Where to stream Remington Steele Season 4

Season 4

Watch Remington Steele Season 4 in Australia

Released: 25th Sep, 1985

7.2 / 10

Where to watch Remington Steele Season 4

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Season 4 Episodes

S04 Episode 1

Steele Searching (1)

Laura races with Scotland Yard to locate Steele, who has become involved in murder while searching for a man with a clue to his past. Steele masquerades as an assassin hired by Daniel Chalmers to kill the Earl of Claridge.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Wed, 25 Sep 1985

S04 Episode 2

Steele Searching (2)

Laura races with Scotland Yard to locate Steele, who has become involved in murder while searching for a man with a clue to his past. Steele masquerades as an assassin hired by Daniel Chalmers to kill the Earl of Claridge.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 1 Oct 1985

S04 Episode 3

Steele Blushing

Laura protects a photographer and his files from angry clients and the FBI even after her doctored photo appears in a porno magazine.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 22 Oct 1985

S04 Episode 4

Grappling Steele

Laura and Steele are hired to protect a professional wrestler who has been receiving death threats and having mysterious ""accidents.""

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 29 Oct 1985

S04 Episode 5

Forged Steele

Steele awakens from a 36-hour blackout to find that he has apparently gambled away the agency.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 12 Nov 1985

S04 Episode 6

Corn Fed Steele

Laura and Steele look into the disappearance of some prized breeding pigs from an experimental farm in Iowa.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 19 Nov 1985

S04 Episode 7

Premium Steele

Laura and Steele try to discover why phony obituaries are being printed about people like poor garlic farmer Lester Shane.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 3 Dec 1985

S04 Episode 8

Coffee, Tea, or Steele

Laura and Steele fly the unfriendly skies to learn why the body of a hired killer turned up on the baggage carrousel of a luxury airline.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 10 Dec 1985

S04 Episode 9

Dancer, Prancer, Donner and Steele

The agency Christmas party is interrupted by three gun-wielding Santas who take everyone hostage and threaten to blow up the building.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 17 Dec 1985

S04 Episode 10

Steele on the Air

A traffic reporter dies while aloft in a helicopter and the two prime suspects are the disc jockeys, who were on the air at the time.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 7 Jan 1986

S04 Episode 11

Steele, Inc.

Mulch's latest brainstorm to franchise the agency gets an unfortunate investigator killed by an angry client.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 14 Jan 1986

S04 Episode 12

Steele Spawning

Laura and Steele are hired by the spoiled son of a caviar importer to find a missing shipment before daddy returns home.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 28 Jan 1986

S04 Episode 13

Suburban Steele

Laura's sister finds a dead body on her kitchen floor and asks for help from a reluctant Laura and Steele.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 11 Feb 1986

S04 Episode 14

Santa Claus is Coming to Steele

One of the phony Santas from the ill-fated Christmas party returns to persuade witness not to testify against him.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Tue, 18 Feb 1986

S04 Episode 15

Steele Blue Yonder

A woman is afraid her father may need help but Laura and Steele learn he knows exactly what he's doing.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Sat, 22 Feb 1986

S04 Episode 16

Sensitive Steele

Laura and Steele go undercover at a self-improvement spa to find out why there have been a series of mysterious accidents.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Sat, 1 Mar 1986

S04 Episode 17

Steele in the Spotlight

The search for a singer from the fifties has unexpected, deadly consequences.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Sat, 8 Mar 1986

S04 Episode 18

Steele at Your Service

The servants of the wealthy Wellingtons hire Laura and Steele to find out who killed the former butler, who had planned on publishing his memoirs.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Sat, 15 Mar 1986

S04 Episode 19

Steele in the Running

Laura is assaulted while running in a triathlon after a desperate woman switches numbers with her.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Sat, 22 Mar 1986

S04 Episode 20

Beg, Borrow, or Steele

Laura and Steele return from the East to find reports of their murder on the news and Mildred arrested for the crime.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Sat, 29 Mar 1986

S04 Episode 21

Steele Alive and Kicking

A man who framed himself so his wife could collect the reward learns he isn't terminally ill and wants Laura and Steele to clear him.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Sat, 3 May 1986

S04 Episode 22

Bonds of Steele

Laura has her hands full trying to discover why an accountant at a huge corporation was killed while Steele handles several mysterious errands of his own.

1 h 0 mins  ·  Sat, 10 May 1986

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