Where to stream Batman: The Brave and the Bold Season 2

Season 2

Watch Batman: The Brave and the Bold Season 2 in Australia

Released: 20th Nov, 2009

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Where to watch Batman: The Brave and the Bold Season 2

Apple TV

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Season 2 Episodes

S02 Episode 1

Death Race to Oblivion

A giant spaceship named Warmoon casts a bolt of energy onto the desert and creates a huge race track. Every superhero and villain takes part in the race, with losers being teleported to Warmoon. Will Batman, with help from the Green Arrow and Huntress, be able to take the prize?

22 mins  ·  Fri, 20 Nov 2009

S02 Episode 2

Long Arm of the Law

After helping Batman save some boy scouts from a group of sleeping Shaggy Men, Plastic Man asks for his help when Kite Man seeks vengeance for getting him jailed.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 11 Dec 2009

S02 Episode 3

Revenge of the Reach

Blue Beetle's first solo mission to subdue the Evil Star goes well until he and Batman try to deliver the villain to the Green Lantern Corps of Oa.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 1 Jan 2010

S02 Episode 4

Aquaman's Outrageous Adventure

After defeating an alien invader during the First World War with the help of the Enemy Ace, Batman turns his attention to the Penguin; Aquaman is on a sightseeing tour across America with his wife and son.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 8 Jan 2010

S02 Episode 5

The Golden Age of Justice

Batman comes to the aid of his ageing mentors, the Justice Society of America, who are being preyed upon by Per Degaton.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 15 Jan 2010

S02 Episode 6

Sidekicks Assemble

Fed up with being bossed around by their superheroes, Robin, Speedy and Aqualad demand a piece of the action. However, they find themselves facing off against Ra's al Ghul and his daughter Talia al Ghul on a flying island.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 22 Jan 2010

S02 Episode 7

Clash of the Metal Men

After seeing off some pirates on the high seas with the aid of Aquaman, Batman joins forces with six new heroes known as the Metal Men to take on the toxic Gas Gang, who came into being following an accident at the lab of Dr William Magnus.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 29 Jan 2010

S02 Episode 8

A Bat Divided!

Batman gets some unwelcome company when three versions of himself arrive at the Batcave. Meanwhile, a nuclear explosion results in a new superhero.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 5 Feb 2010

S02 Episode 9

The Super-Batman of Planet X

In his Matches Malone persona, Batman tackles Kanjar Ro before a wormhole sends the Caped Crusader to Gothtropolis, on the distant planet of Zur-En-Arrh. There he meets his doppelgänger who also has superpowers, and together they take on Rohtul.

23 mins  ·  Fri, 12 Feb 2010

S02 Episode 10

The Power of Shazam

Captain Marvel's archenemies, Black Adam and Dr Sivana, unite to strip the world's mightiest mortal of his powers, and Batman must help the hero before it is too late.

23 mins  ·  Fri, 19 Feb 2010

S02 Episode 11

Chill of the Night

In the past, young Bruce Wayne witnesses an armed mugger kill his parents and vows to avenge their deaths by spending the rest of his life making war on all crime. In the present day, after teaming up with Zatanna to defeat Abra Kadabra, Batman questions a dying gangster to find out the name of his parents' murderer. When the Caped Crusader catches up with Joe Chill, will he choose vengeance over justice?

22 mins  ·  Fri, 26 Feb 2010

S02 Episode 12

Gorillas in Our Midst

Batman teams up with Detective Chimp to try and stop Gorilla Grodd's new army, GASP, from taking over Gotham.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 16 Apr 2010

S02 Episode 13

The Siege of Starro

Starro takes control of most of Earth's heroes, leaving Batman and Booster Gold to team up with Firestorm, B'wana Beast and Captain Marvel to battle the Faceless Hunter and thwart the invasion of Starro.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 17 Sep 2010

S02 Episode 14

The Siege of Starro

The gang of unlikely heroes see off Starro but his henchman Hunter has other ideas, and plans to use B'wana Beast to destroy the Earth himself.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 24 Sep 2010

