Where to stream Reba Season 1

Season 1

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Released: 5th Oct, 2001

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Where to watch Reba Season 1

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Season 1 Episodes

S01 Episode 1


The Harts are in court-ordered therapy. As the story unfolds, Brock and Reba reveal that they are separated due to Brock's midlife crisis and while in court the entire family — Reba, Brock, Cheyenne, Jake and Kyra — got into what the judge described as a brawl. While in therapy Brock reveals that he won't be moving back home because he has to marry his dental hygienist/assistant Barbra Jean. Why? She's pregnant. And... oops, little Jake lets it slip that Cheyenne, the Hart's 17-year-old daughter, is pregnant as well. Cheyenne and Van, her all-star football-playing boyfriend decide that they're going to get married. Reba organizes a shotgun wedding while trying to keep terminally perky Barbra Jean at a safe distance. Van's parents won't come to the wedding and have kicked him out of the house but, on the bright side, he managed to arrange a honeymoon at his uncle's beach house in Galveston. On the wedding day, Cheyenne is upset that her Dad hasn't arrived yet. Reba starts to lose it whe

30 mins  ·  Fri, 5 Oct 2001

S01 Episode 2

The Honeymoon's Over or Now What?

The high school's principal Mrs. Hodge calls Reba and Brock into her office to give them a brochure on an alternative school for pregnant mothers, called Hollyhouse, that she feels Cheyenne should attend. When Reba returns to say that Cheyenne's decision is to stay in her regular high school the principal makes it clear that this wasn't a request. When Reba insists that Cheyenne be allowed to stay, the principal suspends the pregnant teen for three weeks, enough time to ruin her grades. First, Brock brings Barbra Jean into the group, making Reba more than unhappy. Then they begin discussing Cheyenne's situation and Reba comes up with an idea. If they keep Van out of school as long as Cheyenne is out of school, the principal will have to give in and let them both back. Why? Because they'll lose their chance at a football championship without star cornerback Van. Cheyenne and Van have been staying at home in protest, but as the next big game approaches without any word from the Principal

30 mins  ·  Fri, 12 Oct 2001

S01 Episode 3

Someone's at the Gyno with Reba

Van has finally moved some of his stuff (that his parents thoughtfully threw out on their front lawn for him) into the room he shares with Cheyenne. Unfortunately, most of it's either in bad taste or just downright unacceptable (like the cheerleaders poster). But when Cheyenne doesn't object, Reba can't understand why she wouldn't tell Van how she really feels. While on a visit to the gynocologist, Reba also discovers that Cheyenne and Barbra Jean are sharing the same doctor... and Brock has brought little Jake to the appointment. When Cheyenne accuses Reba of being a control freak and running Brock out of the marriage, Reba goes to therapy by herself. The therapist agrees that Reba is too controlling and suggests that she just let go of a few things; do something for herself like go to a movie. Van and Cheyenne are fighting because she's finally told him that she doesn't like the things he's added to their room. Reba goes to a movie, leaving the kids to fend for themselves for dinner.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 19 Oct 2001

S01 Episode 4

You Make Me Sick

Cheyenne is experiencing morning sickness for the first time and Van is tired of her vomiting. Reba suspects that a neighbor does not want her son hanging out at Reba's house with Jake because of all the objectionable things that go on. Brock convinces Van that Cheyenne's morning sickness is mental and that she just needs to get over it — after all, Barbra Jean only had one day of queasiness and now she's fine. He suggests that Van and Cheyenne come over to his place for a nice dinner. Cheyenne agrees to go but still doesn't feel well. BJ takes her aside and tells her that she just needs to lie. BJ feels terrible and has morning sickness too, but she hides it from Brock to keep him happy. Cheyenne attempts to act happy but finally breaks down and admits to Van that she feels awful. They agree to be honest with each other. Reba's neighbor admits that she doesn't want her son at Reba's house so Reba denies Jake permission to go on a campout with his friend. She tries to cheer Jake up wit

30 mins  ·  Fri, 26 Oct 2001

S01 Episode 5

The Steaks Are High

After being named player of the week, Van begs Reba to host the pre-game dinner for the football team since his family won't even talk to him. When she finally gives in, he and Cheyenne are so excited she can't help but look forward to it... that is, until Brock and BJ arrive with the ""bible"" for team pre-game dinners. They offer to take hosting off of her hands, but Reba refuses to give in. If they have to have a perfect dinner, silly traditions and all, to win then that's what she'll give them. Reba has everything in order for the dinner until Cheyenne comes back from running errands at the store. It seems she was so overwhelmed looking in the baby aisle that when she went to pick up potato salad, she picked up the wrong kind. Reba solves the problem by dumping the potato salad into a serving dish and saying that no one will ever know. The dinner goes well, with Cheyenne even participating in cheers with her old squad. But Barbra Jean discovers Reba's ruse with the salad and tells th

