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Streaming Services in Australia

We all love our streaming services because they spare us from having to check the TV guide to find out what’s on TV. Netflix, Disney Plus (including its new Star section), Amazon Prime Video and more – they’re all amazing ways to take your life back, break loose from the TV guide and watch what you want, when you want. Around the world, streaming has become the prime way of watching TV for millions of people. What you and your family watch at your house is now entirely up to you and it’s easy to max out on things to watch before you know it.

Whether you’re looking for top movies, comedy, family shows or just a day-long Friends binge (including the much celebrated Friends: The Reunion), you’ll find it somewhere in Australia’s massive world of streaming goodness.

The good news is that we’ve made it fast and easy to find the shows and movies you want to watch, whether they’re on BINGE, Amazon Prime Video, Disney Plus, Foxtel Now or on services like ABC iView, the Seven network’s 7Plus and others.

We’ve collected info about all the best movies and shows available to watch via streaming, so you can quickly find out which service has the TV series or movies you’re wanting to watch. It’s truly the best way to find out where to watch a TV show or movie in Australia and find out which streaming service has it – and it’s not always Netflix or Foxtel Now!

Best Streaming Plans And Offers

Australia is one of the best places in the world for streaming TV, with an estimated 15 million people having access to paid streaming services – well over half the entire population.

As a result, we’re well served by three tiers of streaming – the big paid services like Netflix, the niche ones such as hayu and DocPlay, and the services provided by TV networks. Netflix may be the biggest service on the block, but we’ve also got Foxtel Now, BINGE, Amazon Prime Video and Disney Plus (including Star) providing Disney Movies and TV shows. Movie fans also have MUBI and Kanopy, and of course there’s the TV network services providing live news, life and food shows and more – even sport, from horse racing to football!

More services are on the way, too, with HBO Max rumoured to be on its way with its award-winning movies and TV.
If you’re after all the latest streaming TV plans and offers then you’ve come to the right place!

Other Streaming Services

Believe it or not, there are still more streaming services. Some of these platforms don’t require a subscription, some are services we use every day and some are made specifically for one group of people who want to watch particular movies and TV shows.

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