Where to stream Greyhound

Greyhound 2020

Released: 2020

7.2 / 10

7.0 / 10

Rated: PG-13

Director: Aaron Schneider

Cast: Tom Hanks, Elisabeth Shue, Stephen Graham, Matt Helm

A first-time captain leads a convoy of allied ships carrying thousands of soldiers across the treacherous waters of the “Black Pit” to the front lines of WW2. With no air cover protection for 5 days, the captain and his convoy must battle the surrounding enemy Nazi U-boats in order to give the allies a chance to win the war.

Where to watch Greyhound in Australia

Apple TV+

All seasons may not be available on all providers.

Information about streaming services showing Greyhound

Our data shows that the Greyhound is available to stream on Apple TV+. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Binge, Disney+, Google Play, Foxtel Now and Netflix, Stan. Greyhound is not available on any of them at this time.

Please let us know if we got anything wrong?

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Greyhound Trailer

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Shows like Greyhound

Greyhound is a great show, we’ve selected several other show options that we think you would like to stream if you have watched Greyhound

News and Articles about Apple TV+

Stream on Apple TV+

Apple TV+ is a streaming service featuring Apple Originals — award-winning series, compelling dramas, groundbreaking documentaries, kids’ entertainment, comedies and more — with new Apple Originals added every month.

Got a question about Apple TV+?

You can watch Apple TV+ on the Apple TV app, which is already on your Apple devices. Just open the app, click or tap Apple TV+, and enjoy the shows and movies. You can also watch Apple TV+ on streaming platforms, popular smart TVs and AirPlay-enabled TVs with the Apple TV app4 — or watch online
You can share Apple TV+ with up to 5 family members.
Yes, you can download content and watch it anytime anywhere for on-the-go offline viewing.


  • Constant stream of Apple TV+ Originals
  • Share with up to 5 family members
  • Download content to watch offline
  • Integrated with the apple device ecosystem