Where to stream Martha Speaks Season 1

Season 1

Watch Martha Speaks Season 1 in Australia

Released: 1st Sep, 2008

Where to watch Martha Speaks Season 1

Foxtel Now

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Season 1 Episodes

S01 Episode 1

Martha Speaks/Martha Gives Advice

When Martha eats alphabet soup, the letters go to her brain and she develops the ability to talk. And boy, does she talk. After her family complains that she talks too much, she clams up and stops eating her soup. Then a cat burglar breaks into her house, and Martha finds herself speechless.

30 mins  ·  Mon, 1 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 2

Martha and Skits/Martha Plays a Part

Helen's cousin Carolina is a little bit older but a lot more fashion–conscious. Helen tries to take her advice, even though she's pretty happy with how she looks already. Then Martha becomes the new host of a radio advice show, and people start doing some pretty strange things.

30 mins  ·  Mon, 1 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 3

Martha Takes the Cake/Codename: Martha

A new puppy joins Martha's household, bursting with puppy energy and the desire to chew everything. Unlike Martha, when Skits eats alphabet soup, nothing comes out except "Woof." Feeling like he's let the family down, Skits runs away. But soon Skits discovers that everybody is special in their own way.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 2 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 4

Martha to the Rescue/Martha Camps Out

Helen is miserable after Martha volunteers her for a part in the school play. With practice—and a little help from Martha—Helen finds she can do anything she wants, if she puts her mind to it.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 2 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 5

Down on the Farm/Martha Runs Away

It's Alice's birthday and everybody's invited, including Martha. The only problem is that Nelson (Martha's cat nemesis) will be there too. When somebody—or some animal—ruins the birthday cake, Alice's brother Ronald thinks Martha's responsible. Martha proclaims her innocence . . .

30 mins  ·  Wed, 3 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 6

Martha Blah Blah/Skits Behaves

Martha, Helen, and T.D. uncover a plot to rob the jewelry store, or so they think until their two suspects turn out to be police detectives on a stakeout.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 3 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 7

Martha and the Canine Caper/Perfectly Martha

Martha is inspired by her favorite show, "Courageous Collie Carlo." Unfortunately, her attempts to become a doggie hero don't quite work out the way she plans. In the end, both Martha and Helen discover they can be courageous when it really matters.

30 mins  ·  Thu, 4 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 8

Firedog Martha/Martha's Pickle

Ronald finds out that Helen and Alice plan to go camping and warns them about Big Minnie, a mythical monster who lives in the woods. Undeterred, the campers set off. After all, everybody knows Big Minnie's imaginary.

30 mins  ·  Thu, 4 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 9

The Dog Who Came to Dinner/Martha Calling

Helen, Martha, and T.D. visit T.D.'s grandpa CK on his farm. When Martha tries to help with chores, things get a little out of hand. She doesn't think she's cut out to be a farm dog, until she raises the alarm, just in the nick of time.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 5 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 10

Oh, Noooo!/Bye, Martha

When Helen gets mad, Martha feels unappreciated and decides to run away. She finds the perfect job to match her abilities—as a telemarketer—and enjoys career success. But she realizes that no amount of success is a substitute for a loving family.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 5 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 11

Martha Walks the Dog/Martha's Got Talent

Granny Flo decides to cut costs at the soup factory. Who would notice if each bowl of soup had only half the letters of the alphabet anyway? Martha would, that's who. As the letters are subtracted from the soup, they're also subtracted from her speech, and Martha loses her ability to communicate.

30 mins  ·  Mon, 8 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 12

Martha the Hero Maker/Starstruck Martha

Now that Skits is full grown, his rambunctious behavior has really gotten out of hand. Mom and Dad tell Helen she has to train Skits or he will have to be an outside dog. Helen tries all the latest training techniques with no success, until she realizes there's only one sure–fire training method: practice, lots of practice.

