Where to stream Monkey Life Season 9

Season 9

Watch Monkey Life Season 9 in Australia

Released: 6th Nov, 2016

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Where to watch Monkey Life Season 9

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Season 9 Episodes

S09 Episode 1

Episode 1

Alison rescues Ruby, a marmoset with attitude and a bit of a weight issue. She has been well cared for but this free ranging marmoset needs company of her own kind. Back at the park there’s a group of primates who’ve had a weight problem in the past, but life is now blossoming for the residents at the stumpie house. Orphan orangutan babies Rieke and Bulu Mata discover the ups and downs of life in the nursery and after some renovations at Hananya’s chimpanzee enclosure, its young Thelma who leads the way.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 6 Nov 2016

S09 Episode 2

Episode 2

The primate care staff suspect golden-cheeked gibbon Kim is about to give birth but after several hours and no change in her condition the vet is called in. It’s a tense time when Kim has to undergo an emergency cesarean. Aging saki monkey Jethro gets a surprise when new companion Chloe arrives from France but it seems Jethro isn’t the romantic type. At Levar’s woolly monkey enclosure there are treats on offer, pine cones packed with raisins, nuts and seeds and its all gone nuts in Franco’s capuchin group.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 6 Nov 2016

S09 Episode 3

Episode 3

Ruby the parks newest and largest marmoset gets introduced to males Jock and Colin, but it doesn’t go to plan. The primate care team have noticed that Lola a chimpanzee in Paddy’s group is having problems with her sight and start training her to allow a close up examination. She is diagnosed as having cataracts and the team need to decide if she should have an operation. At orangutan Tuan’s enclosure they get a special breakfast of fruit and jelly and RoRo’s left with the washing up.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 13 Nov 2016

S09 Episode 4

Episode 4

Alison calls in a specialist eye surgeon to perform the cataract operation on Lola the chimpanzee, Mr Bray normally operates on humans so it’s a unique experience for man and ape. Only time will tell if the operation has been successful. Elsewhere in the park, young chimpanzee Thelma is a willing pupil when it comes to clicker training and baby orangutans Rieke and Bulu Mata get to explore the big kid’s playroom in the nursey for the first time.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 13 Nov 2016

S09 Episode 5

Episode 5

There’s two new arrivals at the park; a baby woolly monkey for experienced mum Xingu, and dad Oaska and Alison’s been to Wales to collect a new squirrel monkey called Azzi who was being kept as a pet. Over at Paddy’s enclosure, Lola has been recovering from her cataract operation and the primate care team decide it’s time for her to rejoin her chimpanzee group. And it’s round two for marmoset Ruby as she is introduced to Oscar, the parks smallest marmoset.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 20 Nov 2016

S09 Episode 6

Episode 6

Woolly monkey Oaska has sadly passed away. He was suffering from spinal arthritis and his condition had deteriorated dramatically, the primate care team made the difficult decision to put him to sleep. With no natural successor in the group it’s decided to move Chippy in with them as he is a proven leader. Over at the orangutan nursery Bulu Mata and Reike are having another big day as they go into the outside enclosure for the first time and new arrival Azzi is introduced to fellow squirrel monkey Charlie.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 20 Nov 2016

S09 Episode 7

Episode 7

The park has rescued another monkey originating from the UK Pet Trade, Alison has been to collect Dino the capuchin. Bringing Dino to the park is just the first step and now the hard work begins introducing him to others of his own kind. Another recent arrival, Ruby the marmoset has settled in well with companion Oscar and it’s weigh in day for the pair followed by fruit kebabs to get them moving. Chimpanzee Jestah has a skin condition that seems to be bothering him so the primate care staff begin clicker training so they can treat the problem, with surprising results.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 27 Nov 2016

S09 Episode 8

Episode 8

There’s shocking news from Hananya’s chimpanzee group, Tikko has died. His death has come as a blow to the whole group, and to the primate care team. Recent arrival Azzi has become friends with squirrel monkey Samantha and it’s time for her to experience the outside enclosure for the first time. But Azzi misses out on the treats dotted around the enclosure as she decides to hide in a bush. However in the same enclosure is saki monkey Chloe, another recent arrival who gets stuck in to the sticky jelly treat.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 27 Nov 2016

S09 Episode 9

Episode 9

Capuchins Dino and Winslow are getting on well after being introduced a few weeks ago. It’s now time for them to be introduced some females and for Dino this is a whole new experience. Woolly monkey Paulo has some big shoes to fill as he promoted to dominant male in Chippy’s old group. He still has a lot of growing up to do but the primate care staff hope he will be successful in his new role. And elderly Lar gibbon Ella’s cataracts have got to the stage where they are affecting her quality of life.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 4 Dec 2016

S09 Episode 10

Episode 10

Elderly gibbon Ella is on the operating table; eye surgeon Mr Bray and his team are going to try and give her back her sight and quality of life. It’s a very difficult procedure on such a small patient, and there are some nervous onlookers in the room. Over at the orangutan nursery it’s pomegranates and marmite for Hsiao-Quai, Jin and Awan and Jin has got this licked. While indoors big brother Kai is being trained to walk into a traveling crate for his impending move. And the squirrel monkey and saki enclosure gets a makeover.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 4 Dec 2016

