Where to stream Thomas & Friends Season 19

Season 19

Watch Thomas & Friends Season 19 in Australia

Released: 21st Sep, 2015

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Where to watch Thomas & Friends Season 19

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Season 19 Episodes

S19 Episode 1

Who's Geoffrey?

Thomas gets himself into trouble and blames a made up engine, by the name of Geoffrey. But when people and other engines around the island start asking to meet him, Sir Topham Hatt also wants to meet this so-called Geoffrey.

17 mins  ·  Mon, 21 Sep 2015

S19 Episode 2

The Truth About Toby

Toby accidentally runs out of coal at the scrapyards, leaving the engines to think he's going to be scrapped.

17 mins  ·  Tue, 22 Sep 2015

S19 Episode 3

Lost Property

The Fat Controller is anxious as two grumpy inspectors have come to inspect the railway, starting with Thomas. To prevent an even worse report, Thomas helps return a lost pocket watch to the railway inspector.

17 mins  ·  Wed, 23 Sep 2015

S19 Episode 4

Henry Spots Trouble

After he sees the Fat Controller's grandchildren with chickenpox, Henry worries about catching the disease himself.

17 mins  ·  Thu, 24 Sep 2015

S19 Episode 5

A Cranky Christmas

Thomas is sent to take a special crate to the Town Square from the docks, but Cranky accidentally drops it.

17 mins  ·  Mon, 4 Jan 2016

S19 Episode 6

Snow Place Like Home

Kevin gets stuck out in the snow, and Victor goes out looking for him, despite his hatred of snow.

17 mins  ·  Tue, 5 Jan 2016

S19 Episode 7

The Beast of Sodor

Spencer cannot resist teasing Henry about the abominable snowman, but he is not so cocksure when they meet a man covered from head to toe in snow.

10 mins  ·  Wed, 6 Jan 2016

S19 Episode 8

Toad And The Whale

Toad spots a stranded whale on the beach, but Oliver does not take him seriously.

17 mins  ·  Mon, 14 Mar 2016

S19 Episode 9

Very Important Sheep

Percy doesn't notice sheep jumping out of his cattle truck.

17 mins  ·  Tue, 15 Mar 2016

S19 Episode 10

Salty All At Sea

Salty's imagination runs away with him as he worries about going to the Mainland by sea.

17 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Mar 2016

S19 Episode 11

Den and Dart

Mavis has an accident at Anopha Quarry and is sent to the Dieselworks. Den is sent to take her place, while Dart has to stay at the Dieselworks. However, the two always work together and they fear to be without the other.

17 mins  ·  Thu, 17 Mar 2016

S19 Episode 12

Helping Hiro

Thomas feels guilty about causing Hiro to have an accident. To make up for it, Thomas ventures into Hiro's old hideout to see if he can try to salvage some left behind parts.

17 mins  ·  Fri, 18 Mar 2016

S19 Episode 13

Slow Stephen

Stephen is a little bit slower than the other engines which irritates Gordon, who doesn't like to slow down for him.

10 mins  ·  Mon, 30 Mar 2015

S19 Episode 13

Slow Stephen

Stephen is a slow engine, but one day, when the Sodor Suspension Bridge collapses, he has to stop Gordon from crossing the bridge before it's too late.

17 mins  ·  Mon, 11 Jul 2016

S19 Episode 14

Two Wheels Good

Thomas, Spencer, and Bertie argue over how many wheels are best.

17 mins  ·  Tue, 12 Jul 2016

S19 Episode 14

Two Wheels Good

Thomas and the other engines get into an argument about what the best amount of wheels should be for a train.

10 mins  ·  Tue, 12 Jul 2016

S19 Episode 15

Reds vs Blues

Thomas and James compete with each other to see who can get their passengers and football teams to Dryaw first.

17 mins  ·  Wed, 13 Jul 2016

S19 Episode 15

Reds v Blues

Thomas is a very popular engine on football match days because he is the same colour as the football team's uniform.

