Where to stream The West Wing Season 1

Season 1

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Released: 22nd Sep, 1999

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Where to watch The West Wing Season 1


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Season 1 Episodes

S01 Episode 1


President Bartlet's injury leaves Chief of Staff McGarry to face multiple crises, and Sam accidently spends the night with a call girl.

42 mins  ·  Wed, 22 Sep 1999

S01 Episode 2

Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc

Seaborn ignores warnings from co-workers and pursues a relationship with a call girl, and CJ involves herself in a public dispute between the president and vice president.

41 mins  ·  Wed, 29 Sep 1999

S01 Episode 3

A Proportional Response

President Bartlet lets his emotions get the better of him when responding to the downing of an American jet, and CJ hounds Sam for trying to rescue a call girl from her job.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 6 Oct 1999

S01 Episode 4

Five Votes Down

Leo thinks he may have to give up too much to get five more House votes regulating the sale of automatic firearms, and Toby faces ethics questions over his stocks.

44 mins  ·  Wed, 13 Oct 1999

S01 Episode 5

The Crackpots and These Women

Guilt gets the better of Josh when he gets a safety notice none of his co-workers receive, and looks into whether he was the president's first choice for communications director.

44 mins  ·  Wed, 20 Oct 1999

S01 Episode 6

Mr. Willis of Ohio

Toby and Mandy try to influence some congressmen into approving a commerce bill with a census-counting provision, and the president chastises Leo after finding out his wife left him.

44 mins  ·  Wed, 3 Nov 1999

S01 Episode 7

The State Dinner

The president and first lady host a tense dinner at the White House, a hurricane heads towards an American naval fleet, and and a group of survivalists test the president.

44 mins  ·  Wed, 10 Nov 1999

S01 Episode 8


Mallory asks Sam out for a date, the president embarrasses the vice president, and Josh finds a way to further empower the president.

44 mins  ·  Wed, 17 Nov 1999

S01 Episode 9

The Short List

A congressman makes a serious accusation against the White House staff, and the president's plans to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice create problems.

44 mins  ·  Wed, 24 Nov 1999

S01 Episode 10

In Excelsis Deo

As the president leaves the White House to do some Christmas shopping, Toby finds out about a war hero who died alone, and a persistent reporter begins to win over CJ for a date.

44 mins  ·  Wed, 15 Dec 1999

S01 Episode 11

Lord John Marbury

The president's life becomes a nightmare when India invades Kashmir, and his daughter wants to date Charlie. Meanwhile, Leo's drug troubles escalate.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 5 Jan 2000

S01 Episode 12

He Shall, From Time to Time ...

The president is found unconscious shortly before his State of the Union address, and the first lady doesn't believe the official explanation.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 12 Jan 2000

S01 Episode 13

Take Out the Trash Day

The president and his staff contend with a controversial sex education study at the same time a new hate crimes bill is to be signed, and Josh and Sam face a subcommittee.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 26 Jan 2000

S01 Episode 14

Take This Sabbath Day

A campaign manager feels that her Democratic congressional candidate has been purposely underfunded by his party, and the president meets with a priest about an execution.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 9 Feb 2000

S01 Episode 15

Celestial Navigation

Sam and Toby are dispatched to secure the release of President Bartlet's Supreme Court nominee, who has been jailed for alleged drunken driving.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 16 Feb 2000

S01 Episode 16

20 Hours in L.A.

A fundraiser may be cancelled if the president refuses to oppose a bill banning gays in the military, and Leo asks the vice president to break a Senate deadlock vote.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 23 Feb 2000

S01 Episode 17

The White House Pro-Am

The staff members of the president and first lady conflict over a proposed international tariff bill, amended to affect child-labour laws abroad.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 22 Mar 2000

S01 Episode 18

Six Meetings Before Lunch

When Zoey attends a party where there is illegal drug use, CJ attempts to keep the story from the press, while the White House staff celebrates a Supreme Court nomination.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 5 Apr 2000

S01 Episode 19

Let Bartlet Be Bartlet

CJ is shocked to learn that a member of the White House staff is responsible for a memo attacking the president's administration.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 26 Apr 2000

S01 Episode 20

Mandatory Minimums

President Bartlet's naming of two Democrats to the Federal Election Commission meets with negative reaction, especially from pollster Al Kiefer.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 3 May 2000

S01 Episode 21

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

The president awaits the results of a popularity poll, and Sam is photographed as he gives a graduation gift to a known call girl.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 10 May 2000

S01 Episode 22

What Kind of Day Has It Been

The US military must locate a pilot whose plane crashed in the Iraqi desert, and an orbiting space shuttle is in danger when the cargo doors won't close.

43 mins  ·  Wed, 17 May 2000

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