S09 Episode 11

Episode 11

Wildlife vet John Lewis visits the park to give squirrel monkey Samantha a full health check but there’s concern when he discovers a large mass in her abdomen. At the gibbon house, it’s been 48 hours since elderly lar gibbon Ella underwent cataract surgery and the primate care staff have already noticed a remarkable change in her. While over at the orangutan nursery there’s a special delivery of jackfruit for Hsiao-quai and her three off-spring, but unknown to them it signals Kai’s last day at Monkey World.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 11 Dec 2016

S09 Episode 12

Episode 12

It’s a sad farewell to orangutans Kai, Lingga and Joly as they head for a new life in Spain. But before their journey can begin the primate care staff have to get them into their traveling crates. For Lingga and Joly this involves an anaesthetic and wildlife vet John Lewis is on hand to make sure things go smoothly. Over at Hananya’s chimpanzee troop they’ve been a bit subdued since the loss of Tikko so the primate care staff have been keeping them busy and todays treat involves solving a puzzle. And the lemurs are given some frozen delights.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 11 Dec 2016

S09 Episode 13

Episode 13

It’s the start of a new life for orangutans Kai, Lingga and Joly when they arrive at a wildlife park in Spain. Monkey World animal manager Jeremy has travelled with them to ensure their welfare while on the road and to settle them into their new home. Jeremy has known these orangutans for over 10 years and helps the new keepers get to know their characters. But what will Kai, Lingga and Joly think of the neighbours.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 18 Dec 2016

S09 Episode 14

Episode 14

Alison comes to the rescue of two pet trade marmosets; both of which have celebrity names. Chuck Norris is first to be collected from a flat in central London and then Alison heads to High Wycombe to collect Sid Vicious, it’s hoped these marmosets can live together when they get back to the park. The primate care staff try and make every day interesting for the primates; at the spider monkey enclosure Toby is using hidden treats to get his lethargic charges working for their breakfast, and Cat tries to find a way for the golden cheeked gibbons to keep cool.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 18 Dec 2016

S09 Episode 15

Episode 15

Orangutans Kai, Lingga and Joly are settling down at their new home in Spain but with Jeremy’s time there coming to an end, will they be brave enough to venture outside? Back at the park, newly arrived marmosets Chuck and Sid are introduced but there’s a surprise in store for Alison when she gets a closer look at Sid. Golden cheeked gibbon Mikado has become a bolshy teenager so the park needs a plan for his future and over at the lemur enclosure they go potty for parsley!

30 mins  ·  Sun, 25 Dec 2016

S09 Episode 16

Episode 16

Marmosets Sid and Chuck have their health checks and wildlife vet John Lewis performs a delicate operation on Chuck, as it was recently discovered Sid is actually a girl. During Sid’s health check an X-ray is taken to get a clearer idea of the extent of her mobility problems. Golden cheeked gibbon Mikado undergoes crate training to help with his upcoming house move. Baby woolly monkey Olivia shows of her skills as she becomes more independent while the rest of the group tuck into grapes on the vine.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 25 Dec 2016

S09 Episode 17

Episode 17

In part one of our Vietnam special we travel to Monkey World’s sister sanctuary, Dao Tien, which was set up to rescue and rehabilitate endangered Vietnamese primates. The Dao Tien team rescue two pygmy loris stolen from the forest but their health check gives cause for concern. The sanctuary’s mission is to return primates to the wild but for one of the recused loris it may not be possible. And golden cheeked gibbon Binh receives a contraceptive implant in preparation for her move to the semi-free enclosure.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 1 Jan 2017

S09 Episode 18

Episode 18

In part two of our Vietnam special we travel to Monkey World’s sister sanctuary, Dao Tien, which was set up to rescue and rehabilitate endangered Vietnamese primates. Orphan golden cheeked gibbons Vang and Hoi have been hand reared at the sanctuary for the last 6 months and it’s time for them to be introduced to a big sister who can teach them how to become wild gibbons. Wildlife vet Savvy has to operate on Pedro the loris as his leg wound has become infected. But for Linn the loris it’s a big night out as he is released back into the wild.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 1 Jan 2017

S09 Episode 19

Episode 19

It’s a massive day for three adolescent golden cheeked gibbons. Mikado, Teo and Zak leave their families to form the parks first ever bachelor gibbon group. It’s a tense day for the staff and primates as the three gibbons have to be tempted into their traveling crates. Elsewhere in the park, Sammy the marmoset’s health is causing concern so vet Dave Harding is called in to perform an ultrasound. And its bed time for Hananya’s chimps, but little Thelma just wants to play.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 8 Jan 2017

S09 Episode 20

Episode 20

In the last of this series of Monkey Life; baby orangutans Rieke and Bulu Mata have a special play date with the rest of the nursery residents. For the first time they meet adult female Hsiao-Quai and her six year old son Jin, who can be a bit of a tough nut. It’s another step towards Rieke and Bulu Mata being integrated into the orangutan nursery. Golden cheeked gibbons Mikado, Teo and Zak discover what it’s like to hang out with the boys. And life is sweet for the bachelor chimps when the primate care staff give them papier mache balls.

30 mins  ·  Sun, 8 Jan 2017

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