Where to stream Doug Season 5

Season 5

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Released: 7th Sep, 1996

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Where to watch Doug Season 5


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Season 5 Episodes

S05 Episode 1

Doug's Last Birthday

The summer is coming to a close and Doug is delivering invitations for his 12th birthday party to all his friends. While he goes all around town, he discovers that Bluffington (as well as his friends) have been through changes. The Honker Burger is gone, Roger is rich, The Beets are breaking up, a new Middle School is being built, Patti is being home schooled in the mornings and Doug needs a hair cut. So many things have changed that it makes Doug sick of changes, so he cancels his birthday. But later, Judy makes him realize that changes makes us different from rocks, and Doug reinstates his party just in time for some shocking news from Theda.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 7 Sep 1996

S05 Episode 2

Doug's New School

It's the first day of seventh grade at the new middle school which still does not have a name, so a ""Name Your School"" student contest is created by the former Mayor White who is now the school's principal. The contest causes fierce competition between Patti and Doug when they don't like each others school name suggestions. Doug meets all his teachers including his homeroom and English teacher Miss. Kristal, and during breaks, the students realize the school isn't quite finished yet. Also, the gang is on the search for the perfect new hangout since the Honker Burger is now gone.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 14 Sep 1996

S05 Episode 3

Doug Grows Up

Doug and Skeeter wear their Bluffscout uniforms to school to prepare for the upcoming Shindiggarama. But Doug gets laughed at and concludes the Bluffscouts are ""kids stuff"", so he quits. Doug then trys to live a more grown up life by talking and dressing like a grown up. A mature party at Roger's house makes him realize he's not having fun as an adult because he cared too much about what people think. Doug then goes back to Bluffscouts and has a great time at the Shindiggarama.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 21 Sep 1996

S05 Episode 4

Doug's Hoop Nightmare

The Funnie family is curious when Doug gets a letter from Bolivia. Doug's explanation involves the previous summer, where Doug went to the Grinning Bear Sports Camp with Patti. Meantime, Doug's asthmatic cabinmate Leonard, who has made a career of escaping summer camps, plans yet another escape. However, Doug, Chalky, and Patti have to worry about the upcoming basketball game they have to play against a tougher camp.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 28 Sep 1996

S05 Episode 5

Doug: A Limited Corporation

Patti eyes the snooty club, The Junior Daughters of the Founding Mothers and Fathers where no boys are allowed and Doug is surprised she's interested in it. Doug worries if Patti joins the club, she'll change and won't have time for him anymore. Also, Skeeter has his eye on Muffy Silverson who is part of the club, so Doug and Skeeter dress up as girls to find out all about the snooty place. Meanwhile, Ned, Willy and Boomer accidenally save the oldest tree in town and are treated as public heroes.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 5 Oct 1996

S05 Episode 6

Doug's in Debt!

Doug wants to go to The Beet's Final Farewell Concert with Patti. In order to get enough money to buy concert tickets, Doug gets a job in his grandmother Edna's craftee shopee. She agrees to let Doug make the store more hip by adding a hot foamaccino bar and other various hip toys which increases sales. Soon, Doug has more than enough money for two front row tickets at the concert and even has enough to make the night special. But the day of the concert a trendier store opens accross the street which leaves Doug with no money, and his grandmother out of business.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 12 Oct 1996

S05 Episode 7

Doug's Big Comeback

For a class project, Judy lets Doug borrow one of her theatrical Napolean hats after making him sign a contract. Doug loses the hat and Roger finds it and won't give it back to Doug. In order to get the hat back from Roger, he asks Doug to do many favors including stealing a plastic cow. After all the favors are done, Roger still refuses to give the hat back. Since Doug can't return the hat to Judy, he must suffer the consequences.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 19 Oct 1996

S05 Episode 8

Doug's Bloody Buddy

After Connie starts a rumour, the students of Beebe Bluff Middle School get into an uproar that Skeeter is really a vampire. Doug and Roger investigate the rumour and soon everyone becomes scared of Skeeter after they see him hanging out with bats. Soon all of his friends avoid him and on the night of his Halloween party, Doug feels guilty for not going to his party without even knowing what Skeeter thinks about the rumour.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 26 Oct 1996