30 mins  ·  Fri, 2 Nov 2001

S01 Episode 6

The Man and the Moon

Her kitchen garbage disposal is on the blink again and Reba refuses to call Brock to fix it like he used to do when he still lived at home. She tries to fix the disposal herself but only makes it worse. Giving in, she calls a handyman. Bill (guest star Greg Evigan — ""B.J. and the Bear"") takes a look under her sink and finds all the of the ""patches"" that Brock has made over the years. Reba and Bill flirt and Brock gets jealous. When Bill offers to take Reba to a hardware store to pick out a new kitchen faucet, Reba can't believe that Bill would be hitting on her. Cheyenne is excited to be going out with the girls. While driving to a Wildcats football game they moon the players on the bus. Cheyenne has a great time but Van is upset that everyone is seeing his wife's butt. She argues that it's her butt and she can do whatever she pleases with it, besides she had so much fun... that is until Kyra points out that someone took pictures and they're on the internet. Kyra tries to tell Reba tha

30 mins  ·  Fri, 9 Nov 2001

S01 Episode 7

Tea and Antipathy

Cheyenne and Reba argue over whether or not Cheyenne should do laundry and grocery shopping. Cheyenne returns from ""grocery shopping"" with no bags, but an application for an apartment that she and Van found. The only problem is they don't have the money to support themselves. Cheyenne asks Reba and Brock for money and they turn her down. She then tells Van to ask his parents. After all, they must be over the whole wedding thing by now and feeling guilty on top of it. Van returns with a new truck and his parents offer for them to move in. Van and Cheyenne pack up and are ready to move to the Montgomery's house. When they take over their first load of stuff in their new truck Van's father asks to speak with him alone. The Montgomerys make it clear that they asked Van to move in, not Cheyenne. The truck and the offer were a bribe to get him to leave his new bride. Van knows how much this will crush Cheyenne, she was so excited about living in the Montgomery's mansion, maid and all. Kyra l

30 mins  ·  Fri, 16 Nov 2001

S01 Episode 8

Don't Know Much About History

What Reba didn't want to hear: forsaken her clarinet. Reba suspects there's more to the story than Kyra saying she's grown out of her old instrument. Van returns from school and announces that he's failed his history mid-term. Brock arranges for Van to retake the test so he can pass and still play football. Unfortunately, Brock's tutoring skills are a little too overbearing, so Reba takes over. She discovers that he knows the information, but was so stressed out over football, his marriage, future career and baby that he blanked on the test. Reba helps him study and calm down, but when Van goes to retake the test, he fails again. Brock once again gets him a makeup exam but after talking to Reba about finding other interests besides football, Van says he wants to be in the school play, ""The Alamo Experience"" as Scout #4, instead of playing in Friday's game. She has her new tuba partner over to the house to practice and he turns out to be a cute boy named Brian. Kyra's busy making cookie

30 mins  ·  Fri, 7 Dec 2001

S01 Episode 9

Every Picture Tells a Story

Her best friend Lori Ann (guest star Park Overall) shows up at the door and announces that she's moving back to town. They recall their crazy single days and Lori Ann announces that now they're both divorced (probably the third time for her), it's time they hit the town. Lori Ann gets a glimpse of how accommodating Reba is to Brock and Barbra Jean and is amazed that her old friend could even allow her ex-husband's pregnant mistress into the house. It's clear that Brock and Lori Ann never really got along so he's less than thrilled that she's back in town. They trade barbs constantly. Brock and Reba are at the ""division of property"" stage of their divorce so Reba is cleaning out the garage, separating out all of Brock's things. She remembers fondly how she scrimped and saved to give him a set of golf clubs when he was in dental school. When Lori Ann comes across a photo of BJ and Brock at a dental conference in Hawaii that dates back before Brock and Reba were separated, those fond memo

30 mins  ·  Fri, 14 Dec 2001

S01 Episode 10

When Good Credit Goes Bad

She's having a decadent lunch with Lori Ann after a day of shopping and offers to pay, claiming it's a celebration since her divorce is final in a month. The waitress comes back to table to say that her credit card has been declined. When Reba gets home and calls the credit card company to report her card number stolen, she finds out that someone has been on a spree, spending $4000 on a diamond tiara and $175 at a religious gift shop. Who would do such a thing? Barbra Jean of course. Reba shows up at his door spitting fire because his mistress has run up the limit on her credit card. They had decided that during the divorce they would each get one card and Brock accidentally gave BJ the one for Reba's account. BJ tries to explain that the tiara was meant to dress up her simple wedding suit and lets it slip that they're planning on saying their vows in St. Thomas at dental convention in two weeks. Reba's shocked that they were going to sneak off and wonders how Brock thinks he can get m