30 mins  ·  Mon, 8 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 13

Martha in Charge/Truman and the Deep Blue Sea

Martha inadvertently helps some stray dogs rob Karl the butcher. Worried that she'll get blamed for the crime, she conceals the evidence and pretends nothing happened. When the canine criminals recruit her for another heist, she's torn between the truth and a really big salami.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 9 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 14

Escape from Flea Island/No Dogs Allowed

Martha thinks there's something fishy about the Perfect Pup Institute. Why are all these dogs behaving so, well, perfectly? Martha is determined to uncover the secret, before any more dogs lose their essential dogginess.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 9 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 15

Martha Ain't Nothin' But a Pound Dog

When Martha loses her collar she winds up in the animal shelter and tries to lead an escape attempt.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 10 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 16

Best in Show/Truman on the Ball

Have giant alien pickles invaded Wagstaff City? Truman saw something just like it in a movie, but he never saw the ending.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 10 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 17

Martha Runs the Store

Helen agrees to take care of Mrs. Clusky's dog for a few days, and Martha can't wait to welcome their houseguest. To Martha's chagrin, François turns out to be a demanding and manipulative guest who knows just how to charm the humans.

30 mins  ·  Thu, 11 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 18

Itchy Martha/Martha and the Thief of Hearts

When Martha wins a trip to the Come–On–Inn from a radio call–in show, there's only one problem: No dogs allowed. Helen and Martha put their heads together to come up with a solution. Enter Granny Martha. But when a "mad dog" eats Granny Martha, pandemonium ensues.

30 mins  ·  Thu, 11 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 19

There Goes the Neighborhood/I Scream

Granny Flo's Alphabet Soup is taking a licking from the competition, Oodles of Os. If Granny Flo goes out of business, how will Martha communicate? To increase sales, Helen, Martha, and T.D. set out to convince Granny Flo to advertise on the popular TV show, International Icon.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 12 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 20

Nurse Martha/TD Gets the Scoop

Being able to translate animal speech helps when Martha gets a job as the vet's assistant. But when a puppy comes to the vet and he speaks nothing but incomprehensible puppy talk, Martha will need more than her linguistic skills to figure out what's wrong. / Carolina is starting a newspaper and she needs some crack reporters. TD turns investigative reporter, until he becomes the headline himself.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 12 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 21

Alice Twinkle Toes/Martha Fails the Course

There's a new dog in town and, boy, is he mean! He barks so much that nobody can sleep. Helen and Martha decide they have to do something. They try steak, squeaky toys, soothing music, but nothing calms the beast within. Then unexpectedly Ronald's parrot reveals the power of a few well–chosen words.

30 mins  ·  Mon, 15 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 22

Martha Sings/TD Makes the Band

Weaselgraft just can't get Martha off his mind. He must have her. Maybe he can tempt her into his clutches with some well–placed praise and a lifetime supply of bones. He invites her to a talent show, and Martha tells the gang. T.D., Truman, and Carolina are game, but they aren't the kind of game Weaselgraft was hoping to catch.

30 mins  ·  Mon, 15 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 23

Skits Under the Weather/Martha the Weather Dog

Martha has an idea for a thrilling adventure story, so Truman, T.D., and Helen decide to draw it for her. Much to Martha's dismay, they all add their own special touches, including peanut butter, a ground squirrel, and the Incredible Exo–Skeleton–of–Wow.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 16 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 24

Martha in the Doghouse/Martha Models

Martha is thrilled when she hears Courageous Collie Carlo is coming to town. But when Martha unexpectedly reveals how uncourageous Carlo really is, she has to help him save his reputation or Carlo's TV career could be history.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 16 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 25

TD and the Steak Tree/TD and Martha Gopher Broke

Helen comes down with laryngitis, and she's sent to bed to recuperate. Martha decides to use her powers of speech to take care of the patient and find a cure.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 17 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 26

Virtually Martha/Martha vs. Robot

Truman can't believe his luck when Alice invites the gang to go whale watching . . . . until he realizes that he has to actually get on a boat. Which means he'll get seasick.

30 mins  ·  Wed, 17 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 27

Martha's Dirty Habit/Helen's All Thumbs

Carolina is determined to outdo Tiffany Blatsky on the science project. She organizes an expedition with T.D., Truman, and Martha to gather "exotic" plants. When the canoe capsizes, a storm blows up, and the sun starts to go down, they worry they may never get off Flea Island.

30 mins  ·  Thu, 18 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 28

Martha Bakes/Martha Makes Scents

Tiffany wants to make Helen's treehouse into a girls' clubhouse. But who should be president? When the girls hold an election (Carolina vs. Tiffany, of course), both candidates aggressively court Helen's vote.

