see our first 14 weekly episodes in higher quality and with even more detail.

Sun, 21 Jun 2020

The Holocaust Begins in Lithuania - June 1941

The German Fallschirmjäger target the Cretan civilian population as they take the Island with big losses. But the War Against Humanity intensifies dramatically as Operation Barbarossa is launched on 22nd June, 1941.

Thu, 25 Jun 2020

A Non-Nazi in Nazi Uniform? - Gerd von Rundstedt

Most of the German high-command are not committed National Socialists. So what were like and why did they still serve the Nazi regime?

Tue, 30 Jun 2020

500,000 subs! - Bloopers

To celebrate that we have reached the milestone of 500k subscribers, we have a nice message from us for you. And some bloopers.

Wed, 1 Jul 2020

The Healthcare Crisis of 1941

When WWII breaks out many parts of the world are still missing population wide healthcare. The pressure of the war deteriorates healthcare services even further. By 1941, both the British Commonwealth and Germany are facing an outright healthcare crisis on the home front.

Thu, 2 Jul 2020

The Luftwaffe and Barbarossa

Unlike the German Army, which for the most part had many idle months over the past year, the German Air Force- the Luftwaffe- has seen constant action in the Battle of Britain and the Mediterranean Theater. How did this affect its preparations and plans for the invasion of the Soviet Union?

Tue, 7 Jul 2020

The Real James Bond was Balkan - Duško Popov

The career of Duško Popov is probably more exciting than any work of fiction. A glamorous and brave spy who plays a central role in the underground intelligence war of the time.

Thu, 9 Jul 2020

Barbarossa, Hitler's and Stalin's Hell on Earth - July 1941, Part 01

When the German armed forces invade the USSR, they come with an order to exterminate from Hitler. Now the defending Soviet armed forces receive similar orders from Stalin. The bloodshed that follows defies human imagination.

Tue, 14 Jul 2020

Spanish Republican Exiles - Nazi Colonialism & Hitler + Mussolini ≠ ❤️

What did Spanish Republicans do during the Second World War? How would the Axis have divided Africa? And did Hitler plan to keep Mussolini around after the war? Find out as Indy and the Chair of Infinite Knowledge answer three more intriguing questions in this episode of Out of the Foxholes!

Thu, 16 Jul 2020

Operation Barbarossa - The German Plans to Lose the War

The planning for Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union, took nearly a year and went through a variety of scenarios. The basic plan was finalized in December 1940, and that month General Friedrich Paulus ran a series of war games to test its feasibility. Today we'll look at his conclusions.

Tue, 21 Jul 2020

War Diplomats, Japanese/Soviet Neutrality, and why not Sweden?

What happened to Allied ambassadors? And how did Hitler react to the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact? And why didn’t he invade Sweden? Once again, Indy is in the Chair of Infinite Knowledge answering all your exciting questions about World War Two!

Thu, 23 Jul 2020

Operation Barbarossa - How much Intelligence do you need?

Josef Stalin was warned time and again from a variety of sources of the German plans for invading the Soviet Union, and yet, he did NOT heed those warnings.

Thu, 30 Jul 2020

Generalplan Ost, the Nazi plan to kill the Slavs

In China, and the Soviet Union, all sides are causing widespread death to the local civilians. The defending forces are scorching the earth and plundering their own civilians, the attacking armed forces of Japan and Germany are executing planned genocide and mass destruction.

Tue, 4 Aug 2020

A Career Anti-Fascist – George Orwell

George Orwell is one of the most famous English writers in the modern age. But how did he become the man who would coin so many of the words we still use in our political debates?

Thu, 6 Aug 2020

Hitler's screen idol - Leni Riefenstahl

Leni Riefenstal's film techniques were groundbreaking and are still influential today. She did, though, create her most famous works in the service of Adolf Hitler.

Wed, 12 Aug 2020

How Feminism Came to the Middle East - Women's Emancipation

While battles rage across the world, women at home are fighting for their basic emancipation. In Egypt, Huda Shaarawi stands at the center of this struggle.

Thu, 13 Aug 2020

The Luftwaffe and Barbarossa, Part II - No Longer Masters of the Sky

As Barbarossa unfolds and the Germans take ever more Soviet territory, they have ever fewer planes with which to fly over it. What does this mean for the forces on the ground? What does this mean for their other theaters of war?

Tue, 18 Aug 2020

British Deserters, Sword Fights, and Poison Gas

What happened to deserters in the British Army? Did Chinese and Japanese troops ever engage in sword to sword combat? Why didn’t Germany use poison gas on the battlefield? Find out the answers to all these questions in today’s Out of the Foxholes!

