Curiosity Stream
Satisfying one’s hunger for knowledge and curiosity is no easy feat but CuriosityStream proves to be a strong contender in this area with thousands of docos and commendable exclusive originals. With entries that are available in either HD or 4K and an affordable price tag, CuriosityStream makes the experience of documentary-streaming almost flawless.
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Stream thousands of award-winning documentaries covering a diverse range of topics from space to history, nature, and science. CuriosityStream is also one of the few streaming platforms of docos that is kid-friendly, providing curated content that is safe and the kids will enjoy.
The cheapest plan allows you to watch in HD and costs $2.99 per month. To stream docos in 4K, you can upgrade to the 4K Monthly plan at $9.99 per month. Yearly subscriptions are also available: HD Annual at $19.99 per year or 4K Annual at $69.99 per year. There is no free trial available.
When compared to similar services like Magellan TV, CuriosityStream fares better content-quantity wise with over 3,000 of titles to Magellan TV’s 1,500. Also, the starting price is only $2.99 per month while others cost a lot more.
- Also offers TV shows and shorts
- Lowest tier plan is only $2.99 per month
- All content can be streamed in HD or 4K
- Accessible on many devices
- Kids Mode feature that facilitate learning