Inside the Mind
Seasons: 1
Released: 2021
Director: Ros Edwards
In this series renowned psychiatrist, Dr Bob Johnson, will explore the incredibly complex and unusual lives of Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson. He'll reveal the forces and experiences that shaped their unique personalities - from childhood traumas and family life to relationships and their music careers, this will be a complete picture of the private men behind the public masks. Freddie Mercury's hedonistic lifestyle captivated the press, whilst his creative genius saw him top the charts with hit record after hit record. But hiding behind his carefully crafted public persona was a tumultuous inner life that few got to see. Black or white? Man or Child? Extrovert or Introvert? Michael Jackson is a man who leaves so many questions unanswered. So who was this man why did he operate in such ways with such bizarre consequences? His story is one of the great riddles of popular culture.
Where to watch Inside the Mind in Australia
Seasons of Inside the Mind
There is currently just 1 season of Inside the Mind
Information about streaming services showing Inside the Mind
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