Where to stream Sponsor


Seasons: 1

Released: 2022

6.7 / 10


A romance thriller between four men and women running like a runaway locomotive toward different desires, including success, revenge, children and love. Lee Sun Woo, is a photographer and editor in magazine. He keeps a burning ambition and heartfelt desire for revenge hidden behind his warm exterior. Han Chae Rin is the CEO of a cosmetics company. She is greedy and ambitious despite her success. Park Da Som is a rising actress. She does anything for success. At the same time, she struggles to protect her son who has a rare disease. She’s internally struggling between motherhood and success, and despite her cold exterior, she truly loves her ill son. Hyun Seung Hoon, Park Da Som’s husband is an aspiring model. His life goals are: overcome poverty and failures. He dreams of succeeding in life.

Where to watch Sponsor in Australia


Seasons of Sponsor

There is currently just 1 season of Sponsor

Information about streaming services showing Sponsor

Our data shows that the Sponsor is available to stream on Disney+. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Google Play, Foxtel Now and Netflix, Stan. Sponsor is not available on any of them at this time.

Please let us know if we got anything wrong?

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