Where to stream Wayne Season 1

Season 1

Watch Wayne Season 1 in Australia

Released: 16th Jan, 2019

8.4 / 10

Where to watch Wayne Season 1

Apple TV

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Season 1 Episodes

S01 Episode 1

Chapter One: Get Some Then

Wayne, a violent teenager from Massachusetts is immediately taken with Del, a girl who shows up on his doorstep selling cookies. When Wayne's father dies from cancer, Wayne and Del decide to drive to Florida to retrieve Wayne's father's Trans Am.

34 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

S01 Episode 2

Chapter Two: No Priests

Del starts to have doubts about Wayne when he reveals that he doesn't know where they're going. Meanwhile, Wayne's best friend, his principal, Del's father and brothers, and two Brockton police officers all set off to pursue Wayne and Del.

32 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

S01 Episode 3

Chapter Three: The Goddamned Beacon of Truth

After Wayne and Del make an appearance on the local news, Del gives Wayne a lesson in lying in order to keep their new cool friends at bay.

33 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

S01 Episode 4

Chapter Four: Find Something Black To Wear

After being robbed, Wayne goes to work as a day labourer as Del becomes obsessed with a stranger's death; Carl and Teddy celebrate their birthday on the road and come to terms with who their father really is.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

S01 Episode 5

Chapter Five: Del

An insight into a day long before Wayne met Del. A day that was responsible for changing Del, Daddy, and the boys.

31 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

S01 Episode 6

Chapter Six: Who Even Are We Now?

When Del is mistaken for a truant at a school in Georgia, she befriends some of the locals and considers staying. She and Wayne are invited to a dance, and while getting ready, Wayne notices the bus ticket and leaves Del at the dance.

33 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

S01 Episode 7

Chapter Seven: It'll Last Forever

Wayne struggles with whether or not to tell Del that her dad is in the hospital, while Sergeant Geller lays a trap for Wayne and Del.

32 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

S01 Episode 8

Chapter Eight: Musta Burned Like Hell

Wayne and Del finally reach Florida and find his father's car by chance at a gas station. Wayne tracks it down and is unexpectedly reunited with his mother.

34 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

S01 Episode 9

Chapter Nine: Thought We Was Friends

When things with both Del and his mum go south, Wayne turns this attention back to his dad's Trans Am, but he has to contend with Calvin and Reggie to get it; Del learns a secret about Wayne that changes everything for her.

34 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

S01 Episode 10

Chapter Ten: Buckle The F... Up

Wayne, now under arrest and on his own, must face off against Reggie in a brutal fight to settle their rivalry; Del returns to Wayne's mum's house, determined to get her man back by any means necessary.

34 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Jan 2019

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