Where to stream In the Night Garden Season 2

Season 2

Watch In the Night Garden Season 2 in Australia

Released: 1st Sep, 2008

6.5 / 10

Where to watch In the Night Garden Season 2


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Season 2 Episodes

S02 Episode 1

Slow Down Everybody

The Tombliboos are playing their music so fast that everybody does everything very fast too. Igglepiggle and Upsy Daisy dance, and Makka Pakka washes stones until at last, the Tombliboos slow down.

28 mins  ·  Mon, 1 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 2

Be Careful Tombliboos!

Travelling in the Pinky Ponk, the Tombliboos are drinking their Pinky Ponk juice. Several times they just avoid spilling their juice by being careful, but finally it splats everywhere.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 2 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 3

Igglepiggle's Noisy Noises

Everything in the garden is so noisy that Igglepiggle moves away to find a quiet place to be by himself, but once there, he misses all his friends until Upsy Daisy comes to find him.

28 mins  ·  Wed, 3 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 4

The Pontipine Children on the Roof

The Pontipines ride on the Ninky Nonk, but Mr and Mrs Pontipine can't find the children. It turns out those naughty dollies are riding on the roof of the Pontipine carriage.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 4 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 5

Upsy Daisy Dances with the Pinky Ponk

Upsy Daisy shows her love for everything in the garden by dancing. She dances with the Pinky Ponk, which imitates her every move as they create a happy pas de deux.

28 mins  ·  Fri, 5 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 6

The Tombliboos Swap Trousers

The Tombliboos manage to get their trousers mixed up all over the place, in the Pinky Ponk and the Ninky Nonk. No matter how often the Tombliboos change their trousers back, it happens all over again.

28 mins  ·  Mon, 8 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 7

Kicking the Ball

Since Upsy Daisy is the best at kicking the ball, she offers to teach Igglepiggle. At last Igglepiggle can kick all around the garden.

28 mins  ·  Tue, 9 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 8

Where Are the Tombliboo's Toothbrushes?

The Pontipine children have disappeared, and the Tombliboos' toothbrushes just won't stay put. The Tombliboos eventually catch up with their toothbrushes and give their teeth a good cleaning.

27 mins  ·  Wed, 10 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 9

The Pontipines' Picnic

The Pontipines are searching for the perfect place to have a picnic. They try the stones, the log, and then the pebbles, until they settle on the branch. The Pontipines call the Wottingers on the Trubliphone and invite them.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 11 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 10

Upsy Daisy's Funny Bed

Igglepiggle wakes Upsy Daisy to go for a walk in the garden, and Upsy Daisy's bed follows them, even when they ride on the Ninky Nonk. When Upsy Daisy would like a rest, her bed makes her chase it.

28 mins  ·  Fri, 12 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 11

Upsy Daisy's Special Stone

Upsy Daisy asks Igglepiggle to look after her special stone while she rides the Ninky Nonk, but Igglepiggle forgets all about Upsy Daisy's special stone after playing with the ball.

28 mins  ·  Mon, 15 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 12

Makka Pakka's Piles of Three

The Tombliboos are playing with their bricks indoors and decide to make three towers. Makka Pakka is making three piles of three stones, but he needs another one. Upsy Daisy has a present for Makka Pakka, a stone which she found in her bed.

28 mins  ·  Tue, 16 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 13

Running About

Everyone is running around the garden and Makka Pakka can't wash their faces. After a lot of fun and chasing, Makka Pakka succeeds in his task.

28 mins  ·  Wed, 17 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 14

Trousers on the Ninky Nonk

Forgetting their trousers, the Tombliboos are forced to make their way home without them, but Makka Pakka arrives with a present for the Tombliboos.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 18 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 15

Where Are the Wottingers?

After their faces are washed by Makka Pakka, the Pontipines go to meet the Wottingers, but the Wottingers are not in. The Pontipines go looking for them around the garden.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 19 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 16

Windy Day in the Garden

Upsy Daisy and Igglepiggle go for a walk in the garden on a very windy day. The trees blow from side to side, Igglepiggle's blanket gets blown about, and the Tombliboos' trousers have been blown off the line.

28 mins  ·  Mon, 22 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 17

Tombliboo Ooo Brings the Ball Indoors

The Tombliboos are playing inside when they hear a ball outdoors. They bring the ball inside and play with it, until it flies out of the window.

28 mins  ·  Tue, 23 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 18

What a Funny Ninky Nonk

The Tombliboos ride the Ninky Nonk as it goes past Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy and Makka Pakka. Everyone tries to catch it as it spins out of control.

28 mins  ·  Wed, 24 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 19

Mr Pontipine's Moustache Flies Away

Mr Pontipine's moustache flies off while the Pontipines are eating their dinner. First it is stuck on the chimney, then the bridge, and then the gazebo. Eventually, it ends up stuck to the Pinky Ponk's propeller.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 25 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 20

Make Up Your Mind Upsy Daisy

The ball bounces along and comes to rest beside Upsy Daisy as she's singing in the garden. Upsy Daisy can't decide whether to keep singing or to play with the ball.

28 mins  ·  Fri, 26 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 21

Catch the Ninky Nonk, Tombiloos

Makka Pakka is taking a ride on the Ninky Nonk while the Tombliboos are playing inside their house. When the Ninky Nonk stops outside, the Tombliboos decide to join Makka Pakka.

28 mins  ·  Mon, 29 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 22

Hide and Seek

The Pontipines and the Wottingers are playing a game of hide-and-seek. The Pontipines keep changing their hiding places, until they all end up in Upsy Daisy's bed.

28 mins  ·  Tue, 30 Sep 2008

S02 Episode 23

What Loud Music, Tombliboos

Igglepiggle finds musical stepping stones. The Tombliboos hear Igglepiggle's stones and Upsy Daisy singing, and decide to go home and play music very loudly as well.