Thu, 20 Aug 2020

"Your Strict Thesis is not Correct!" - Reading Comments

Indy and Sparty are back again for ‘Across the Airwaves,’ where we look at interesting and unique comments from our videos and forums. In this episode, we will look at foreign volunteers in the SS, and the Polish experience in World War Two.

Tue, 25 Aug 2020

Pearl Harbor and Tie Barn Update!

Join us for a progress update of the intense and thrilling work with the Pearl Harbor minute-by-minute special! Indy and Spartacus will - in their own special way - walk you through what's going on with this MEGA DOCUMENTARY. Indy and Astrid will also let you know the status of the ties from Indy's Tie Barn that have been auctioned off so far.

Wed, 26 Aug 2020

Extermination Now! - August 1941, Part 01

Not all plans for Operation Barbarossa are as successful as hoped. In August 1941, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler push forward their plans to wage war on all Jews, unleashing the Einzatsgruppen and the SS Cavalry Brigade of Hermann Fegelein on the Jewish people of Eastern Europe.

Fri, 28 Aug 2020

Hitler's Hangman and Himmler's Protégé - Reinhard Heydrich

After being taken in by Himmler as a sort of apprentice, Reinhard Heydrich rapidly climbed the Nazi political hierarchy. With the outbreak of World War Two, he expands his political power by ruthlessly carrying out political repression on the home front and genocidal racial policies of the Third Reich.

Tue, 1 Sep 2020

The ϟϟ and Wehrmacht Murder Inc. - August 1941, Part 2

Fegelein's and Himmler's actions to 'comb' the Pripet Marshes for Jews continues. The largest mass-murder yet is committed in Kamianets-Podilskyi, while new methods to commit genocide on an industrial scale are being devised.

Thu, 3 Sep 2020

Tanks of the Red Army in 1941: Armoured Cars and Light Tanks, by the Chieftain

Chieftain is back on the World War Two channel with a deep-dive into the Soviet armour in the first months of war on the Eastern Front. Remember that this is only Part 1 and covers armoured cars and light tanks. Part 2 comes out next week and focuses on medium and heavy tanks.

Tue, 8 Sep 2020

Ecuadorian-Peruvian War: The War That Had Nothing to do with World War Two

While the Second World War grows ever more destructive, some nations take advantage of the global chaos to settle old disputes. In Peru and Ecuador, long standing territorial disputes turn violent.

Thu, 10 Sep 2020

Tanks of the Red Army in 1941: Medium and Heavy Tanks, by the Chieftain

Chieftain returns to the World War Two channel this week for Part 2 of his deep-dive into the Soviet armor in the first months of war on the Eastern Front. This week, the focus is on medium and heavy tanks.

Tue, 15 Sep 2020

Édith Piaf during World War Two, Kerensky, & the German Journey to N. Africa

How did Alexander Kerensky react towards the invasion of the Soviet Union? How were French musicians working during the war? How did Germans get to Africa in 1940? Find out from Indy the answers to all these questions in Out of the Foxholes!

Thu, 17 Sep 2020

The Man in Monty's Shadow - Claude Auchinleck

Claude Auchinleck put military matters over that of politics. Although this angered some, mainly Churchill, Auchinleck still found himself in India, and later facing down Rommel in North Africa.

Tue, 22 Sep 2020

Resistance is Futile in Nazi Europe - September 1941, Part 1

In the first half of September, Nazi murder campaigns in Vilnius and the Pripet Marshes continue. In the rest of Europe, the Germans tighten their grip on the occupied countries, taking away media privileges and further restricting the freedoms of Jewish populations.

Fri, 25 Sep 2020

America First - Patriots or Nazis?

In 1941, the question of whether America should join the European War still isn't settled. Different groups whip up opposition to it, and those such as the America First Committee seem suspiciously sympathetic to Hitler's message and cause.

Tue, 29 Sep 2020

The Rape of Humanity at Babi Yar

Killing Jews by the thousands becomes the main way of eradicating the Jews in Eastern Europe in August and September 1941. The Mass Murder at Babi Yar in Kiev is yet another escalation in that process.

Thu, 1 Oct 2020

Keeping up with the Bonapartes, Sino-German relations and Barbarossa news

What were the Bonapartes up to during World War Two? How were the German casualties of Operation Barbarossa reported, if at all, in Germany? And what exactly was the relationship between China and Germany in World War Two? Join Indy in the Chair of Infinite Wisdom to find out.

Wed, 7 Oct 2020

Yugoslav Resistance and Serb Collaboration in 1941

Resistance has been brewing since the Axis invasion in April 1941. Multiple resistance groups fight for very different reasons and with different methods. When they launch a big offensive against the occupier, lines between friend and foe become blurry.

Thu, 8 Oct 2020

Wolfpack Killers - U-Boat Tactics

German U-Boats were a big threat to Allied shipping across the Atlantic. New inventions and tactics triggered a race to outsmart the opponent, dramatically changing the tides of the Battle of the Atlantic every few months.

