Where to stream Apocalypse: The Second World War Season 1

Season 1

Watch Apocalypse: The Second World War Season 1 in Australia

Released: 8th Sep, 2009

7.3 / 10

Where to watch Apocalypse: The Second World War Season 1

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Season 1 Episodes

S01 Episode 1

Aggression (1933–1939)

Colourised footage of Hitler as he visits the Austrian village where he grew up, see the heart-felt good-byes as French soldiers leave loved ones at Gare de l’Est train station in Paris and civilians. Hitler continues his conquest of Europe by invading Holland and Belgium.

52 mins  ·  Tue, 8 Sep 2009

S01 Episode 2

Crushing Defeat (1939–1940)

The British troops hastily evacuate from the beaches at Dunkirk, France, but are forced to abandon kilometres of precious military vehicles and equipment. Heart-rending footage captures the plight of thousands of French civilians as they flee from the Nazis, as well as home movies taken by Londoners as they dig out from daily bombings.

52 mins  ·  Tue, 8 Sep 2009

S01 Episode 3

Shock (1940–1941)

Polish prisoners and Jews are forced into slave labour to complete Nazi building projects. The Italian army is in disarray so Hitler dispatches one of his best generals to Libya. The Afrika Korps fry eggs on the surfaces of their tanks amidst the blistering desert sands of North Africa. Shock includes vivid colourised footage of the battle for the Soviet Union as the Germans struggle toward Moscow in the brutal Russian winter.

52 mins  ·  Tue, 15 Sep 2009

S01 Episode 4

World Ablaze (1941-1942)

America joins the war as the conflict rages in South-East Asia, North Africa and Russia. The Allied forces are unable to slow the furious progress of the Japanese army through South-East Asia. Even India and Australia are at risk. The Nazis instigate The Final Solution.

52 mins  ·  Tue, 15 Sep 2009

S01 Episode 5

The Noose (1942-1943)

The turning of the war against Germany, with Allied victory at El Alamein and Russian triumph at Stalingrad. In the North Atlantic, the Allies make progress in reducing the threat from German U-boats. Inside Hitler's Germany the SS gain more power, and in southern Europe the Allies fight their way though Italy.

52 mins  ·  Tue, 22 Sep 2009

S01 Episode 6

Inferno (1944-1945)

Witness the D-Day landings and the liberation of Paris. In the east the Soviets liberate Auschwitz and fight their way to the heart of Berlin. Germany finally surrenders and Japan fights on until the 2 atom bombs are dropped.

52 mins  ·  Tue, 22 Sep 2009

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