Where to stream Taxi Season 2

Season 2

Watch Taxi Season 2 in Australia

Released: 11th Sep, 1979

7.7 / 10

Where to watch Taxi Season 2

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Season 2 Episodes

S02 Episode 1

Louie and the Nice Girl

Zena, the woman who refills the vending machines who has made friends with most of the cabbies, admits to Alex and Elaine that she has a crush on Louie. Elaine is bothered by this, but takes comfort in the fact that Zena is probably too shy to introduce herself. However, Zena asks Alex to introduce them and Alex tentatively agrees. Soon, Louie and Zena become an item and the gang is disgusted at the way Louie explicitly describes their sex life. In private, Zena blows Louie's cover by asking Alex why Louie won't make a single move on her. The next time Louie starts boasting, Alex tells him to give up the charade—he knows nothing has happened. Louie then confesses to Alex that he's used to going out with ""professionals"" and doesn't know what to do with a ""nice girl."" Louie then breaks up with Zena, but she insists on a goodbye kiss before they part. She kisses him in such a way that he realizes maybe she's not as ""nice"" as he thought. Zena then pulls him into the bedroom and it

Tue, 11 Sep 1979

S02 Episode 2

Honor Thy Father

Alex is informed about his father Joe being seriously ill in hospital. Alex, who hasn't seen his father since his mother's death and hasn't spoken to him for 30 years, reluctantly gives Joe a visit.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 18 Sep 1979

S02 Episode 3

Reverend Jim: A Space Odyssey

The cabbies work to straighten out the Rev Jim and help him join the company.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 25 Sep 1979

S02 Episode 4

Nardo Loses Her Marbles

Alex tells Elaine to see a psychiatrist, after she becomes `unglued' at an art show.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 2 Oct 1979

S02 Episode 5

Wherefore Art Thou, Bobby?

Tony brings his fare, a child who wants to be an actor, to meet Bobby for some pointers.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 16 Oct 1979

S02 Episode 6

The Lighter Side of Angela Matusa

Alex meets up with Angela (his overweight date from the previous season) only to learn she's lost 100 pounds. When they go to dinner, he learns that she did it all for him, making him very nervous because he doesn't really want more than a friendship with Angela but hates to discourage her from losing weight and feeling good about herself. Later, Wayne, a guy from Angela's weight clinic, comes to see Alex in the hopes of finding Angela, who's missing (it seems Wayne has a crush on Angela). Together, they find a very depressed Angela, eating alone in a greasy spoon diner. Alex convinces Angela that she doesn't need to be depressed and that she and Wayne belong together. She and Wayne leave together, but Angela confesses to Alex that the reason she had previously rejected Wayne's advances was because he's married with four kids.

Tue, 23 Oct 1979

S02 Episode 6

The Lighter Side of Angela Matusa

Alex is revisited by a once-overweight blind date Angela, who is now slimmer and her romantic interest in him has intensified since she saw him last year.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 23 Oct 1979

S02 Episode 7

A Woman Between Friends

Tony and Bobby's friendship is put to the test when they start dating the same woman, Janet. They begin arguing, prompting Tony to almost punch Bobby out, but eventually Alex convinces them that this rivalry has to end. Tony and Bobby sit down with Janet and ask her to choose between them. Before she announces her decision, Bobby and Tony realize that their friendship could be over, based on her decision, so they decide to both give her up. Janet, bothered that her feelings weren't taken into account, tells them what the guy she was going to choose would be missing, adding that the choice was Bobby.

Tue, 30 Oct 1979

S02 Episode 7

A Woman Between Friends

Bobby and Tony compete for the affections of the same woman.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 30 Oct 1979

S02 Episode 8

The Great Race

Winning an evening with Elaine spurs the competition between Louie and Alex to see who can bring in the most receipts.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 6 Nov 1979

S02 Episode 9

The Apartment

Latka blows his life's savings on a luxurious penthouse when his apartment is demolished.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 13 Nov 1979

S02 Episode 10

Alex's Romance

Alex's romantic affair with a television soap actress leads to thoughts of matrimony.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 20 Nov 1979

S02 Episode 11

Latka's Revolting

Latka decides to return to his native country to fight in a revolution.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 27 Nov 1979