S05 Episode 9

Doug's Patti Beef

When Doug gets tired of being insulted by Roger and his gang, he gets help from Mr. Dink, who provides him with some home movies of the famous insult comedian, Rick Nickles. After viewing these home movies, Doug gets the ability to crack insulting jokes. At first it puts Roger in his place, but Doug soon realizes that he's made a mistake when he makes wisecracks about the people he loves. Meanwhile, the Beebe Bluff Middle School baseball team goes on strike after Chalky is unfair in his coaching.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 2 Nov 1996

S05 Episode 10

Doug Directs

Doug ends up directing the annual Founder's Day Pageant after Judy drops out of directing duties. The group decide to stage a musical based on the founding of Bluffington by the Bluff family. But everyone has different ideas for what to do, and the argument causes everyone to split up. A sudden blizzard leaves everyone stuck inside the school, and Doug realizes they will all have to cooperate to pull through. When help comes to rescue them, they decide to stay in school to finish the play.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 9 Nov 1996

S05 Episode 11

Doug's Movie Madness

It's B.L.A.B.A.B.B.A. Day at the middle school, and there are dozens of clubs the students can join. Doug tris to find the best club and thinks that the Brain Team would impress Patti, and make him less average. Doug then takes the Brain Test and in order to be on the school's Brain Team. When he cheats, he ends up on the team but can't handle studying for the Bowl of Brains Quiz Bowl.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 16 Nov 1996

S05 Episode 12

Doug's Brain Drain

After Doug and Skeeter see a commercial for the new movie Targetman, they desperately want to see it. Soon, all of Doug's friends and even his teachers are talking about Targetman. When Doug tells his parents he wants to see it, they don't allow him because it is way too violent and they feel Doug is not mature enough to see it. So Doug tries to be more mature in front of his parents in order for them to let him see the movie, but they still say no. Doug goes with Skeeter to see the movie anyway, only to regret it later on. Meanwhile, Mr. Klotz is in town to visit Roger who also wants to see Targetman, but Mr. Klotz won't let Roger see it, and he doesn't realize why.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 23 Nov 1996

S05 Episode 13

Doug: The Big Switch

Doug complains to Patti about how tough he has it at home. Doug thinks she must have it easy because she is home schooled. Soon, Beebe and Skeeter and Chalky and Roger debate over who has it hardest. So they all agree to switch places for a day. Also, Moo comes to Doug for advice on his brother who is dying his hair, changing his style of clothes and making friends, and Moo doesn't want his brother to change.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 30 Nov 1996

S05 Episode 14

Doug Gets His Wish

Doug complains that Miss. Kristal gives too much homework, and wishes she wouldn't. After Willy tells his dad that Miss. Kristal is a bad teacher, Principal White fires her. So Principal White becomes their new teacher and brings an end to homework. The class is happy that there is no more homework, but soon Willy is the teacher and when he goes overboard, the entire class realize how good Miss. Kristal was.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 7 Dec 1996

S05 Episode 15

Doug's Secret Christmas

With a new baby on the way, Doug's family is too busy to have a traditional Christmas and Doug wants one. So Doug and Porkchop decide to have their own secret holiday celebration in his room. But when he later finds the house completely empty Phil phones with news, the baby is born on Christmas Day. Meanwhile, Fentruck tells all his friends how they spend Christmas in Yakestonia.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 14 Dec 1996

S05 Episode 16

Doug's Hot Dog

Doug finds a lost puppy in Lucky Duck park and he decides to keep it until its owner is found. But the puppy proves to be too much trouble at home. The new puppy may be cute, but he isn't like Porkchop and Doug realizes a regular puppy is a lot of work to take care of. When the puppy's owner is still not found, Doug gives all his friends a chance to own him. Meanwhile, Al and Moo calculate the day an alien is schedueled to land in Lucky Duck Park.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 28 Dec 1996

S05 Episode 17

Doug's Great Opportoonity

It's student counsil elections at the middle school and Beebe, roger and Chalky are all running. Doug meets eighth-grader Guy Graham who gives him a job on the school newspaper as the cartoonist. Guy tells Doug to create a cartoon on the school student coucil election and draw who he thinks should win. When Roger and Beebe get word, they bribe Doug to make him draw the cartoon about them. Meanwhile, Chad Mayonnaise becomes the middle school's new history teacher and Patti now attends school full day.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 4 Jan 1997

