Where to stream Bewitched Season 5

Season 5

Watch Bewitched Season 5 in Australia

Released: 28th Sep, 1968

7.6 / 10

Where to watch Bewitched Season 5

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Season 5 Episodes

S05 Episode 1

Samantha's Wedding Present

Endora decides to make peace with Darrin while giving Samantha a belated wedding present. However, she becomes furious when he forbids her to use witchcraft around his home.

24 mins  ·  Sat, 28 Sep 1968

S05 Episode 2

Samantha Goes South for a Spell

Samantha is transported back to 1868 New Orleans by a jealous witch after being mistaken for someone named Serena.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 3 Oct 1968

S05 Episode 3

Samantha on the Keyboard

When Endora makes Tabitha sound like a prodigy on the piano and a musical genius, unrest fills the Stephens home. Plus, Darrin dares Samantha to learn the mortal way.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 10 Oct 1968

S05 Episode 4

Darrin, Gone and Forgotten

Endora makes a deal with a mother witch for Samantha to marry her son, whether she wants to or not, which causes a lot of tension for Darrin.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 17 Oct 1968

S05 Episode 5

It's So Nice to Have a Spouse Around the House

Serena is involved again. This time, Drarin takes her to the honeymoon spot where he and Samantha went. Samantha is at a Witches Council meeting and doesn't know what is going on. Darrin gets intimate with Serena, thinking that she is Samantha, and she tells him to back off. Then Tabitha is called to solve the puzzle.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 24 Oct 1968

S05 Episode 6

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Endora casts a spell making Darrin fall in love with his own reflection.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 7 Nov 1968

S05 Episode 7

Samantha's French Pastry

Uncle Arthur tries to make some French pastry, but gets the real Napoleon instead.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 14 Nov 1968

S05 Episode 8

Is It Magic or Imagination

Darrin accuses Samantha of using witchcraft to win an advertising contest.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 21 Nov 1968

S05 Episode 9

Samantha Fights City Hall

Samantha campaigns to rescue a neighbourhood park for the children.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 28 Nov 1968

S05 Episode 10

Samantha Loses Her Voice

Uncle Arthur swaps Samantha and Darrin's voices as a joke; They try to keep a depressed Louise and Larry from finding out.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 5 Dec 1968

S05 Episode 11

I Don't Want to Be a Toad, I Want to Be a Butterfly

Tabitha turns a nursery school friend into a butterfly.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 12 Dec 1968

S05 Episode 12

Weep No More, My Willow

Dr Bombay casts a spell to try and save a dying willow tree, which causes Samantha to cry uncontrollably, then laugh hysterically each time the wind blows.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 19 Dec 1968

S05 Episode 13

Instant Courtesy

Endora teaches Darrin a lesson by turning him into a perfect gentleman.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 26 Dec 1968

S05 Episode 14

Samantha's Super Maid

To please Darrin's mother, Samantha reluctantly hires a maid.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 2 Jan 1969

S05 Episode 15

Cousin Serena Strikes Again

Darrin goes bananas when one of his important clients is turned into a monkey.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 9 Jan 1969

S05 Episode 16

Cousin Serena Strikes Again

Darrin goes bananas when one of his important clients is turned into a monkey.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 16 Jan 1969

S05 Episode 17

One Touch of Midas

Worrying that her daughter is deprived, Endora ensures that Darrin becomes very generous.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 23 Jan 1969

S05 Episode 18

Samantha, the Bard

Samantha has a terrible time when everything she says comes out in rhyme.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 30 Jan 1969

S05 Episode 19

Samantha, the Sculptress

Endora creates some family busts that are a little bit too lifelike.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 6 Feb 1969

S05 Episode 20

Mrs. Stephens, Where Are You?

Resenting Darrin's mother's remarks about Samantha and her family, cousin Serena turns her into a cat.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 13 Feb 1969

S05 Episode 21

Marriage, Witches' Style

Envying Samantha's happiness, cousin Serena also wants to marry a mortal.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 20 Feb 1969

S05 Episode 22

Going Ape

A chimp follows Samantha home and is launched on an advertising career.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 27 Feb 1969

S05 Episode 23

Tabitha's Weekend

Upset by the rivalry between her grandmothers, Tabitha turns into a cookie.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 6 Mar 1969

S05 Episode 24

The Battle of Burning Oak

When Darrin joins an exclusive club, Endora turns him into a snob.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 13 Mar 1969

S05 Episode 25

Samantha's Power Failure

Refusing to obey the Witches Council and give up Darren, Samantha loses her magical powers.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 20 Mar 1969

S05 Episode 26

Samantha Twitches for UNICEF

Magic comes in handy when Samantha collects for a charity organisation.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 27 Mar 1969

S05 Episode 27

Daddy Does His Thing

Because Darrin stubbornly refuses a birthday gift, Maurice turns him into a mule.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 3 Apr 1969

S05 Episode 28

Samantha's Good News

Samantha's good news stops her parents' quarrel - for the moment.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 10 Apr 1969

S05 Episode 29

Samantha's Shopping Spree

Cousin Henry turns a shopping spree with Samantha into an afternoon of advanced witchcraft.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 17 Apr 1969

S05 Episode 30

Samantha and Darrin in Mexico City

Samantha and Darrin are in Mexico City where Darrin is working on a new account for McMann and Tate. Endora puts a spell on him that makes him disappear when he speaks Spanish. Samantha gets her mother back who has the nerve to reverse the spell, this time, making Darrin disappear when he speaks English! Samantha helps him out when he delivers an excellent speech to Spanish and American patrons.

25 mins  ·  Thu, 24 Apr 1969

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