Tue, 13 Oct 2020

The Wehrmacht is Not Clean! - October 1941 Pt 1

The Wehrmacht is deeply involved with the Nazis' War Against Humanity. They are complicit in the murder of thousands of Jews in the 'Holocaust of Bullets', and the severe treatment of Soviet Prisoners of War. In October 1941, Wehrmacht General Walther von Reichenau issues the 'Severity Order', taking away any ambiguity there may be as to the Wehrmacht's vision.

Thu, 15 Oct 2020

The First Liberation From Nazism - The Republic of Užice

When the Yugoslav Partisans and Chetniks liberate a large part of modern-day Serbia, the Partisans found the Republic of Užice, complete with its own governmental structure, education and cultural policy and weapons factory.

Tue, 20 Oct 2020

On Stalin's Secret Service - Richard Sorge

A spy who is famous for warning Stalin about Hitler's plan to invade the Soviet Union. But he was so much more than that. His fascinating life begins in the Cacuausases and eventually leads him to Tokyo.

Thu, 22 Oct 2020

Cranking This War Up to Eleven - Hideki Tojo

A man who was both Japan's War Minister and Prime Minister, who played a large role in escalating the already daunting scale of the war in China to a world war against multiple world powers. We learn about his life from his birth in Tokyo in 1884 to his execution at Sugamo prison in Tokyo in 1948.

Wed, 28 Oct 2020

The Banality of Death - October 1941 Pt. 2

French resistance members liquidate a high-ranking German officer, triggering a series of retaliatory actions by the German occupiers. Meanwhile, actions in the 'Holocaust of Bullets' continue in the east as German forces move further into the USSR, taking Odessa.

Thu, 29 Oct 2020

How Mighty is the Red Army?

Hitler and German High Command had expected the invasion of the Soviet Union to be an easy victory and for the Red Army to quickly collapse. Yet here we are, with millions of Soviet soldiers captured, wounded or killed and the Red Army still holding fast.

Tue, 3 Nov 2020

An American Globalist - Cordell Hull

Cordell Hull is the face of American diplomacy in 1941 as it navigates the precarious road to war against Imperial Japan.

Thu, 5 Nov 2020

How To Kill 15,000 People in One Day - November 1941 Pt 1

As German troops pull into eastern Ukraine, locals fight back in any way they can. Some of them have been the target of Soviet brutalization for decades. For many who are deemed 'enemy of the Third Reich', the first two weeks of November 1941 are their last, as the 'Holocaust of Bullets' continues.

Tue, 10 Nov 2020

Pearl Harbor- Minute by Minute - Official Teaser!

December 7th is one of the pivotal dates in world history. That day, Japan launched offensives all over Southeast Asia and the Pacific to secure the resources that embargo had denied them. They also- more famously- launched a surprise attack against the American Pacific Fleet at anchor at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii- the only naval power with any realistic chance of stopping them. The United States was neutral, but this "Day of Infamy" brought the US very much into World War Two. We are covering the events of that day for five hours in real time as they happen, and have recreated many of the action sequences in collaboration with World of Warships using their game engine. It's going to be very cool; it's going to be very good; and it's going to happen December 7th.

Thu, 12 Nov 2020

Deception and Dust-ups - Desert Warfare Tactics

When Allies and Axis clash on the deserts of North Africa, harsh and unique conditions force them to develop new tactics. From misdirection to new ways to move across the desert, all to gain an advantage over the enemy.

Wed, 18 Nov 2020

Patton marches on Shreveport, Romania vs. USSR, and Free French intelligence

How did the non-German Axis fare against the Soviet Union? What was the intelligence agency of the Free French like? And what were the Louisiana Maneuvers? All these questions are answered in this edition of Out of the Foxholes.

Thu, 19 Nov 2020

Switzerland: Neutral or Nazi Ally?

After the fall of France in June 1940, neutral Switzerland found itself surrounded on all sides by a hostile expansionist power. The small nation would have been a valuable possession but the jaws of the Reich hesitated to swallow it. How did Switzerland manage to exit the conflict intact and largely unscathed?

Tue, 24 Nov 2020

Japanese Plague Bombs - November 1941, Pt. 2

Japanse deploys Biological Weapons in China, leading to un unspecified number of deaths. Meanwhile, European Jews from Germany and their occupied territories are deported to Eastern Europe, where Jews are already being killed by the thousands.

Thu, 26 Nov 2020

The Nazis: Most Notorious Art Thieves in History

During their occupation of large parts of Europe, the Nazis systematically looted foreign countries for art, gold and other items holding financial or cultural value. Often for any larger purpose, but for their own, egocentric, criminal gain.