30 mins  ·  Thu, 18 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 29

Martha the Witness/Martha Takes a Stand

Martha loses her collar and winds up in the animal shelter. She leads an escape attempt, only to find that freedom isn't much without a family.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 19 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 30

Martha Goes to School/TD and the Light Bulb of Doom

When Martha's family comes to take her home, she decides she can't leave her shelter friends behind. Adopting that many dogs is out of the question, so Martha, Helen, and T.D. cook up a plan to find families for the pound pooches.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 19 Sep 2008

S01 Episode 31

Martha Treads the Boards/Martha's Pack

After T.D. passes in the wrong drawing in art class (a caricature of his art teacher instead of a perfectly good drawing of the back of Chuck Smith's head), he panics. With Truman and Martha keeping an eye out for the janitor, Helen and T.D. sneak into the school after hours to switch the drawings.

30 mins  ·  Mon, 13 Oct 2008

S01 Episode 32

Martha Smells/Martha Hears

Martha always seems to do the wrong thing around Grandma Lucille. To prove that she's really considerate, she decides to do something really special for Grandma's birthday. But finding the perfect present for a human is a lot harder than it looks.

30 mins  ·  Mon, 13 Oct 2008

S01 Episode 33

Martha's Worst Best Day/Truman's Brother

Professor Monkey is coming to town to promote his craft books with co–author Beppo. But his directions to the bookstore end up under Bob the dog's fiercely guarded porch.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 14 Oct 2008

S01 Episode 34

Here's Martha!/Dog Fight

Truman needs Martha to help him find something he lost at Dog Head Lake. The only problem is he won't tell Martha what they're looking for because he's too embarrassed. After getting lost deep in the forest and coming face–to–face with his fears, Truman learns a valuable lesson about himself and his . . . whatsit.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 14 Oct 2008

S01 Episode 35

Therapy Dog/Martha's Duck Trouble

Carolina decides to enter François in the dog show, and Helen just can't help herself. She has to enter Martha, too, so she can show Carolina who the true champion really is.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 28 Nov 2008

S01 Episode 36

Truman's Secret/Skits Monkeys Arounds

Why does Truman want to become a hobo and/or join the circus? Is he actually trying to run away? Maybe it has something to do with tomorrow's softball game, and the fact that Truman can't actually catch the ball.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 28 Nov 2008

S01 Episode 37

What's Bothering Bob/Martha Spins a Tale

Is someone fixing up the haunted house? If not, who ordered those flowers? Was it the ghost of Mrs.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 31 Oct 2008

S01 Episode 38

Raiders of the Lost Art/Martha Says It with Flowers

Uh–oh. Martha walked under a ladder—and broke a mirror—so now she thinks she's jinxed. And she's worried her bad luck is rubbing off on everybody else. Helen tries to explain that all the accidents are just coincidence, but things just keep getting worse.

30 mins  ·  Fri, 31 Oct 2008

S01 Episode 39

Martha Doesn't Speak Monkey!/Martha and Truman Get Lost

Skits and Martha are feeling desperate while they wait in the broiling sun for Helen to finish shopping. Fed up, Skits decides to follow the cool air into the store, and Martha has to follow to get him out.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 9 Dec 2008

S01 Episode 40

Martha Gets Spooked/Martha Changes Her Luck

Helen can't find Martha and Skits anywhere. Little does she know, they're trapped inside the darkened department store, trying to find the exit . . . when they aren't distracted by the comfy beds, overflowing garbage cans, and automatic tennis–ball shooter.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 9 Dec 2008

S01 Episode 43

There Goes the Neighborhood

Martha can't believe that Helen and Alice are making such a fuss about a kitten. Everyone knows kittens are not to be tolerated.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 17 Feb 2009

S01 Episode 44

Ice Scream

Alice is shocked to discover that Truman has never actually tried ice cream. Alice thinks deciding you won't like ice cream without trying it is, well, prejudiced! Can Helen and T.D.

30 mins  ·  Tue, 17 Feb 2009

S01 Episode 46

T.D. Gets the Scoop

30 mins  ·  Wed, 18 Feb 2009

S01 Episode 50

T.D. Makes the Band

30 mins  ·  Mon, 2 Mar 2009

S01 Episode 55

T.D. and the Steak Tree

30 mins  ·  Wed, 18 Mar 2009

S01 Episode 56

T.D. and Martha Gopher Broke

30 mins  ·  Wed, 18 Mar 2009

S01 Episode 66

T.D. and the Light Bulb of Doom

30 mins  ·  Wed, 8 Apr 2009

S01 Episode 74

Dog Fight

30 mins  ·  Tue, 14 Jul 2009

S01 Episode 78

Skits Monkeys Around

30 mins  ·  Thu, 16 Jul 2009

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