Where to stream Pepper Ann Season 3

Season 3

Watch Pepper Ann Season 3 in Australia

Released: 11th Sep, 1999

7.1 / 10

Where to watch Pepper Ann Season 3


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Season 3 Episodes

S03 Episode 1

You Oughta Be in Musicals

Pepper Ann is bored with her daily routine. She thinks she can put excitement in her life by playing the lead in the school's ""Detention: the Musical"". But she regrets that.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 11 Sep 1999

S03 Episode 2

Dances with Ignorance

Pepper Ann finds out shes a little of Indian and wants to learn more about her Heritage, but does she over-do it?

11 mins  ·  Sat, 18 Sep 1999

S03 Episode 3

Girl Power

Moose loves a cartoon "Tundra Woman" Because she fights for what she believes in, but when she finds out they replaced her by some stupid girly girl she gets angry and tries to fix the way Tundra Woman really is. But then they make Tundra woman to Evil!

11 mins  ·  Sat, 18 Sep 1999

S03 Episode 4

Beyond Good and Evel

Moose wants Evel Knevel to represent Hazelnut with his statue.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 25 Sep 1999

S03 Episode 5

One of the Guys

Pepper Ann wants to prove she's not a Girls Guy and wants to be a Girls Girl!

11 mins  ·  Sat, 25 Sep 1999

S03 Episode 6

The Wash-Out

When Gwen has to leave school in the middle of the day Pepper Ann accidentally starts a rumor that it's because Gwen has lice.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 6 Nov 1999

S03 Episode 7

Def Comedy Mom

Lydia decides to try out being a standup comedian to add some variety into her life. Pepper Ann freaks that Lydia'll will embarrass her.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 6 Nov 1999

S03 Episode 8

The First Date Club

Could it be a first date with Pepper Ann and Craig Bean!?

11 mins  ·  Sat, 13 Nov 1999

S03 Episode 9

Unicycle of Life

Pepper Ann freaks out when people start thinking she and Milo are dating.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 13 Nov 1999

S03 Episode 10

A Kosher Christmas

Pepper Ann makes a list of all the stuff that's great about Christmas or Hanuka, which ever is better.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 18 Dec 1999

S03 Episode 11

Effie Shrugged

Pepper Ann becomes friends with a School Bully and doesn't notice it.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 15 Jan 2000

S03 Episode 12

Mom Knows What P.A. Did Two Nights Ago

Pepper Ann sneaks into an R rated movie. The guilt of lying about it drives her insane.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 15 Jan 2000

S03 Episode 13

The Spanish Imposition

Pepper Ann really wants to get into Music Appreciation class. She gets stuck in Spanish 101 instead.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 22 Jan 2000

S03 Episode 14

Single Unemployed Mother

Pepper Ann has to do "Take your kid to work week" with Lydia Pearson "MOM," Only Lydia Quit her job.

11 mins  ·  Sat, 22 Jan 2000

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