Tue, 1 Dec 2020

A Japanese Bureaucratic Mess

Contrary to popular belief, Imperial Japan was not an absolute monarchy marching (or sailing) to war with singular vision and purpose. Rather, it was a dysfunctional government of competing factions, players and interests.

Thu, 3 Dec 2020

Pearl Harbor and the Global War Against Humanity - December 1941, Part 1

December 1941 marks the shift to a new chapter in the War Against Humanity. New fronts open up, exposing millions more to the horrors of war. Other developments continue their path of continuous escalation.

Fri, 11 Dec 2020

The NKVD: from Pen-Pushers to Communist Hit Squads

The NKVD started out as your regular old Ministry of the Interior. But over time, they grew out to a hugely influential and highly lethal weapon for some of the Soviet Union's leaders.

Tue, 15 Dec 2020

The Warlords of the United Nations

Following the German declaration of war on America on the 11th of December 1941, Britain gained an invaluable ally. Securing a joint military command between the new partnership will be central to its success, the question is, how can this be achieved?

Thu, 17 Dec 2020

Kido Butai: Terror of the Pacific

Kido Butai was the fleet that launched the surprise attack on the US Pacific Fleet at anchor at Pearl Harbor and followed that up with a string of victories in 1942. But how was it commanded, both as a whole and in the high and even mid level command? Today we'll look at that.

Tue, 22 Dec 2020

Christmas with Adolf Hitler - December 1941, Part 2

Christmas 1941. A holiday season in a year of darkness and suffering, where Hitler celebrates his own greatness as the world goes up in flames.

Thu, 24 Dec 2020

Waking the Sleeping Giant - America Prepares for War

As the United States enter World War Two, a huge industrial giant awakens from hibernation. This episode covers Industrial Mobilization plans, their execution, and their potential.

Tue, 12 Jan 2021

Germany Bankrupts Greece - Countless Die in Famine – January 1942 - pt. 1

The early weeks of 1942 show how much of a global War Against Humanity this really is. People in occupied zones across the globe suffer under the boot of their tormentors. In Greece, thousands die in a famine, while repressive tactics claim the lives of many more in the Balkans. The Holocaust continues in cities and the extermination camp of Chełmno, while the Japanese army wreaks havoc in South-East Asia as they advance on Allied positions.

Thu, 14 Jan 2021

Hitler Never Gave the Order - So Who Did?

The structure of decision-making in the Nazi Party and the German government is clouded in ambiguity and implicit power-structures. We explore how this leads to a. rat-race, resulting in an endless spiral of irrational decisions and violence.

Tue, 19 Jan 2021

Japan’s Only Pacific “Ally” – Phibun’s Thailand

Thailand's prime minister and de-facto dictator Plaek Phibunsongkhram imported European fascism, nationalism and militarism to his country. But when Japan's threat to South-East Asia became imminent, Phibun didn't know what to do. His story is one of utter indecisiveness and opportunism.

Thu, 21 Jan 2021

Behind the Scenes of WW2 - TimeGhost Cribs

This week we will start a series of videos where you get to know the team that makes this magnificent content.

Tue, 26 Jan 2021

Japan's Big Asian Gamble

Access to scarce natural resources and labor was a big reason for the Japanese to invade numerous South-East Asian countries. But was that necessary? And did the benefits outweigh the risk? Let's find out!

Wed, 27 Jan 2021

Pearl Harbor - the Making of a Stupid, Fun Project

In our second episode of TimeGHost WW2 Cribs we have a look at some behind the scenes footage and we get to see Iryna host in Ukrainian.

Wed, 27 Jan 2021

Did 90 Minutes Decide the Fate of the Jews? - The Wannsee Conference – January 1942 Pt. 2

To most, the Wannsee Conference is synonymous with the moment the Holocaust started. In fact, the meeting is mainly designed to formalise policy, and to involve political and governmental organisations in the crime.

Thu, 28 Jan 2021

Just Following Orders? - Death Camp Commandants

All Nazi transit, concentration, labour and extermination camps were led by Nazi officers. In this episode, we're taking a look at some of them to see what kind of people rose to those positions and what impact they made.

Tue, 2 Feb 2021

Where Hitler’s Moustache Came From, Kurds in WW2, and Germans in Italy

Where is Kurdistan and how were it's people involved in World War Two? Did Germany try to annex South Tyrol from Italy? And why did Hitler have that Moustache? Find out in this episode of Out of the Foxholes.

Thu, 4 Feb 2021

Spies and Ties Teaser

Astrid, our producer and Queen of F-ing Everything asked you guys if you wanted spy stories. Well... you did. Also, today we start auctioning off Indy's ties every week. See the pinned comment for more info.