S05 Episode 18

Doug Gets a Roommate

When the house of Roger's annoying friend Ned Cauphee burns down, Doug thinks is his fault after telling Ned that ""he'll get his someday"". Theda offers to house him while Ned's house is fixed. When Ned arrives, Doug can't believe how well he behaves because he is nothing like that at school. Doug even starts to feel sympathetic towards Ned. But now Ned is off to visit Grandma Funnie with the rest of the Funnies and Doug is worried he'll ruin his grandmother's home.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 11 Jan 1997

S05 Episode 19

Doug Gets Booked

Miss. Kristal assigns a book report with no rules, she tells the class to use thier imagination. At the same time, Beebe is being filmed for a documentary sponsored by her Dad. This means the book reports will be shown on TV, which makes everyone in the class want to have the biggest and best report in the entire class. Doug decides to show some drawings he drew, but he realizes that it's not exciting enough, so he goes on a search to find a book where he can make a more exciting report. But when he doesn't have an exciting report the night it's due, he either has to present his drawings or nothing at all.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 18 Jan 1997

S05 Episode 20

Doug's Minor Catastrophe

The new snack fad ""Nic Nacs"" is targeted at adults and kids are going crazy to try some. It soon turns into a negative snack that kids are not supposed to have, which just makes all of Doug's friends wanting some. Through Doug's research for an article for the school paper, he discovers that the snack has an unpleasant and temporary side effect. Also, Mr. Dink quits his job at Bluffco and tries to write his own book.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 25 Jan 1997

S05 Episode 21

Doug's Big Panic

Guy sees a musical and is inspired by it. He tells Skeeter to work on a secret script for a huge drama play for Beebe Bluff Middle School. The play is a love story between Leonardo da Vinci and the Mona Lisa. Doug gets interested in auditioning when he learns Patti gets the female lead, and is in a KISSING SCENE at the end of the play. Doug trys hard to get the male lead, but when Guy gives himself the role, Doug wonders if his work was wasted. But before showtime, Guy gets sick and someone else has to be the male lead.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 1 Feb 1997

S05 Episode 22

Doug's Hairy Situation

Doug finds hair in his comb and fears he's going bald, and figures Patti won't want to hang out with him anymore. The gang also is going to meet at the new water park when it opens and Doug doesn't want to go because of his hair. Meanwhile, Patti gets her first pimple. Beebe gets her first nose job and Roger may have gotten his first whisker. Doug lets all these things get in the way of his fun, and later realizes he shouldn't have. Also, Skeeter gets his first failing grade in shop class when his coat rack assignment isn't simple enough, so he is given a second chance to make another simple object.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 8 Feb 1997

S05 Episode 23

Doug: Oh, Baby

Doug begins to worry that the new baby Cleopatra Dirtbike will end up being another Judy, and Judy is afraid she'll grow up to be like Doug. So the two set out to shape the baby's personality. When Phil and Theda go out for an evening, Judy and Doug are left to babysit and don't want the other to be left alone with Dirtbike. But when their fighting leaves Dirtbike alone in Mr. Dink's house, they realize they are going to have to co-operate to get her out.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 15 Feb 1997

S05 Episode 24

Doug's Disappearing Dog

Doug wakes up the morning after the Flounder's Day Picnic to find that Porkchop has packed up his things and is gone. He concludes that someone must have done something bad to him to make him pack up and leave. So he goes to talk all his friends to question them about what happened to Porkchop the day before.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 22 Feb 1997

S05 Episode 25

Doug's Mural Mania

Doug enters a school contest to paint a mural on a new school wall. But when he has to share the mural design with Roger, he's not sure he can do it with him because he thinks Roger can't really draw. Also, Bluffington is in a heat wave and the Sleech twins think it is their fault, so they set out to change the hot weather.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 1 Mar 1997

S05 Episode 26

Doug On The Road

Doug and his friends decide to meet at Funkytown and spend a day having fun, so Judy volunteers to drive him there. But before she drops Doug off, Judy wants to shop at Snord Grupen. After leaving the giant mall, Doug and Judy get lost on the way to Funkytown.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 8 Mar 1997

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