American Gothic
Seasons: 1
Released: 1995
7.7 / 10
8.1 / 10
Rated: M
Cast: Gary Cole, Lucas Black, Paige Turco, Brenda Bakke, Sarah Paulson
Everything is not what it seems in Trinity, South Carolina. Sheriff Lucas Buck develops a sinister interest in Caleb. Caleb's cousin Gail tries to protect him, but that's complicated since she has feelings for Sheriff Buck. And Caleb's dead sister, Merlyn, returns as an angel, warning him that Buck is an incarnation of evil - and may not be human.
Seasons of American Gothic
There is currently just 1 season of American Gothic
Information about streaming services showing American Gothic
We have checked a all the main streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Disney+, Google Play, Foxtel Now, Netflix and Stan. American Gothic is not available on any of them at this time. Perhaps you might be interested in watching Picket Fences, people who watched American Gothic also liked it, plus check out other potential shows and movies you might like belowPlease let us know if we got anything wrong?
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