Mon, 8 Feb 2021

One Advantage of Swiss Neutrality: LSD! - Reading Comments

Another edition of Across the Airwaves, where Indy and Sparty look at interesting and unique comments from our videos. In this episode, they look at gentlemanly declarations of war, Partisan memories, and LSD.

Tue, 9 Feb 2021

Britain Chooses War Crimes - RAF Strategic Bombing Part 1 – February 1942

As the winter of 1942 continues, many Soviet civilians suffer under the German Siege of Leningrad. Meanwhile, the British are shifting their bombing strategy from targeting factories to targeting homes.

Thu, 11 Feb 2021

Communist Amazons - Women of the Red Army

Hundreds of thousands of Soviet Women were deployed in the Red Army and Red Navy during World War Two. They served in a multitude of functions, from traditional roles like nurses to roles previously associated with men. They were pilots, snipers, tank-crews, and fought on the very front of the lines.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021

Quislings! - Traitors of World War Two

The name of Norwegian National Socialist Politician Vidkun Quisling became synonymous with 'traitor' and 'collaborator'. In this gallery episode, we'll cover some of the most prominent Quislings in World War Two.

Thu, 18 Feb 2021

Japan's Biological Terror! - The Horror of Unit 731

As one of the few nations during World War Two, Japan made expensive use of biological and chemical weapons, both on and off the battlefield. Unit 731 is their special bio-warfare department, which conducts testing on living human civilians.

Tue, 23 Feb 2021

US Detention, Nazi Deportation, and Death in the East – February 1942, Pt 2

Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an order to intern all Japanese-American citizens on the West Coast of the United States, while the Italians open up new concentration camps to deal with their ethnic enemies in the Balkans. At the same time, a large group of Jews attempts to escape Europe by boat, with disastrous consequences.

Thu, 25 Feb 2021

Geishas: World War Two Prostitutes or Entertainers?

The geisha class has long been a feature of Japanese society. In the 1920s, they were caught between the struggle for women's liberation and the rising sexual demand of powerful men. This crossfire only becomes more intense as war sweeps the Pacific.

Tue, 2 Mar 2021

Colonial Troops Saving Their Masters

Without the incredible support and sacrifice of troops from British and French colonies, the Allies would be having an even harder time withstanding the Axis onslaught. This episode looks at their formation and their fighting style.

Thu, 4 Mar 2021

Where Great Men Were Made: American Officer Training

West Point and Annapolis are two of the most iconic military academies in America - maybe even the world. The two institutions have produced the men who are leading America's fight against the Axis powers.

Tue, 9 Mar 2021

Extermination Begins at Auschwitz - March 1942, pt. 1

The crackdown on 'undesired' ethnic populations in the Balkans continues as Mario Roatta issues 'Circular 3C'. The Germans kill 5000 German Jews in the 'Dünamünde Action', and the Japanese purge the Chinese communities of Singapore in the 'Sook Ching' massacre. Additionally, the new camp of Auschwitz Birkenau opens its doors in Poland.

Thu, 11 Mar 2021

Sunny Beaches, Fascist Leaders, and Nazi Spies

South-America is home to one of Germany's most effective spy-networks. In Operation Bolivar, dozens of German operatives transmit information from and to the USA, Brazil, Argentina, and other South and Central American countries, giving the Abwehr and SD access to crucial information on politics, economics, and military business.

Tue, 16 Mar 2021

Did Soviet Soldiers Ever Get Time Off?

Ever wonder if the Kriegsmarine saw any action in the Pacific Ocean? Or if the average Soviet soldier ever get a vacation from the most destructive conflict in the history of humanity? You can find out the answers in this episode of Out of the Foxholes!

Thu, 18 Mar 2021

Eichmann: Mass Murderer or Train Conductor?

Adolf Eichmann was one of the masterminds behind the 'Final Solution of the Jewish Question'. Or was he? In his trial, he argued to be merely a bureaucrat who was following orders. This episode attempts to shine a light on the real role of this controversial figure.

Tue, 23 Mar 2021

Fifty Families Murdered Every Hour - March 1942, pt. 2

A report on the effect of strategic bombing called the 'Dehousing Paper' is spread to justify the targeting of the civilian population of Germany. In Poland, one by one, extermination camps are starting construction. This month, a new one is finished, named Belzec. Here, Jews and other minority undesirables from Poland are gassed.

Thu, 25 Mar 2021

British Commandos - Men of the Hunter Class

After the German take over continental Europe, the British invent the commando, a new soldier type to raid and harass German installations in occupied Europe.

Tue, 30 Mar 2021

Victory at any Cost? - Allied Censorship

Censorship was not just a practice in totalitarian regimes. During World War Two, democratic liberties in Allied countries often clashed with propaganda and restrictions of the press.