S02 Episode 15

Requiem for a Scarlett Speedster

With the aid of the Outsiders, Batman deals with a slippery customer then gets word of trouble in Central City. Following the death of The Flash, the city has become haunted by his ghost and plagued by supervillains. To rid the city of them, Batman has to head into the future.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 1 Oct 2010

S02 Episode 16

The Last Patrol

After Batgirl and Batman escape from the clutches of maniacal Killer Moth and the Penguin, Batman rushes to the aid of the Doom Patrol. A group of supervillains are seeking revenge on them for past deeds and the retired heroes must unite once again to counter the assassins.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 8 Oct 2010

S02 Episode 17

The Criss Cross Conspiracy

Batman has to downsize before teaming up with the Atom to defeat the Bug-Eyed Bandit. Then he turns his attention to Katrina Moldoff, an heiress who used to play at being Batwoman, making sure she doesn't reprise her role. In the interim, however, she has learned some tricks and uses magic to swap bodies with the Caped Crusader.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 15 Oct 2010

S02 Episode 18

The Mask of Matches Malone

Catwoman, Huntress, and Black Canary track down Two-Face, unaware that a disguised Batman has amnesia and believes that he is a gangster.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 15 Oct 2010

S02 Episode 19

Emperor Joker

The Caped Crusader and the Boy Wonder take on Firefly and his Rainbow Creature. Then Batman stops Ten-Eyed Man in his tracks, but Bat-Mite mistakenly gives his powers to the Joker. He uses his new-found talents to kill and regenerate Batman over and over again, while shaping the world in his own image.

23 mins  ·  Fri, 22 Oct 2010

S02 Episode 20

Menace of the Madniks

Batman tackles Ma Murder and her gang with the help of Haunted Tank. Booster Gold then travels back in time to see his old buddy Ted Kord, aka Blue Beetle, and they battle the Madniks. However, an accident with a Quark Pistol sees the Madniks become energy-draining monsters. Batman then joins the fray for Blue Beetle's ultimate battle.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 22 Oct 2010

S02 Episode 21

Plague of the Prototypes

When Batman is on call, Gotham is kept safe by his squad of trusty Bat-Robots, but Black Mask reprograms the unstoppable soldiers to do his bidding.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 5 Nov 2010

S02 Episode 22

Cry Freedom Fighters

Stargirl gets help from Blue Beetle to defeat Mantis. Then Batman, Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters answer a call from Uncle Sam to thwart the Supreme Chairman's plan to take over Earth.

23 mins  ·  Fri, 12 Nov 2010

S02 Episode 23

The Knights of Tomorrow

After helping Question gather information about Darkseid's battle plans, Batman features in a fictional work written by Alfred Pennyworth in which the Caped Crusader retires and marries Catwoman. After their deaths, their son Damian Wayne has to decide whether he will pick up his parents' mantle when the Joker's protege, New Joker, starts to flex his muscles.

23 mins  ·  Fri, 19 Nov 2010

S02 Episode 24

Darkseid Descending

Firestorm seeks help from the Caped Crusader to bring down Killer Frost. Then, Batman assembles Aquaman and Martian Manhunter to form a new Justice League International.

22 mins  ·  Fri, 3 Dec 2010

S02 Episode 25

Bat-Mite Presents: Batman's Strangest Cases!

Bat-Mite hosts a series of Batman's most bizarre adventures including the Mad Magazine-inspired Batboy and Rubin, a Japanese-influenced Bat-Manga and a guest starring role from the Scooby Gang and Weird Al Yankovic.

Fri, 25 Mar 2011

S02 Episode 26

The Malicious Mr. Mind!

Batman joins forces with Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel Jr. to take on Dr. Sivana and his Monster Society of Evil. However, the villains gain the most likely of newcomers -- the wormlike Mr. Mind.

Fri, 1 Apr 2011

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