Where to stream Broken Lance

Broken Lance 1954

Released: 1954

6.6 / 10

6.9 / 10

Rated: Approved

Director: Edward Dmytryk

Cast: Spencer Tracy, Robert Wagner, Jean Peters, Richard Widmark

Cattle baron Matt Devereaux raids a copper smelter that is polluting his water, then divides his property among his sons. Son Joe takes responsibility for the raid and gets three years in prison. Matt dies from a stroke partly caused by his rebellious sons and when Joe gets out he plans revenge.

Information about streaming services showing Broken Lance

We have checked a all the main streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Disney+, Google Play, Foxtel Now, Netflix and Stan. Broken Lance is not available on any of them at this time. Perhaps you might be interested in watching The Dude Ranger, people who watched Broken Lance also liked it, plus check out other potential shows and movies you might like below

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Broken Lance Trailer

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