Where to stream Detectorists Season 2

Season 2

Watch Detectorists Season 2 in Australia

Released: 29th Oct, 2015

8.6 / 10

Where to watch Detectorists Season 2

Apple TV

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Season 2 Episodes

S02 Episode 1

Car Booty

Andy thinks that internet dating might be the solution for Lance to get over the departure of his ex-wife. Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger tempts the members of the DMDC.

27 mins  ·  Thu, 29 Oct 2015

S02 Episode 2

Suspicious Find

While Lance meets the mystery woman and Sophie is aiding Peter with his research, Andy finds something suspicious. The local mayor seeks the DMDC's help with a sensitive issue.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 5 Nov 2015

S02 Episode 3


Becky and Lance have important news for Andy, Russell and Hugh are on the hunt for the mayor's chain of office, and Sophie's spying skills are as bad as ever.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 12 Nov 2015

S02 Episode 4

Buried Past

Andy has a job interview to attend, Lance tries to connect with his long-lost daughter, the mayor grudgingly allows the DMDC onto his land, and Terry is given permission to excavate the plane.

31 mins  ·  Thu, 19 Nov 2015

S02 Episode 5


The future is uncertain for Lance, Andy, Becky and Sophie; Peter's true colours emerge; Terry puts his emergency plan into action.

27 mins  ·  Thu, 26 Nov 2015

S02 Episode 6

You Are Gold!

The DMDC hold their annual rally at the Ju 88 crash site and Terry expects a big turnout. For Andy and Lance, the day could bring heartache or triumph.

28 mins  ·  Thu, 3 Dec 2015

S02 Episode 7

Christmas Special

With his Anglo-Saxon treasure on display at the museum and the reward money finally on its way, Lance hasn't even found so much as a ring-pull in months. Russell thinks he knows why, it's the Curse of the Gold.

29 mins  ·  Wed, 23 Dec 2015

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