Kiss Sixth Sense
Seasons: 1
Released: 2022
7.6 / 10
7.2 / 10
Director: Nam Ki-hoon
Cast: Yoon Kye-sang, Seo Ji-hye, Kim Ji-seok, Lee Ju-yeon, Tae In-ho
Hong Ye-sul, a competent account executive at an advertising company, has one secret— she can see the future when her lips come into contact with another person. When Ye-sul accidentally kisses her stern team chief Cha Min-hu, she sees the impossible: herself in bed with him some time in the future. To add to her confusion and frustration, her ex-boyfriend Lee Pil-yo is attempting to win back her heart, shaking her life up even more.
Where to watch Kiss Sixth Sense in Australia
Seasons of Kiss Sixth Sense
There is currently just 1 season of Kiss Sixth Sense
Information about streaming services showing Kiss Sixth Sense
Our data shows that the Kiss Sixth Sense is available to stream on Disney+. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Google Play, Foxtel Now and Netflix, Stan. Kiss Sixth Sense is not available on any of them at this time.
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