Thu, 1 Apr 2021

Hitler and Stalin's Child Soldiers: The Hitler Youth and KOMSOMOL

Patriotism and war enthusiasm sweeps through the totalitarian countries in the run-up to the second world war. This doesn´t leave out children either, who are supposed to become the prime soldiers of the future.

Tue, 6 Apr 2021

Leading the Resistance

Under the violent occupation by Axis forces, dozens all over the globe resisted or took up arms to fight for the survival of their nation, ethnicity, ideology or ideals.

Thu, 8 Apr 2021

War Stories We Didn't Get to Tell

Another edition of Across the Airwaves, where Indy, Sparty, and Astrid look at interesting and unique comments from our videos. In this episode, some amazing war stories that we didn't get to tell.

Tue, 13 Apr 2021

The Bataan Death March Begins – April 1942, Pt 1

Malta and British cities are victim to German bombs, while the Japanese advance in Burma causes a refugee crisis. In the Philippines, 80,000 Allied POWs walk the Bataan Death March.

Thu, 15 Apr 2021

What Happens after WW2, and get Collectibles!

Indy, Sparty, and Astrid discuss TimeGhost after WW2, and the launch of our new TimeGhost Collectibles.

Sat, 17 Apr 2021

Hitler's Money and How He Stole It

On paper, Hitler never made a lot of money. Yet he became one of the wealthiest people of his time. This is how he stole his fortune.

Tue, 20 Apr 2021

Taiwan Under Occupation, Axis Solidarity, and U-Boats in the Med

Ever wonder what life was like in Taiwan during the Second World War? Or if German U-Boats were active in the Mediterranean? You can find out the answers in this episode of Out of the Foxholes!

Thu, 22 Apr 2021

The Royals at War

From inspiring their subjects to plotting international strategy, the world's monarchies still have a crucial role to play in their country's war effort during the Second World War. As you'll find out, some sovereigns are much more successful at this than others.

Tue, 27 Apr 2021

The Horrors of Partisan Warfare – April 1942, Pt 2

April 1942 sees bombing campaigns in Germany and Britain, as well as German anti-partisan actions in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

Thu, 29 Apr 2021

The Greatest Spy Story Almost Never Told

A spy story almost forgotten to history that is key to understanding the espionage campaign that was waged as Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill publicly directed the frontlines. Coming together here are the histories of cryptography, Nazi double-agents, and nuclear weapons.

Tue, 4 May 2021

The Nazi Invasion of Canada?!

What would happen if Nazi Germany invaded Canada? You don't need to imagine. In 1942, the government of Mackenzie King launch a propaganda effort that simulates Canada falling under Hitler's yoke. Why? For the war economy of course!

Thu, 6 May 2021

The World's First Lady - Eleanor Roosevelt

She is much more than the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and once she tasted political life, she soon followed her own interests, changing what it means to be a politician's wife.

Tue, 11 May 2021

100,000 Dead British Subjects in Burma – May 1942, Pt 1

A large number of European and asian inhabitants of South-East Asia are locked up in Japanese prison camps, while in Burma, a big refugee crisis claims the lives of thousands. In Auschwitz-Birkenau and Sobibor, gassing Jews on an immense scale begins.

Thu, 13 May 2021

Racism of the US Army - Fighting for Freedom?

While the US was fighting for freedom and liberty across the globe, their home country and armies are still deeply segregated, causing minority groups in the USA to fight not one but two wars.

Tue, 18 May 2021

Life Inside a Japanese PoW Camp

The inhuman, torturous, and deadly Japanese PoW Camps famous from “Bridge over the River Kwai,” “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence,” “Empire of the Sun,” and more recently “Unbroken” are a world of abuse and mistreatment managed by willfully incompetent and sadistically brutal men.

Thu, 20 May 2021

The Great All-Out Battle - Naval Warfare in the Pacific

Before the infamous day that was Pearl Harbor, US and Japanese military planners worked to envision what a future war in the Pacific would look like. With the entire region now a war zone, it is time to put their theories to the test. Watch the video to find out what these are.

Tue, 25 May 2021

The Plot to Kill Hitler's Hangman - Operation Anthropoid – May 1942, Pt 2

Arthur Harris and his RAF Bombers carry out a massive bombing raid on Cologne. Meanwhile, one of the architects of the Holocaust, Reinhard Heydrich is the target of a spectacular assassination attempt.

Thu, 27 May 2021

How Hitler Manipulated Germany into Committing Genocide

In the wrong hands, propaganda is a powerful tool that can trick whole countries into supporting a dictator, go to war, or even commit genocide.

Tue, 1 Jun 2021

Midway on the path from Hell to Heaven - this weekend!

The war is getting bigger and bigger, and we must grow with it. That's where the TimeGhost Army, our tie auctions, and our collectibles store comes in.