S02 Episode 12

Elaine's Secret Admirer

A couple of cabbies quickly claim responsibility when Elaine begins receiving mysterious love messages.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 4 Dec 1979

S02 Episode 13

Louie Meets the Folks

When Zena insists that Louie meet her parents, Louie is so worried about it (Zena's father is a minister) that he bribes Alex to come along with them to dinner, to keep him from embarrassing himself. At dinner, despite Alex's attempts at keeping Louie from acting crude, Louie manages to offend Zena's parents, yet the parents still act gracious towards him. Still, Louie believes the parents have accepted him, until Zena's mother tells him in private that if he tries to marry Zena, she'll have him killed (but makes him vow to keep that a secret).

Tue, 11 Dec 1979

S02 Episode 13

Louie Meets the Folks

Fearing that his girlfriend, Zena, will break up with him, Louie finally decides to meet her parents. Nervous Louie pays Alex to accompany him and make sure that he doesn't step out of line.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 11 Dec 1979

S02 Episode 14

Jim Gets a Pet

Jim has a great day at the track and decides to use the money he won on a pet horse. He brings his new over-the-hill pet horse to the garage.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 18 Dec 1979

S02 Episode 14

Jim Gets a Pet

The gang goes to the track and Jim falls in love with horse racing. Jim starts gambling at the track every day, until Alex tells him of the evils of gambling. Meanwhile, Jim turns out to have already won $10,000 at the track, and what's more, he bought the long-shot horse that he won most of the money on. Jim renames the horse Gary and keeps him in his apartment. However, when the gang comes over to check on Gary, they found he has died. When a depressed Jim returns to the garage, the gang convinces him to hold a funeral service for Gary (since Jim is an ordained minister, after all). Jim gives a touching eulogy that leaves everyone in tears.

Tue, 18 Dec 1979

S02 Episode 15

The Reluctant Fighter

Tony seems to get a big break in his boxing career when his manager informs him that aging former champ, Benny Foster, has selected him as an opponent in his comeback fight. At the press conference before the fight, however, Foster announces that he's coming back to inspire (and presumably, financially aid) a wheelchair bound child, Brian Sims, in need of a kidney operation, who thinks of Foster as his hero. Tony, thinking this is a no-win situation, doesn't want to even go through with the fight, but Alex convinces him that this is still a big break for him and that he should go for it. Tony not only ends up fighting, but knocking Foster out, but still feels bad about disappointing Brian. Tony speaks to Brian in the locker room, hoping it will make him feel better, but Brian punches him. Eventually, Tony prevails upon Brian that he wants to be his hero, and the boy agrees—at least until Tony loses a fight.

Tue, 25 Dec 1979

S02 Episode 15

The Reluctant Fighter

Tony is placed in a difficult situation when an ageing boxer challenges him to a fight.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 25 Dec 1979

S02 Episode 16

Tony and Brian

Tony has been spending time with young Brian, who is now out of his wheelchair and is seemingly back in good health. Tony has really enjoyed all the time spent with Brian, and the gang urges Tony to try to adopt the orphaned boy. It turns out, however, that Brian is trying to get a rich family to adopt him and has seemingly found one, the Brennans. Nonetheless, Tony and Alex go to visit Brian at the Brennans, so Tony can ask Brian if he wants Tony to be his father. Brian is touched, but claims he has to think of his future and thus, would rather stay with the Brennans. Later, Brian shows up at Tony's apartment with a suitcase, saying he was rejected by the Brennans and is there to stay. Tony is still hurt that Brian initially rejected him, though, and makes things a little tough on Brian before he agrees to let him stay.

Tue, 8 Jan 1980

S02 Episode 16

Tony and Brian

A rich couple may thwart Tony's adoption plans.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 8 Jan 1980

S02 Episode 17

Guess Who's Coming for Brefnish

Latka meets and begins dating Simka, a woman from his home country. Things are going well until they hit a roadblock: Simka is a ""mountain person,"" one of the country's underclass that Latka has been taught to make fun of. When they can't seem to work through the situation, they break up, but soon, Latka is miserable and wants Simka back. Too late, though—she's begun dating a handsome young doctor, and Simka gingerly turns Latka down when he asks if she wants to get back together. Latka is left depressed, but has learned a lesson about prejudices.

