The Island with Bear Grylls
Seasons: 6
Released: 2014
6 / 10
Generations have wondered if they could survive being stranded on a desert island. But how would people cope if they had to do it, for real, and with only themselves to rely on? Adventurer Bear Grylls abandons 13 British men on a remote, uninhabited Pacific island for a month. They will be completely alone, filming themselves, and with only the clothes they're wearing and some basic tools. The island may look like paradise but behind the beaches it can be hell on earth. When stripped of all the luxuries and conveniences of 21st-century living, does modern British man still have the spirit and resources to survive?
Where to watch The Island with Bear Grylls in Australia
All seasons may not be available on all providers.
Seasons of The Island with Bear Grylls
There are currently 6 seasons of The Island with Bear Grylls
Information about streaming services showing The Island with Bear Grylls
Our data shows that the The Island with Bear Grylls is available to stream on 10 play and Prime Video. We also checked other leading streaming services including , Apple TV+, Binge, Disney+, Google Play, Foxtel Now and Netflix, Stan. The Island with Bear Grylls is not available on any of them at this time.
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