22 mins  ·  Wed, 1 Oct 2008

S02 Episode 24

Where Can Igglepiggle Have a Rest?

Upsy Daisy is riding the Pinky Ponk, when she sees her bed and decides to have a rest in it. Igglepiggle is trying to find a soft place to have a rest.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 2 Oct 2008

S02 Episode 25

Waving From the Ninky Nonk

Igglepiggle takes a ride on the Ninky Nonk. When Upsy Daisy gets on, she and Igglepiggle wave to each other from their different carriages. The Ninky Nonk travels around the garden and everyone gets to ride.

28 mins  ·  Fri, 3 Oct 2008

S02 Episode 26

Where Did Makka Pakka's Sponge Go?

Makka Pakka is walking in the garden when he comes across some stones, which he decides to clean. Makka Pakka trips over a stone and his sponge flies off, straight into Upsy Daisy's megaphone.

23 mins  ·  Mon, 9 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 27

Ninky Nonk Dinner Swap

The Pontipines are taking their dinner for a walk in the garden when along comes the Ninky Nonk. The Pontipines decide to bring their dinner aboard the Ninky Nonk.

22 mins  ·  Tue, 10 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 28

Trubliphone Fun

Igglepiggle goes for a long walk, skipping through the garden, and gets lost. The Pontipines call everyone on the Trubliphone and make even more noise so that Igglepiggle can follow the noise back home.

23 mins  ·  Wed, 11 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 29

Makka Pakka's Circle of Friends

Makka Pakka is in the garden looking for some hard to find stones, but luckily Igglepiggle is walking in the garden, too, and comes across a stone.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 12 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 30

Long and Ponky Ride in the Pinky Ponk

The Tombliboos take a ride on the Pinky Ponk, who must be careful of the tree. Igglepiggle and Upsy Daisy join the Tombliboos for a ride on the Pinky Ponk.

28 mins  ·  Fri, 13 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 31

Sad and Happy Tombliboos

Tombliboo Ooo is building a tower of bricks. Tombliboo Eee spots her favourite brick in the tower and knocks it over trying to get to the prized brick, which upsets Ooo.

23 mins  ·  Mon, 16 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 32

Upsy Daisy Dances With the Pontipines

Upsy Daisy shows her love for everything in the garden by dancing.

23 mins  ·  Tue, 17 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 33

Mind the Haahoos

The Pontipines and the Wottingers are out for a walk in the garden. Mrs Pontipine spots the Ninky Nonk through her binoculars. Makka Pakka, Upsy Daisy and Igglepiggle all join the Pontipines.

22 mins  ·  Wed, 18 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 34

Wake Up Ball!

The ball is bouncing through the garden and lands straight on Upsy Daisy's bed. The bed carries the ball all the way to Upsy Daisy. Upsy Daisy tucks the ball in so it can have a rest.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 19 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 35

Upsy Daisy Forgets Her Stone

Makka Pakka has a pile of six stones. He gives one stone to Igglepiggle, one stone to Upsy Daisy and one to each of the Tombliboos. Then the teeny, tiny Pontipines take Makka Pakka's last stone.

28 mins  ·  Fri, 20 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 36

Long Distance Ball Game

Upsy Daisy and Igglepiggle find the ball in the garden and everyone kicks it to each other. Upsy Daisy kicks the ball and it heads straight for the Pontipines' house.

22 mins  ·  Mon, 23 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 37

The Wottinger's Hiding Game

The Pontipines play hide-and-seek with the Wottingers. After the Pontipines count and the Wottingers hide, the groups ride home in the Ninky Nonk.

22 mins  ·  Tue, 24 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 38

Upsy Daisy Only Wants to Sing

Upsy Daisy's bed comes along and Makka Pakka wants to wash her face, but Upsy Daisy just wants to sing with her megaphone in the garden.

28 mins  ·  Wed, 25 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 39

The Tombliboo's Busy Ninky Nonk Day

The Tombliboos ride on the Ninky Nonk and chase after a ball in the garden, but the Ninky Nonk leaves without the Tombliboos.

22 mins  ·  Thu, 26 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 40

Pinky Ponk and the Ball

Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka, the Tombliboos and Igglepiggle are all going for a ride on the Pinky Ponk. The ball bounces up and hits the Pinky Ponk, sending everyone sliding from one end to the other.

28 mins  ·  Fri, 27 Feb 2009

S02 Episode 41

What a Big Sneeze, Makka Pakka

As Igglepiggle skips through the garden he lets out a very big sneeze. Soon Upsy Daisy and the Tombliboos are also sneezing. Makka Pakka is tidying up his stones when he lets out a big sneeze too.

22 mins  ·  Mon, 2 Mar 2009

S02 Episode 42

Ninky Nonk or Pinky Ponk

Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka and the teeny, tiny Pontipines all get on board. The Tombliboos decide to ride in the Pinky Ponk instead. The Pinky Ponk ponks into a tree and then it ponks into the gazebo.

22 mins  ·  Tue, 3 Mar 2009

S02 Episode 43

Oh Look! It's the Wottingers!

The Wottingers set out in search of the Pontipines when they don't receive a single reply after calling out for them.

28 mins  ·  Wed, 4 Mar 2009

S02 Episode 44

Upsy Daisy Dances With the Haahoos

Upsy Daisy is enjoying Dancy Day, dancing with the Haahoos, and then the ball, and then with the garden's daisies.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 5 Mar 2009

S02 Episode 45

Fall Down Ball

The Tombliboos are out in the garden and here comes the ball, but the Tombliboos do not want to play with the ball. They want to play with their bricks, indoors. The Tombliboos build a very tall tower.

28 mins  ·  Fri, 6 Mar 2009

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