Tue, 15 Jan 1980

S02 Episode 18

What Price Bobby?

Bobby's new manager is more interested in his talents as a lover than his acting abilities.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 22 Jan 1980

S02 Episode 18

What Price Bobby?

Bobby feels very lucky when a top notch theatrical agent (Nora) is in his cab. He makes a pitch to her, telling her about what a good actor he is, and initially she shuns him, but later agrees to watch him in the play he currently stars in. Sure enough, Nora sees him and then agrees to work with him, but it soon becomes evident that she has more than a business interest in him. Nonetheless, he begins a relationship with her, and his career is suddenly really starting to take off. Soon enough, Bobby is feeling as though he's prostituting himself and eventually gets up the courage to tell Nora he wishes to keep their relationship on a business level. This does not sit well with Nora, who not only stops representing him, but in their final argument, takes away Bobby's self respect and his shoes!

Tue, 22 Jan 1980

S02 Episode 19

Shut It Down (1)

After Tony's cab's brakes fail, the cabbies are all furious at the company's frugality when it comes to fixing/replacing cabs. Elaine is elected shop steward, and after an unsuccessful meeting with Mr. Mackenzie, the big boss, the cabbies go on strike. Louie is initially not conerned about the actions of the union, because he's altered the bookkeeping to show that the company spends adequate money on the upkeep of the taxis, but after Alex scares him with talk of God's vengeance, Louie softens. Louie calls in Elaine and agrees to her demands with the caveat that she go on a date with him (continued in the next episode).

Tue, 29 Jan 1980

S02 Episode 19

Shut It Down

The cabbies strike over working conditions.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 29 Jan 1980

S02 Episode 20

Shut It Down (2)

In the second half of this two-part episode, the cabbies are back on the road after the strike has been settled. Meanwhile, Elaine is dreading the date with Louie and is drunk, sedated, and dressed as dowdy as possible, in the hopes of getting it over with quickly and painlessly. Louie takes her to a Polynesian restaurant/bar and they drink heavily and dance, in hilarious fashion, although Elaine is seemingly not enjoying any of it. At the door of her apartment though, Louie cons her into saying that she didn't have such a terrible time. He then convinces her to give him a little kiss goodnight, but when she attempts to give him a small peck, Louie, being true to form, gives her a rather aggressive open-mouthed kiss, that has them rolling on the floor as she fights him off.

Tue, 5 Feb 1980

S02 Episode 21

Alex Jumps out of an Airplane

Alex has a new lust for adventure after a thrilling ski trip and begins trying to conquer his fears. He first entertains the crowd at Mario's by playing/singing showtunes on the piano, then he has Tony teach him to box and spars with a talented young boxer who knocks him out. Alex still wants a new challenge, however, and announces he's going skydiving. Once in the air, Alex reconsiders, however, but reluctantly jumps anyway.

Tue, 26 Feb 1980

S02 Episode 22

Art Work

Louie and the cabbies pool all their cash to buy a painting at an auction, planning to cash in big when the artist dies.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 4 Mar 1980

S02 Episode 23

Fantasy Borough (1)

After Herve Villachaize (Tattoo from Fantasy Island) leaves a package in Tony's cab, the gang discusses their various fantasies while waiting for him to pick it up. Tony's fantasy is wowing Eric Sevareid (who happens to be a passenger in his cab) with his political insight. Latka's fantasy is to be the taxi dispatcher and turn the tables on Louie. Bobby fantasizes about being a famous singer and conning a homeless Louie out of his last dollar. Jim fantasizes about being visited by aliens. (Part 1 of 2)

Tue, 6 May 1980

S02 Episode 24

Fantasy Borough (2)

In this continuation of the previous episode, the gang continues to fantasize. Alex fantasizes about picking up a beautiful woman in his cab and taking her back to his place. He's having trouble concentrating, however, and strikes out when he learns the woman is his niece. Louie fantasizes that he is the rich owner of the garage during the depression and is married to Elaine. Elaine fantasizes that the whole gang sings ""Lullaby of Broadway"" in the garage, with a Broadway-style arrangement.

Tue, 13 May 1980

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