Where to stream Play School Season 336

Season 336

Watch Play School Season 336 in Australia

Released: 22nd Oct, 2018

7.5 / 10

Where to watch Play School Season 336

Apple TV

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Season 336 Episodes

S336 Episode 1

Move Your Body

Kiruna and Hunter construct a string-a-ling puppet, put together a dog training obstacle course, and play with gumboot frogs. Through the windows, they learn more about Bailey as she attends her specialised swimming lesson.

25 mins  ·  Mon, 22 Oct 2018

S336 Episode 2

Move Your Body

Kiruna and Andrew organise a bunny party for Jemima, play an `ears and tails' dress-up game, and make bouncy balloon characters. They also have a look at a dance class for all abilities through the windows.

26 mins  ·  Tue, 23 Oct 2018

S336 Episode 3

Move Your Body

Karen and Andrew construct bush animals, make a wheely train for Jemima, and tell the story of Nervous Nigel; Through the Windows, a look at a playground made for children of all abilities.

26 mins  ·  Wed, 24 Oct 2018

S336 Episode 4

Move Your Body

Kiruna and Kaeng have a soccer game with the toys, put together a sticky picture from bush objects, and dress up as fairy penguins; Through the Windows, they look at the game of goalball, a unique team sport for vision impaired people.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 25 Oct 2018

S336 Episode 5

Move Your Body

Andrew and Hunter put together an underwater scene, make fruit turtles in the kitchen, play a guessing game with cake, and take a look at Layla and her special horse-riding lesson.

25 mins  ·  Fri, 26 Oct 2018

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