Where to stream No Activity Season 3

Season 3

Watch No Activity Season 3 in Australia

Released: 21st Nov, 2019

6.8 / 10

Where to watch No Activity Season 3

Apple TV

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Season 3 Episodes

S03 Episode 1

Tooth and Nail

The newly demoted Cullen and Tolbeck stake out the red-light district and spot some suspicious activity. Janice is unhappy when a former flame is brought in as Dispatch's new supervisor.

26 mins  ·  Thu, 21 Nov 2019

S03 Episode 2

Flight JA61

Cullen helps Officer Charles Brock extradite a key witness in the Las Hormigas Cartel investigation. Clint shakes things up by introducing some new technology to the department.

24 mins  ·  Thu, 21 Nov 2019

S03 Episode 3

There's No Ocean in the Wichita

Cullen attempts to set boundaries as a run-down Brock comes to terms with a new reality. Janice grows increasingly frustrated with the invasion of BopBot. Chief and Gary must fix a huge mistake.

26 mins  ·  Thu, 21 Nov 2019

S03 Episode 4

Death Knock

Cullen and Tolbeck get a surprise visit from FBI Agent Dustin Kasprowicz, Gary and Chief plan their next move, and Janice attempts to convince Fatima that they should start looking for new jobs.

23 mins  ·  Thu, 21 Nov 2019

S03 Episode 5

Leon's Retirement Party

Leon throws his own retirement party but Cullen and Tolbeck are wary of his intentions. Clint confronts Janice regarding her hatred of the BopBot, but the conversation quickly turns into a rehash of their romantic past.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 21 Nov 2019

S03 Episode 6

Kasprowicz v. Haldeman

Disgraced former detective Josh Haldeman is questioned by Agent Kasprowicz. Cullen is given a less-than-enthused new partner.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 21 Nov 2019

S03 Episode 7


Cullen partners with his girlfriend, Lieutenant Sophie Beyers. Gary is on the run and must figure out what to do with Yaya. Fatima finds her voice and stands up to Janice.

23 mins  ·  Thu, 21 Nov 2019

S03 Episode 8

Oops Sorry

Cullen deals with the consequences after losing another key witness in the Las Hormigas Cartel investigation. Janice heads to Dispatch to confront Clint and delivers shocking news.

23 mins  ·  Thu, 21 Nov 2019

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