Where to stream Last Chance for Christmas

Last Chance for Christmas 2015

Released: 2015

6.1 / 10

6.2 / 10

Rated: PG

Director: Gary Yates

Cast: Hilarie Burton, Gabriel Hogan, Tim Matheson, Lola Flanery

Starring Hilarie Burton, Gabriel Hogan and Tim Matheson, “Last Chance Christmas” is about when Prancer injures his hoof, and Santa’s stable hand, John, must find a fill in to ensure Christmas deliveries go off without a hitch. His mission gets complicated when he discovers that Frankie, the perfect substitute reindeer, belongs to a precocious 8-year-old girl and her mother Annie. As he races to get Frankie up to the North Pole, he realizes that he’s actually falling in love with Annie and has to find a way to win her over and save Christmas at the same time.

Where to watch Last Chance for Christmas in Australia

Foxtel Now

All seasons may not be available on all providers.

Information about streaming services showing Last Chance for Christmas

Our data shows that the Last Chance for Christmas is available to stream on Foxtel Now. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Disney+, Google Play and Netflix, Stan. Last Chance for Christmas is not available on any of them at this time.

Please let us know if we got anything wrong?

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Shows like Last Chance for Christmas

Last Chance for Christmas is a great show, we’ve selected several other show options that we think you would like to stream if you have watched Last Chance for Christmas

News and Articles about Foxtel Now

Stream it with Foxtel Now

Foxtel Now is a streaming service from Foxtel. It offers a wide range of channels and packages to choose from, including sports, movies, drama, and lifestyle. Foxtel Now allows users to stream live and on-demand content on multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. It also offers a free 10-day trial for new customers. The service also offers the ability to pause, rewind, and record live TV, similar to traditional pay-TV services.

Got a question about Foxtel Now?

You can have up to five devices registered to use Foxtel Now at any one time, and you can stream on any two of those at the same time. You can remove and add devices to the list as often as you like.
Unlike some other streaming services, Foxtel Now’s mobile apps don’t allow downloading content for offline viewing. However, almost all shows seen on Foxtel Now’s channels can be streamed on demand at any time.
While you can watch your Foxtel Now channels anywhere in Australia – making it the ideal TV service for frequent travellers – because of rights restrictions it can’t be used while you’re overseas. If you’re travelling outside Australia for an extended period, you can pause your subscription.
Foxtel Now offers a variety of sports channels and packages for sports enthusiasts, including the Sports Pack which offers access to channels such as Fox Sports, Fox Cricket, and Fox League. It also offers coverage of major sports events such as the Australian Football League (AFL), National Rugby League (NRL), and international cricket. Additionally, the service offers live streaming of international sports events such as the NBA, NFL and other American competitions. The service also offers the ability to pause, rewind, and record live sports events, providing flexibility for viewers to watch at your convenience.


  • Australian streaming service
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