Fairly Legal
Seasons: 2
Released: 2011–2012
6.9 / 10
7.3 / 10
Rated: TV-PG
Cast: Sarah Shahi, Michael Trucco, Virginia Williams, Baron Vaughn
Kate Reed is a firm believer that justice can always be found – even if it's not always in the courtroom. Once a lawyer at her family's esteemed San Francisco firm, Kate's frustration with the legal system led her to a new career as a mediator. Thanks to her innate understanding of human nature, thorough legal knowledge, and wry sense of humor, Kate is a natural when it comes to dispute resolution. Except, it seems, when it comes to conflicts in her own life.
Where to watch Fairly Legal in Australia
All seasons may not be available on all providers.
Seasons of Fairly Legal
There are currently 2 seasons of Fairly Legal
Information about streaming services showing Fairly Legal
Our data shows that the Fairly Legal is available to stream on 7plus and Apple TV. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Disney+, Google Play, Foxtel Now, Netflix and Stan. Fairly Legal is not available on any of them at this time.
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