Star Wars Rebels
Seasons: 4
Released: 2014
7.7 / 10
Set between the events of Star Wars: Episodes III and IV, the story unfolds during a dark time when the evil Galactic Empire is tightening its grip of power on the galaxy. Imperial forces have occupied a remote planet and are ruining the lives of its people. The motley but clever crew of the starship Ghost — cowboy Jedi Kanan, ace pilot Hera, street-smart teenager Ezra, the “muscle” Zeb, warrior firebrand Sabine, and cantankerous old astromech droid Chopper — is among a select few who are brave enough to stand against the Empire. Together, they will face threatening new villains, encounter colorful adversaries, embark on thrilling adventures, and become heroes with the power to ignite a rebellion.
Where to watch Star Wars Rebels in Australia
All seasons may not be available on all providers.
Seasons of Star Wars Rebels
There are currently 4 seasons of Star Wars Rebels
Information about streaming services showing Star Wars Rebels
Our data shows that the Star Wars Rebels is available to stream on Disney+. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Google Play, Foxtel Now and Netflix, Stan. Star Wars Rebels is not available on any of them at this time.
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