Where to stream The West Wing Season 7

Season 7

Watch The West Wing Season 7 in Australia

Released: 25th Sep, 2005

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Where to watch The West Wing Season 7


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Season 7 Episodes

S07 Episode 1

The Ticket

Josh is caught off guard when political commentators are critical of Leo as a running mate for Matt Santos, White House Counsel Babbish sits with CJ about the leak investigation, and Donna approaches Josh for a job.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 25 Sep 2005

S07 Episode 2

The Mommy Problem

Santos and Vinick have to deal with press fallout when it looks like the Bartlet White House is not going to continue the investigation into the press leaks.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 2 Oct 2005

S07 Episode 3

Message of the Week

Vinick undermines the Santos campaign by targeting immigration issues, a topic Santos had previously successfully avoided.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 9 Oct 2005

S07 Episode 4

Mr. Frost

Margaret is interrogated at a hearing held by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and Santos deflects religious questions onto Vinick.

42 mins  ·  Sun, 16 Oct 2005

S07 Episode 5

Here Today

The White House is trying to cope with the revelation of the identity of the leaker, and Babish's questioning of Toby convinces him that he must get his lawyer.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 23 Oct 2005

S07 Episode 6

The Al Smith Dinner

A third-party attack on Santos brings unwanted attention to both his and Vinick's stance on abortion. Meanwhile, Will gets a promotion.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 30 Oct 2005

S07 Episode 7

The Debate

It's a tension-packed debate between the two presidential candidates, Congressman Matt Santos and Senator Arnold Vinick.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 6 Nov 2005

S07 Episode 8


Santos visits a Los Angeles African-American family whose child was shot by a Latino police officer.

44 mins  ·  Sun, 4 Dec 2005

S07 Episode 9

The Wedding

On the eve of Ellie's White House wedding, a military situation in Central Asia takes Bartlet away from the rehearsal festivities.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 11 Dec 2005

S07 Episode 10

Running Mates

Leo struggles through debate practice and makes Josh and Lou extremely nervous.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 8 Jan 2006

S07 Episode 11

Internal Displacement

CJ is in the process of negotiating a deal so Russia and China don't go to war over Kazakhstan.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 15 Jan 2006

S07 Episode 12

Duck and Cover

Bartlet must deal with the possibility of a nuclear explosion in California, Kate is keeping a careful watch on the election in Kazakhstan, and China's response, while Josh is trying to keep his political version of Tourette's in check.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 22 Jan 2006

S07 Episode 13

The Cold

After the near-nuclear disaster at the power plant the polls show surprising, or maybe not so surprising, results for both candidates. The Vinick camp gears up for backlash, while the Santos camp hopes for cause to celebrate.

42 mins  ·  Sun, 12 Mar 2006

S07 Episode 14

Two Weeks Out

As the end of the campaign trail nears, the candidates feels the burden more than ever.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 19 Mar 2006

S07 Episode 15

Welcome to Wherever You Are

The Santos campaign meets up with Rock the Vote. Toby is being pressured by Attorney General Blake to reveal his source, and it's affecting his relationship with his kids.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 26 Mar 2006

S07 Episode 16

Election Day

Everyone is freaking out over election day in both camps, Donna tries to calm Josh down, Bruno is walking around the Vinick War Room, and both Bruno and Josh think the exit polls numbers don't add up.

41 mins  ·  Sun, 2 Apr 2006

S07 Episode 17

Election Day, Part II

As the polls close, and results are tallied, emotions run high. Santos and Josh face the loss of their vice-presidential candidate. Meanwhile, Vinick disagrees with his campaign team.

42 mins  ·  Sun, 9 Apr 2006

S07 Episode 18


Bartlet and his current staff, as well as those from the past, come together for Leo's funeral. Santos is faced with the loss of his running mate.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 16 Apr 2006

S07 Episode 19


A controversy occurs when the president-elect places a telephone call to the president of China, and espouses a different viewpoint from that of Bartlet.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 23 Apr 2006

S07 Episode 20

The Last Hurrah

While Santos is wrapped up in choosing his new vice president, Helen is overwhelmed by the issues facing the First Family.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 30 Apr 2006

S07 Episode 21

Institutional Memory

As the Bartlet administration prepares for transition into the Santos administration, CJ must confront the choices facing her.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 7 May 2006

S07 Episode 22


President Bartlet and CJ are preparing to leave the White House.

43 mins  ·  Sun, 14 May 2006

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