Where to stream Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Season 8

Season 8

Watch Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Season 8 in Australia

Released: 17th Feb, 1975

8.7 / 10

Where to watch Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Season 8

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Season 8 Episodes

S08 Episode 1

Episode 1391

Mister Rogers plays a few rounds of hide and seek with viewers before Audrey Roth invites him to see her new mobile home which will serve as both her home and office. With Frisbees scattered around her desk at the office, Barbara Russell is working on a new promotion for Audrey Cleans Everything: "It's as easy to find our new location as it is to throw a Frisbee." Audrey shows Mister Rogers around her new home. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Purple Panda has recently returned from the circus when Barbara B. Frisbee arrives at the castle. Purple Panda joins her for some Frisbee throwing fun as Lady Elaine Fairchilde recognizes Barbara B. Frisbee as former Make-Believe visitor, Barbara Boomerang. After a target is set up, Lady Elaine becomes upset when she does not win a Frisbee throwing game. Moving the target to the castle, King Friday is successful after some practice with Barbara Frisbee.

Mon, 17 Feb 1975

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