30 mins  ·  Fri, 11 Jan 2002

S01 Episode 11

Meet the Parents

Reba's parents (guest stars Barry Corbin, ""Northern Exposure"" and Dorothy Lyman, ""The Bold and the Beautiful"") are celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary. They're taking a vacation and on the way they plan on stopping by Reba's to see the family. Reba's excited about her parents' visit until her mom starts making comments about what makes a good marriage. Thinking her mother is disappointed that she didn't keep her marriage together, Reba takes the comments to heart. Nevertheless, she plans a lunch to celebrate the anniversary and tells Brock that he should stop by and say hi, but not to bring Barbra Jean. Van's terrified of Cheyenne's grandparents because he's sure they disapprove of the marriage and Cheyenne's pregnancy, blaming him. Grandma assures him that she and her husband got married young as well. She gives Cheyenne a locket that her husband gave her a few years after they got married. It contained a real diamond ring, since they were too poor to have a real one when they

30 mins  ·  Fri, 18 Jan 2002

S01 Episode 12

A Mid-Semester's Night Dream

She announces at breakfast that she has a new position as a substitute teacher at the high school. Cheyenne is mortified that her mother's going to be around, but Reba assures her that she put Brock through dental school by teaching and she's always intended to go back to it. Cheyenne won't even know she's there. Reba's first day was full of pranks and mishaps and she absolutely loved it. When she arrives home Brock is waiting. Kyra called him to say that they're turning into latchkey kids and he's concerned that Reba's not home. She assures him that it'll all work out fine. Van and Cheyenne's friends Marisa and Eric are deeply in love. They're hanging out at Reba's house and announce that they've decided to get married. After a little questioning by Reba, she discovers that part of the reason they want to get married is to have sex and the other part is because Cheyenne and Van seem to be having so much fun. Reba convinces Van and Cheyenne to clue them into the realities of married lif

30 mins  ·  Fri, 25 Jan 2002

S01 Episode 13

Brock's Swan Song

Cheyenne and Van are going to get the ultrasound that will tell them the sex of the baby. Brock arrives and announces that his father John D. has died. Apparently he was on the golf course when a swan kept interrupting his putting. He took a swing at the swan and had a heart attack. It's clear that Brock and his father weren't very close and he begs Reba to help him with funeral arrangements. Having known John D. for over 20 years, Reba prepares a small funeral ceremony including a few friends and family. The arrangements are almost complete when Brock comes by with BJ (deep in mourning even though she never met John D.). BJ put together an elaborate funeral complete with white doves and a Baptist choir. Reba takes Brock aside and convinces him that this isn't what John D. would've wanted. She mentions that he'd have been happy to buried on a golf course. Brock thinks this is a great idea and immediately has John D. cremated. He begs Reba to help him spread the ashes on the 12th hole a

30 mins  ·  Fri, 1 Feb 2002

S01 Episode 14

The Story of a Divorce

When Reba receives her final divorce papers, Lori Ann persuades her to get back into action and start dating. Lori Ann runs through her list of eligible men on her palm pilot and digs up Reba's former boyfriend from college, Parker Reynolds. Reba can't remember why she ever broke up with him and agrees to see him. On the first date she is reminded of why. He is a lousy kisser and there are no sparks between them. Kyra convinces Jake that Parker is gong to be the ""new Daddy"" and that Reba will be changing his name or even worse, give him away! Reba lets Parker down easy for the second time and out of respect lets him know that he is a lousy kisser and she feels nothing for him.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 15 Feb 2002

S01 Episode 15

You May Kick the Bride

Barbra Jean is finally going to have her dream wedding to Brock. There's just one problem: a case of the pre-wedding jitters has hit the bride and she turns to Reba for help. BJ wants Reba's blessing for her marriage to Brock and for the wedding itself. Eventually Reba consents to BJ's request because she knows that marrying Brock is the right thing for Brock to do. What about the bridesmaids? Kyra doesn't want any part of her father's wedding, especially in the silly dress that BJ picked out, but Reba convinces her to go on with the show.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 22 Feb 2002

S01 Episode 16

Vanny Dearest

Van is named the football ""player of the year"" and the only thing that would make his moment complete is to have his parents there. Reba tries to convince the Montgomerys to mend the rift with their son over his marriage to Cheyenne. Van's mom Sue attends the awards ceremony, and being so moved by her son's sentiments, she smothers him with attention. This causes Cheyenne to get upset over Van's new mama's boy behavior, especially when Sue leaves her husband and moves in with Reba. Reba encourages Van to cut the apron strings.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 15 Mar 2002

S01 Episode 17

He's Having a Baby

Van and Cheyenne have signed up for Lamaze classes so they are ready when the baby comes. But, Cheyenne has to finish a term paper for school and can't attend. Reba steps in as a temporary Lamaze partner for Van but is horrified to find out that Brock and Barbra Jean are in the same class.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 12 Apr 2002

