Transformers: EarthSpark is a Canadian-American animated series inspired by the iconic toyline from Hasbro. Set fifteen years after the Cybertron space bridge’s destruction, the Malto family moves to Witwicky, Pennsylvania, where they encounter Terrans – a new breed of Earth-born Transformers forming emotional bonds with the kids via cyber-sleeves.
Guided by Bumblebee, the Terrans team up with Autobots, Megatron, G.H.O.S.T., and the children to protect their lives from rogue Decepticons and other foes, all while finding their place in the world.
What’s in this Guide?
Transformers: Earthspark preview
This action-packed TV series revolves around the shared mission of legendary Autobots and a human family, the Malto family. Set in the heart of Witwicky, Pennsylvania, the Malto family’s world changes forever when they encounter the first Earthborn Transformers robots known as Terrans.
In this new generation of Transformers, young Robby and Mo Malto form a special bond with these Earth-born robots through cyber-sleeves on their arms. Guided by Bumblebee, the Terrans work hand in hand with the Autobots, including the iconic Optimus Prime, to protect their home from rogue Decepticons and other villains.
With exciting episodes packed with action and heartwarming family moments, Transformers: EarthSpark will surely entertain audiences of all ages. Join the human Malto family and their extraordinary companions in their thrilling adventures as they uncover the true potential of these Earth-born Transformers robots.
Transformers: Earthspark release date
Great news, fellow Transformers fans! Transformers EarthSpark is all set with new episodes from Season 1, and you won’t have to wait too long. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, 1 August, 2023 as these exciting new episodes will be hitting your screens on Paramount+.
To catch all the excitement, you can stream new episodes through a monthly or annual subscription, bringing the entertainment right to your streaming TV screens.
Season 1-C | Available | Streaming Service |
Episode 19 | Tue, 1 Aug 2023 | Paramount+ |
Episode 20 | Tue, 15 Aug 2023 | Paramount+ |
Episode 21 | Tue, 22 Aug 2023 | Paramount+ |
Episode 22 | Tue, 29 Aug 2023 | Paramount+ |
Episode 23 | Tue, 5 Sep 2023 | Paramount+ |
Episode 24 | Tue, 12 Sep 2023 | Paramount+ |
Episode 25 | Tue, 19 Sep 2023 | Paramount+ |
Episode 26 | Tue, 26 Sep 2023 | Paramount+ |
Transformers Earthspark trailer
Follow the human family who adopts Earth-born Transformers. You can watch the trailer for Transformers: Earthspark right here.
Best internet streaming plan
What other streaming services are Transformers: Earthspark on?
To watch every episode of Transformers Earthspark, Australia has Paramount+ that will stream new episodes starting Tuesday, 1 August. Fortunately, there’s a 7-day free trial offer for new customers, allowing access to its hundreds of available TV shows, documentaries, specials, and movies!
Streaming Services | Available? |
Paramount+ | Yes |
How to watch Transformers: Earthspark on Paramount+
Wondering where to watch Transformers: Earthspark? You can stream every episode of the show exclusively on Paramount Plus, which also features an impressive catalogue of shows from CBS, Channel 10, Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, and many others. To start enjoying Transformers Earthspark streaming, all you need to do is sign up for the service, which includes a 7-day free trial.
With just a single tier, there’s no need to pick more expensive plans in order to stream the best Paramount Plus shows simultaneously. Paramount+’s monthly subscription allows streaming on up to three screens for $9.99/month. If you want to save a little bit, you can opt for the $89.99 annual plan, which works out to be only around $7.50 per month.
Transformers: Earthspark cast
The talented cast, including Marc Evan Jackson, Alan Tudyk, Sydney Mikayla, Danny Pudi, Rory McCann, Zeno Robinson, and more, breathe life into this epic series. Here’s some of the major characters and their incredible voice actors:
Other shows on Paramount+ you might like
Paramount+ has heaps of both classic and new shows, as well as blockbuster feature films. You can check out what’s on Paramount+ now for a preview of what shows and movies online are up for grabs. Once you’re done watching the new episodes, you can watch other shows on the platform like:
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