10 mins  ·  Wed, 13 Jul 2016

S19 Episode 16

Best Engine Ever

Emily idolises Caitlin when she sees how fast Caitlin can go.

17 mins  ·  Thu, 14 Jul 2016

S19 Episode 16

Best Engine Ever

Emily's hero Caitlin helps her get to the castle when she breaks down. However, when Caitlin's brakes fail, it's up to Emily to save her hero from an accident.

10 mins  ·  Thu, 14 Jul 2016

S19 Episode 17

The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead

A new diesel boxcab named Philip arrives. Loving to race, he thinks he's racing Gordon when in actuality Gordon never took part.

17 mins  ·  Fri, 15 Jul 2016

S19 Episode 17

The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead

A visitor boxcab called Phillip arrives at Knapford for a visit and challenges Gordon to a race so they can see who is faster.

10 mins  ·  Tue, 29 Mar 2016

S19 Episode 18

Philip To The Rescue

James is determined to prove himself stronger than Philip.

17 mins  ·  Mon, 18 Jul 2016

S19 Episode 18

Phillip to the Rescue

James tries something dangerous and comes off the rails when he wants to prove to James that he can pull lots of trucks.

10 mins  ·  Tue, 29 Mar 2016

S19 Episode 19

Diesel's Ghostly Christmas (Part 1)

Diesel starts causing trouble at Christmas time and he gets visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past.

17 mins  ·  Mon, 26 Dec 2016

S19 Episode 20

Diesel's Ghostly Christmas (Part 2)

Diesel now meets up with two other ghostly engines. The Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Future, and he later finds the Fat Controller still at Knapford during the Earl's Christmas party at Ulfstead Castle.

17 mins  ·  Mon, 26 Dec 2016

S19 Episode 21

Thomas The Babysitter

A mother and her noisy baby want to have a ride on Thomas' train, but the baby keeps crying which irritates Thomas and the passengers.

17 mins  ·  Mon, 6 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 21

Rocky Rescue

The Sodor Search and Rescue vehicles are waiting for an emergency so they can be useful. When Rocky derails, the team have to work together to rescue him.

10 mins  ·  Tue, 7 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 22

Rocky Rescue

Rocky ends up derailing and the Search and Rescue Team have to work together to put him back on the rails again.

17 mins  ·  Mon, 6 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 22

Thomas the Babysitter

Thomas, Annie and Clarabel pick up a crying baby that is incredibly loud, and they are not very happy about the journey.

10 mins  ·  Mon, 10 Sep 2012

S19 Episode 23

The Other Side Of The Mountain

Thomas discovers Bertie's been rerouted to behind the other side of the mountain, making Thomas curious as to what's there.

17 mins  ·  Tue, 7 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 23

Other Side of the Mountain

When Bertie is sent on a diversion that passes on the other side of the mountain, he tells a fib to a jealous Thomas about a permanent rainbow.

10 mins  ·  Wed, 8 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 24

No Help At All

Bill and Ben say that Timothy is no help at all.

17 mins  ·  Wed, 8 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 24

No Help At All

Timothy feels like he is being taken advantage of by Bill and Ben when they make him do all the hard jobs at the Sodor Clay Pits.

10 mins  ·  Thu, 9 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 25

Goodbye Fat Controller

Percy overhears some workmen talking and thinks the Fat Controller is leaving Sodor. Also known as "Goodbye Sir Topham Hatt".

17 mins  ·  Thu, 9 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 25

Wild Water Rescue

Percy is asked to take the Mayor to a special event at the Search and Rescue Centre after it has celebrated its 1000th rescue.

10 mins  ·  Mon, 13 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 26

Wild Water Rescue

Diesel is jealous of Percy's job to collect the Mayor of Sodor, so he directs Percy to an old disused quarry while he takes him himself.

17 mins  ·  Fri, 10 Mar 2017

S19 Episode 26

Goodbye Fat Controller

The engines think that the Fat Controller is leaving after Percy overhears a conversation at Knapford Station.

10 mins  ·  Fri, 10 Mar 2017

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