S01 Episode 18

She Works Hard for Their Money

Reba throws a baby shower for Cheyenne. She warns Brock to get the kids something practical, rather than the big screen TV he had planned on buying. At the end of the shower Reba gives Cheyenne a quilt she spent the last 8 months making out of Cheyenne's old baby clothes. Then Brock walks in and hands Cheyenne the keys to a brand new (well, used) car. Reba gets upset because they had a deal with their kids: they get a new car when they can pay for half. Cheyenne and Van need to pay for their half of the car before they can use it. Cheyenne starts doing work around the house and Van takes a job at a pizza place. When Van gets promoted to pizza delivery driver, Reba has to do the driving since Van doesn't technically have a car yet. Exhausted from essentially taking on Van's job, Reba cuts the kids a check for their half of the car and calls it a baby shower gift. When they run out to sit in their new/used car, Brock questions her change of heart. Reba explains that she just got credit f

30 mins  ·  Fri, 19 Apr 2002

S01 Episode 19

Labor of Love

Both Barbra Jean and Cheyenne are due to have their babies in the next few weeks. Brock is canceling his annual camping trip because he promised BJ that he'd be there when she went into labor. The University of Southern California is courting Van for their football team. Brock is happy with the idea but Reba wants Van and Cheyenne to go to the University of Houston so they stay nearby. When Reba finds out that a recruiter from USC is on his way, she convinces Brock to go on his camping trip anyway so he's not around to encourage Van to go to school all the way in California. During the recruiter's visit, Cheyenne feels what she thinks are labor pains. The whole family, including Barbra Jean, trots off to the hospital just to be sure. Cheyenne's not in labor, but suddenly Barbra Jean is... and where's Brock? Reba feels guilty for sending Brock away, so she treks into the woods to find him. Van and Cheyenne decide to stay in town and go to the University of Houston so they can be near th

30 mins  ·  Fri, 26 Apr 2002

S01 Episode 20

The King and I

Cheyenne and Van are nominated for Prom Queen and King. Everyone's surprised by the students overlooking Cheyenne's pregnancy and nominating her anyway. Cheyenne's so excited because she feels like did before she was pregnant. Van finds out that the mean but beautiful cheerleader will most likely win Queen and, worried about how much it'll hurt Cheyenne, he tries to fix it. He convinces all the dorky kids in school to actually vote in the first place and vote for Cheyenne. In return, he'll invite them to a pre-prom party at Reba's house. Van and Cheyenne win and, after the party, head to the prom. The nasty cheerleader walks by and comments on why Cheyenne really won - Van's popularity. Upset, Cheyenne refuses to enter the dance. Back at home, Cheyenne and Van make up and dance together in Reba's living room.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 3 May 2002

S01 Episode 21

Up a Treehouse with a Paddle

Brock has once again fallen back on a promise he made to Jake by missing a soccer game. Jake scored his first goal (okay, so it was on his own team) and Brock missed it. Feeling guilty because he's spending so much of his time helping with the baby and keeping his dental practice going, Brock promises Jake he'll finally build that tree house in the backyard they've been talking about. Reba warns Brock not to make another promise he can't keep. Brock shows up one day with a huge box containing all the parts to the tree house and promises he'll put it together. As Jake gets impatient waiting for his tree house, Reba decides to rope Van into helping her build it. They manage to put it together, if a bit lopsided. Brock promises to spend the first night in the tree house with Jake. While they're outside, Barbra Jean comes over in a panic because she can't get the baby to sleep. Reba ends up looking after little Henry when BJ falls asleep. Brock decides he can't have Reba clean up his messe

30 mins  ·  Fri, 10 May 2002

S01 Episode 22

It Ain't Over till the Red-Head Sings

Van and Cheyenne, who is nearing her due date and having trouble moving around, are excited about their upcoming graduation day. They tell Brock, BJ and Reba they want to be in the delivery room by themselves because it's about time they take reponsibility for things. Reba's hurt but takes the news in stride. Principal Hodges stops by and hands Cheyenne her diploma, assuming Cheyenne is too pregnant to attend the ceremony. It's obvious Principal Hodges just wants to avoid the embarrassment of a pregnant teen at graduation. Cheyenne stands up for herself and says she'll be at the ceremony and hands back the diploma. On the morning of graduation day Kyra notices Cheyenne is acting a little funny. She figures out Cheyenne's in labor but promises not to say anything because Cheyenne is intent on getting her diploma in person. At the ceremony, just as Reba figures out what's going on, Cheyenne is about to walk across the stage. Suddenly the contractions get to be too much so Van carries her

30 mins  ·  Fri, 10 May 2002

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