Where to stream American Experience Season 25

Season 25

Watch American Experience Season 25 in Australia

Released: 8th Jan, 2013

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Where to watch American Experience Season 25

Apple TV

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Season 25 Episodes

S25 Episode 1

The Abolitionists: 1820s-1838

The story of how abolitionist allies William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown and Angelina Grimke turned a despised fringe movement against chattel slavery into a force that literally changed the nation.

55 mins  ·  Tue, 8 Jan 2013

S25 Episode 2

The Abolitionists: 1838-1854

See how the activities of the five principals intersect and affect the anti-slavery movement.

55 mins  ·  Tue, 15 Jan 2013

S25 Episode 3

The Abolitionists: 1854-Emancipation and Victory

Examine the forces leading to war and to the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment.

55 mins  ·  Tue, 22 Jan 2013

S25 Episode 4

Henry Ford

An absorbing life story of a farm boy who rose from obscurity to become the most influential American innovator of the 20th century, Henry Ford offers an incisive look at the birth of the American auto industry with its long history of struggles between labor and management, and a thought-provoking reminder of how Ford's automobile forever changed the way we work, where we live, and our ideas about individuality, freedom, and possibility.

55 mins  ·  Tue, 29 Jan 2013

S25 Episode 5

Silicon Valley

Led by physicist Robert Noyce, Fairchild Semiconductor began as a start-up company whose radical innovations would help make the United States a leader in both space exploration and the personal computer revolution, changing the way the world works, plays, and communicates. Noyce's invention of the microchip ultimately re-shaped the future, launching the world into the Information Age.

55 mins  ·  Tue, 5 Feb 2013

S25 Episode 6

War of the Worlds

A broadcast that struck fear into an already anxious nation, Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio broadcast was the most famous alien invasion that never happened.

55 mins  ·  Tue, 29 Oct 2013

S25 Episode 7

JFK (Part 1)

A two-part profile of John F. Kennedy begins with his early years, detailing the health challenges he faced; his heroism after his PT boat was hit by an enemy destroyer during World War II; his first run for Congress; and the 1960 presidential race, which featured the first televised presidential debates. Among those sharing insights are his sister Jean Kennedy Smith and niece Kathleen Kennedy Townsend; presidential biographers Robert A. Caro and Robert Dallek; and historian David Nasaw.

55 mins  ·  Mon, 11 Nov 2013

S25 Episode 8

JFK (Part 2)

Conclusion. John F. Kennedy's White House years, including the Bay of Pigs fiasco; Cuban Missile Crisis; handling of civil rights; and decision to travel to Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, to shore up support for the 1964 election. The successes and failures of his tenure in office are also weighed by Kennedy administration officials John Seigenthaler, Thomas Hughes and Harris Wofford; civil-rights leaders Andrew Young and Julian Bond; and journalists Evan Thomas and Richard Reeves.

55 mins  ·  Tue, 12 Nov 2013

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