Where to stream Perfect Strangers Season 3

Season 3

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Released: 22nd Sep, 1987

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Where to watch Perfect Strangers Season 3

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Season 3 Episodes

S03 Episode 1

All News That Fits

Larry gets a job at the Chicago Chrinicle local newspaper as a reporter and brings Balki to find a job. Mr. Burns the city editor hires Balki in the mail room but Mr. Gorpley the mail room boss doesn't want him there and tries everything to fire him.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 22 Sep 1987

S03 Episode 2

Weigh to Go Buddy

When Larry discovers that he has gained 7 pounds, He goes on a diet that won't work. So Balki gives him a Mypos diet but Larry has trouble following it and Balki won't let him quit.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 29 Sep 1987

S03 Episode 3

Sexual Harrassment in Chicago

The editor of the Chronicle's Sunday Magazine makes a play for Balki but he isn't interested. She won't take no for an answer and anyone who ever tried to report her lost their jobs.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 7 Oct 1987

S03 Episode 4

Taking Stock

Balki buys one share of stock in a cereal company and discovers that there isn't enough raisins in a box that they advertise. Knowing that the company is cheating the public, he decides to go to head office to complain and Larry goes with him.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 14 Oct 1987

S03 Episode 5

Better Shop Around

While grocery shopping, Balki wins a shopping spree to happen the next day and he thinks it would be fun. But Lary makes a plan to get certain things to sell for an air conditioner which takes all the fun out of it.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 21 Oct 1987

S03 Episode 6

Your Cheatin' Heart

Jennifer is planning on buying a surprise typewriter for Larry and asks Balki for help barganing at a clearance sale. Larry gets suspicious after he sees Balki and Jennifer sneaking around, and thinks they're having an affair.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 28 Oct 1987

S03 Episode 7

The Horn Blows at Midnight

When a famous psychic visits the Chronicle, She goes into a trance and predicts that a bog storm will come and Larry will die at midnight after sitting on a sheep and eating a golden ring. Larry thinks that it is just superstition until a storm comes out of nowhere.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 4 Nov 1987

S03 Episode 8

Karate Kids

While at a happy hour restaurant, Larry and Balki get beaten up at a bar by a bully who hit on Jennifer. So they decide to take karate and after several weeks of fine training, Larry insists on returning to the bar to pick a fight with the bully.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 11 Nov 1987

S03 Episode 9

Night School Confidential

Balki is cheated by a con artist who sold him counterfeit watches. And after getting no help from the police, Larry and Balki go undercover to expose the con artist and put him out of business.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 18 Nov 1987

S03 Episode 10

Future Shock

Jennifer has been given a promotion but if she accepts it, she has to move to LA. Larry refuses to tell her how he feels as a fear of rejection but later that evening, he has a dream about being a lonely old man with Balki and Mary Anne married, rich, living upstairs.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 25 Nov 1987

S03 Episode 11

Coach Potato

When Larry and Balki get cable TV, Balki becomes glued to the TV and won't stop watching it to the point where he forgets about his job, sleep, and never goes out anymore. So Larry must make an important decision of getting rid of the cable.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 2 Dec 1987

S03 Episode 12

The Break In

Balki accidently delivers Larry's offensive article to the publisher. So they break in late at night to retrieve it and end up on the ledge dealing with someone trying to commit suicide.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 9 Dec 1987

S03 Episode 13

To Be or Not to Be

When Larry and Balki are chosen to be in the commercial for the Chicago Chronicle, Larry takes his acting abilities too far and goes overboard.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 6 Jan 1988

S03 Episode 14

My Lips Are Sealed

After Mr. Gorpley gets information out of Balki about what's in the mail, Larry tells him that it's against the rules for him to give away what's in the mail. But in order to buy his dream car, he needs to know about his raise that was processed in the mail.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 13 Jan 1988

S03 Episode 15

The Pen Pal

Vince Lucas the racketeer that Larry and Balki testified against has been paroled and Balki invites him into their apartment after writing to him ever since he went to prison. Even though he threatened them, Balki trusts him but Larry's too scared.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 27 Jan 1988

S03 Episode 16

Just Desserts

After Balki serves Larry, Jennifer, and Mary Anne some ""bibi-bobkas"" (Mypoian cream puffs), Larry suggests selling them but baking them cannot be rushed.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 3 Feb 1988

S03 Episode 17

Pipe Dreams

Jennifer asks Larry if he can call a plumber for her to fix her shower head while she's away. Larry decides that to impress her he'll fix it himself and as Larry and Balki try and put everything together, things go extremely wrong and they end up flooding Jennifer and Mary Anne's bathroom.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 10 Feb 1988

S03 Episode 18

Bye Bye Biki

Balki is excited because his 106 year old grandmother Biki is coming to America to see him but when she switched planes in New York, she died at the airport and Balki has a hard time accepting it and pretends to be happy.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 24 Feb 1988

S03 Episode 19

The Graduate

Balki manages to graduate night school at the top o his class but soon finds out that there is no graduation ceremony. So Larry talks to the principal and arranges one.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 9 Mar 1988

S03 Episode 20

Defiant Guys

Larry is very angry at Balki for making him late for work and won't speak to him so Balki handcuffs them together and loses the key during Larry's important luncheon sate with Mr. Burns and the publisher R.T. Wainwright.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 11 Mar 1988

S03 Episode 21

My Brother, Myself

Larry's successful brother Billy (Ted McGinley) comes down for a visit, and Larry is upset because he brags about his success. So he tricks Balki into lying to Billy to make him think Larry is more successful.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 18 Mar 1988

S03 Episode 22

You Gotta Have Friends

While Larry is doing some important research, Balki goes out to the races and when he gets back, he tells Larry about meeting Carl Lewis but Larry doesn't believe him since he has taken Balki's money and left.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 25 Mar 1988

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