The Tatami Time Machine Blues
Seasons: 1
Released: 2022
7.6 / 10
7.6 / 10
Cast: Shintarō Asanuma, Maaya Sakamoto, Hiroyuki Yoshino, Kazuya Nakai, Yuko Kaida
It is August 12th. After the remote control to his boarding house's only air conditioning unit is inadvertently destroyed by spilled cola, "I" devises a plan to return to yesterday in a time machine to recover the remote before it breaks. However, his prankster friend Ozu cannot resist playing with past events, even if it means bringing the universe to the brink of destruction. Now "I" finds himself racing through time to avoid disaster.
Where to watch The Tatami Time Machine Blues in Australia
Seasons of The Tatami Time Machine Blues
There is currently just 1 season of The Tatami Time Machine Blues
Information about streaming services showing The Tatami Time Machine Blues
Our data shows that the The Tatami Time Machine Blues is available to stream on Disney+. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Google Play, Foxtel Now and Netflix, Stan. The Tatami Time Machine Blues is not available on any of them at this time.
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