Thu, 3 Jun 2021

Do the Nazis Have Atomic Bombs?

All belligerents are working hard to develop a powerful nuclear super-weapon. The Americans wonder how far along the Germans are, and send in their spies.

Tue, 8 Jun 2021

Is Finland an Ally of Nazi Germany? - Carl Gustaf Mannerheim

Carl Gustaf Mannerheim is a national hero after his service in everything from the Finnish Civil War to the Winter War. But did he plan a war of aggression with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union? And if so, did Hitler and Stalin even give him any choice in the matter?

Thu, 10 Jun 2021

By Sea, By Land - A Global History of the Marines

Naval infantrymen have long been a feature of warfare. In the build-up to 1939, they took on new functions and tactics. The Royal Marines, the US Marine Corps, Black Death, Kaiheidan, and more are ready for all-out amphibious warfare in the Pacific Theatre and beyond.

Tue, 15 Jun 2021

Heydrich, Architect of the Holocaust, Dies – June 1942, Pt. 1

Reinhard Heydrich is fighting for his life, as the hunt of his assassins continues. Meanwhile, news of the nazi atrocities starts to reach the Allied countries.

Thu, 17 Jun 2021

The RAF and Luftwaffe Bombers of Western Europe

What aircraft are being sent out by commanders like Hermann Göring and Arthur Harris to blitz and firebomb enemy cities? Watch the video to learn the specs of the Handley Page Halifax, Avro Lancaster, Junkers Ju-88, Dornier Do-17, Dornier Do-217, and Heinkel He-111 as they fly in their respective 1,000 Bomber Raids and Baedeker Blitz.

Tue, 22 Jun 2021

The Birth of the Manhattan Project

When nuclear fission was discovered, scientists theorized if it could be used in an atom bomb. Thus, American Army sets up one of the biggest research projects in history: The Manhattan Project.

Thu, 24 Jun 2021

The Red Orchestra - The Nazi-Soviet Spy Dance

An extensive network of spies and radio operators are gathering intelligence and sending it to Moscow from Western Europe. They are a colourful group of people who go by the name of Die Rote Kapelle, or Red Orchestra.

Tue, 29 Jun 2021

Operation Barbarossa Time-Lapse Map - Eastern Front 1941-1942

A year ago we covered the largest invasion in history: Operation Barbarossa - the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union. Here is the time-lapse map of the whole one year campaign in the USSR.

Wed, 30 Jun 2021

Japan's Institutionalization of Rape – June 1942, Pt. 2

During the occupation of South-East Asia, Japan builds a large system of institutionalized rape to 'keep their soldiers happy'. Meanwhile, Allied refugees from Burma find a safe haven in India, but for some, hardship continues.

Thu, 1 Jul 2021

Poland's Forgotten Spy War against the Nazis

The Polish played a big part in cracking the Enigma codes. From there, the Polish spy and intelligence operation became even bigger.

Tue, 6 Jul 2021

The Western Warlords of Asian Armies

From the Battle of Shanghai to the Burma Campaign and beyond, Western military advisors have played a big role in the actions of East Asian armies in the Pacific Theatre. Watch the videos to learn the stories of Joseph Stilwell, Claire Lee Chennault, the Flying Tigers, the Chindits, and more.

Thu, 8 Jul 2021

Jewish Luftwaffe Officers, Allied POW's, and Vichy Islands Near Canada

How did Germans with Jewish heritage still serve in the Luftwaffe? And what happened to the Allied POW's from the German invasions of France and Belgium? And what the hell happened with those tiny Vichy islands near Canada? We answer all of this in today's Out of the Foxholes.

Tue, 13 Jul 2021

Forced Sterilization Experiments Begin at Auschwitz - July 1942, Pt 1

Operation Millennium is discontinued, while in Poland the Auschwitz Birkenau camp starts to systematically gas thousands of people a week. Some who aren't murdered on arrival are subjected to horrific medical and sterilization experiments.

Thu, 15 Jul 2021

The Abwehr: The Trojan Horse in Nazi Germany

The Abwehr was the German military intelligence agency during World War Two. At the same time, it was the home of some high-ranking anti-nazi resistance members.

Tue, 20 Jul 2021

FDR Knew about Pearl Harbor?!

Here is another installment of Across the Airwaves where Indy and Sparty take the opportunity to directly address some of the comments left by our community. In this episode, we take a look at some of the more controversial comments left on our videos.

Thu, 22 Jul 2021

Eastern Front Deployments, July 1942

It is what it says it is, the front line deployments of the Axis and Soviet forces in the Southern Part of the Eastern Front in late July 1942. Hitler's forces invading, and Josef Stalin's on defense.

