Where to stream The Violence Paradox

The Violence Paradox 2019

Released: 2019

Rated: M

Director: Michael Bicks

Despite the constant news of violence, from mass shootings to wars, psychologist Steven Pinker believes we may be living in one of the most peaceful periods in human existence. Can violence be prevented—or is it simply part of human nature? This series takes you on a journey through history and the human mind to explore what triggers violence and how it may have decreased over time. Taking clues from a Kenyan archaeology site, modern laboratory experiments, and even literature, researchers trace the social and neurobiological roots of human violence. They look at how individual forces, like income equality or personal contact through sports may curb violence in modern societies, and in places like Baltimore, where violence “interrupters” treat violence like a contagious disease, they examine evidence-based approaches to making the world more peaceful.

Where to watch The Violence Paradox in Australia


All seasons may not be available on all providers.

Information about streaming services showing The Violence Paradox

Our data shows that the The Violence Paradox is available to stream on DocPlay. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Disney+, Google Play, Foxtel Now, Netflix and Stan. The Violence Paradox is not available on any of them at this time.

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