Where to stream The West Wing Season 6

Season 6

Watch The West Wing Season 6 in Australia

Released: 20th Oct, 2004

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Where to watch The West Wing Season 6


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Season 6 Episodes

S06 Episode 1

NSF Thurmont

While Donna recuperates from surgery to remove a pulmonary embolism, Colin questions Josh about his personal relationship with her, and Leo and Jed clash over the appropriate response to the Gaza attack.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 20 Oct 2004

S06 Episode 2

The Birnam Wood

Jed orders a strike on the terrorist training camp, as he and his staff broker a peace settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and Josh returns from Germany.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 27 Oct 2004

S06 Episode 3

Third-Day Story

Leo is rushed into bypass surgery after suffering a massive heart attack, and CJ works with the State Department on getting UN Security Council and NATO approval of the peace accord.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 3 Nov 2004

S06 Episode 4


An emissary from the Republic of Georgia visits the White House and offers weapons-grade plutonium, stored in a research reactor the Russians left behind when they pulled out of Georgia.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 10 Nov 2004

S06 Episode 5

The Hubbert Peak

Josh test-drives an oversized SUV and crashes into a hybrid car, resulting in bad publicity for the White House. Meanwhile, Annabeth Schott, the new press secretary, has been on the job for only a week.

42 mins  ·  Wed, 17 Nov 2004

S06 Episode 6

The Dover Test

The US peacekeeping compound is attacked, and American soldiers are killed. As the White House struggles to control the story, the father of a slain soldier speaks out against the mission.

42 mins  ·  Wed, 24 Nov 2004

S06 Episode 7

A Change Is Gonna Come

Final preparations are being made for Bartlet's visit to China when he accepts a flag from the delegation representing the Taiwanese Independence Movement, prompting China to prepare for military action.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 1 Dec 2004

S06 Episode 8

In the Room

At a Bartlet family birthday, magicians Penn and Teller burn the American flag in the White House, prompting a publicity nightmare.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 8 Dec 2004

S06 Episode 9

Impact Winter

As Bartlet and his staff arrive in China for a critical meeting, the president is still suffering the paralysing effects of multiple sclerosis.

42 mins  ·  Wed, 15 Dec 2004

S06 Episode 10

Faith-Based Initiative

The press circulate an untrue rumour about CJ, and a controversial amendment banning gay marriage is added to the budget.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 5 Jan 2005

S06 Episode 11

Opposition Research

Josh travels to New Hampshire with Santos to establish their campaign headquarters, but problems arise from the beginning when they set up the office in an abandoned shack.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 12 Jan 2005

S06 Episode 12

365 Days

The day after the president's annual State of the Union address, the harried staff deal with one emergency situation after another.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 19 Jan 2005

S06 Episode 13

King Corn

The Midwestern state of Iowa is the location for the first presidential debate among the candidates, while Josh struggles to understand how he can guide Santos in the race.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 26 Jan 2005

S06 Episode 14

The Wake Up Call

The US considers bombing Iran, in retaliation for a jet fighter being shot down.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 9 Feb 2005

S06 Episode 15


Five days before the New Hampshire primary, a desperate Josh must get his trailing candidate, Congressman Matthew Santos, into a local debate.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Feb 2005

S06 Episode 16

Drought Conditions

Vice President Russell appears to be the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination for President, but a new contender, Senator Rafferty, gives an amazing speech and members of the press fill their pages with her words.

42 mins  ·  Wed, 23 Feb 2005

S06 Episode 17

A Good Day

Congressman Santos masterminds a plot to pass the president's stem cell bill while the Republicans aren't paying attention.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 2 Mar 2005

S06 Episode 18

La Palabra

Santos travels to Sacramento, CA, for the last few days before Super Tuesday. Russell decides not to go to California, and Hoynes capably dodges the issue.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 9 Mar 2005

S06 Episode 19

Ninety Miles Away

Speculations surround the relationship between communist Cuba and the democratic US.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Mar 2005

S06 Episode 20

In God We Trust

After winning the Republican nomination for presidency, Arnold Vinick begins working on his campaign. Meanwhile, the Democrats are stuck in a three-way race for their nomination.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 23 Mar 2005

S06 Episode 21

Things Fall Apart

The success of the impeccably organised Republican Convention contrasts with the Democrats, who look in disarray as the candidates continue to battle to become the Democratic Party presidential nominee.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 30 Mar 2005

S06 Episode 22

2162 Votes

At the Democratic Party National Convention, the race to become the presidential nominee has narrowed to three candidates: Russell, Hoynes and Santos.

42 mins  ·  Wed, 6 Apr 2005

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