Sun, 25 Jul 2021

The 100 Deadliest Days of the Holocaust Begin... - July 1942, Pt .2

The extermination camps of Operation Reinhard are ready to start killing hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto, starting the deadliest 100 days of the Holocaust.

Thu, 29 Jul 2021

Oil - Hitler's Only Chance to Win the War?

Well, we all know by know that the Wehrmacht is driving into the Caucasus to try and take the Soviet oilfields, but how bad is their oil situation, actually? And how will they get it out of the ground if the Soviets sabotage the fields and wells? What exactly is the plan? Let's find out.

Tue, 3 Aug 2021

Shostakovich: Stalin's Composer?

Leningrad’s Dmitri Shostakovich has risen from a child prodigy to be one of the Soviet Union’s most celebrated composers, having rescued his career from Stalin’s interference along the way. Desperate to defend Russia after the German invasion, he fights back, not with a rifle, but with music.

Thu, 5 Aug 2021

The Black Markets of World War Two

With the scarce food supply brought about by war, many turn to the black market and its astronomic prices as supplements. It is a place for opportunists and patriotic protesters, but mainly it's a means to survive.

Fri, 6 Aug 2021

The Symphony That Defeated the Wehrmacht - August 1942, Pt .1

The Big Action at the Warsaw Ghetto continues, while The Japanese carry out retaliations against the Chinese for aiding American airmen. Dmitri Shostakovich's 'Symphony no. 7' premieres in the besieged city of Leningrad.

Tue, 10 Aug 2021

How to Become James Bond

Astrid talks about spying all the time, but what was it actually like for people on the ground? We look through the lens of the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) to find out!

Thu, 12 Aug 2021

Infantry Weapons at Guadalcanal

What weapons are in the hands of Japanese and American infantrymen during the bloody island warfare of Guadalcanal? Watch this special hardware episode to find out.

Fri, 13 Aug 2021

The Conscripts and Conscientious Objectors of World War Two

When Germany and Japan mobilize huge numbers of well-trained conscripts and sweep across Europe and Asia, Britain and America are forced to devote huge resources to closing the gap. But how far should the rights of those who refuse to fight be respected?

Tue, 17 Aug 2021

Did Patton really say “f@¢k you, I won’t do what you tell me”?

Answering Questions

Thu, 19 Aug 2021

The 100 Deadliest Days of the Holocaust

The daily death rates in the Nazi genocide of the Jews that began on June 22, 1941 and lasted all the way until the last weeks of the war in April 1945 are staggering for the entire duration. But the average rate of murder is dwarfed by the 100 deadliest days of the Holocaust in the second half of 1942.

Thu, 19 Aug 2021

Did Churchill choose the thug life, or did the thug life choose him?

Tue, 24 Aug 2021

Carica! - The Cavalry Charges of World War Two

The Eastern Front is a battleground of Blitzkrieg and Deep Battle; Panzers vs. T-34s; Nazism and Communism. You'd think that there would be no place for cavalry tactics here. But the Wehrmacht, Red Army, and Regio Esercito do still use centuries-old cavalry tactics in their waging of war.

Tue, 24 Aug 2021

Did Stalin believe in yesterday, when all his troubles seemed so far away?

Thu, 26 Aug 2021

Will Brazil Fight the Nazis? - Getúlio Vargas

Brazilian President, Getúlio Vargas, has led his country as dictator since the 1930s. He has embraced European fascist ideas and fostered close ties with Germany and Italy. Yet, he also maintains a close relationship with the United States. After skilfully playing both sides, he must now choose Axis or Allies.

Thu, 26 Aug 2021

The Opposite of Blitzkrieg - Siege Tactics on the Eastern Front

German military doctrine is all about mobility and operational maneuverability, but there comes a time in this war, well, several times, when an actual classic siege is called for. So how does the Wehrmacht respond to that call? Find out today.

Tue, 31 Aug 2021

D-Day 1944/2023 - make it happen!

Thu, 2 Sep 2021

Why Don't the French Resist? - August 1942, pt. 2

Citizens in Stalingrad face German bombs as Soviet officials refuse to evacuate. The German counter-insurgency effort increases, but people continue to resist against all odds. The Treblinka camp breaks down under the ambitions of its commandant, Irmfried Eberl.

Thu, 2 Sep 2021

Making Hitler Transgender? - Early Operations of the CIA

World War Two gave birth to a new American Centralised Intelligence Agency: The OSS. Led by "Wild Bill" Donovan, it is the cradle of many outrageous plans, spy stories, and gadgets.

Tue, 7 Sep 2021

The German Slave Economy

To fuel the German war economy, the Nazis force millions of Prisoners of War, Concentration Camp inmates and civilians from all over Europe to work for in their factories and on their farms as slave laborers under harsh circumstances.

Thu, 9 Sep 2021

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