Savior Complex follows Renee Bach, a young American missionary who begins a charity in the city of Jinja, Uganda. Initially welcomed into the local community, her naivety and liability soon create a dark shadow over her operations. And when a volunteer nurse discovers Bach has no medical qualifications, the controversy begins to escalate.
A Latchkey Films production from executive producers Roger Ross Williams, Nick Capote, and Lisa Heller, Savior Complex is a three-part docuseries that examines the real-world events surrounding Renee Bach’s charity Serving His Children, as well as wider issues around white saviorism.
This guide will take you through everything you need to know about where to watch Savior Complex in Australia. Find the trailer, episode release dates, and availability on streaming services right here.
What’s in this Guide?
Savior Complex documentary preview
After completing missionary work in Uganda as a teenager, Renee Bach found her calling. She headed back out to Uganda in 2009, citing a God-given mission to help sick children in the city of Jinja. But over the next decade, this naive recklessness that once seemed so innocent would spark controversy and fear in the local community.
At first, Renee was welcomed by the local population. She created the charity Serving His Children (SHC) to feed malnourished children across the city and give them a place where they could recover in safety alongside their families. But things soon started to escalate.
When a volunteer nurse began working at the charity, she made a startling discovery. Renee had taken it upon herself to administer clinical procedures without a shred of medical qualifications. Mothers began to worry for the safety of their children and whether SHC was all it had promised to be. Lawsuits followed, as did allegations of a white saviour complex instilled in the charity.
Directed by Jackie Jesko and executive produced by Roger Ross Williams, Nancy Abraham, and Sara Rodriguez, Savior Complex investigates the events surrounding SHC, Renee Bach, and their controversies. The three-part docuseries also explores wider themes of white saviorism and the ethics of foreign aid work in developing countries.
Who appears in the documentary?
Since this is a documentary, there are no characters in Savior Complex. Instead, everyone you see plays themselves and is involved in this true story in one way or another. Video clips and interviews show real-life people recounting the events that unfolded over the course of more than a decade between 2009 and the present day.
Renee Bach is the main figure and subject of the documentary. Her mother, Lauri Bach, also appears, as do a host of other interview subjects on both sides of the controversy, including current and former SHC staff members like Constance Alonyo and Jackie Kramlich.
Here’s a list of the key people interviewed and their roles:
Savior Complex release date & episodes
Savior Complex is a three-part docuseries that will be released in Australia on Wednesday 27th September 2023. The first episode will be released on the same day on Foxtel at 9:30 pm AEST. On BINGE, all three episodes will be streaming online at once so you won’t have to hang around to wait for any of the action.
The documentary arrives all the way from HBO Max in America to BINGE and Fox Docos in Australia. If you want to watch this thrilling docuseries, you’ll need to subscribe to one of these services. If you’re a new BINGE customer, why not take advantage of their free trial?
Here are the full details of the episode releases, including when and where to watch the show:
Season 1 | Foxtel Now | BINGE |
Episode 1: God Doesn’t Call the Qualified, He Qualifies the Called | Wed, 27 Sep 2023 | Wed, 27 Sep 2023 |
Episode 2: Cast the First Stone | Wed, 4 Oct 2023 | Wed, 27 Sep 2023 |
Episode 3: Reap What You Sow | Wed, 11 Oct 2023 | Wed, 27 Sep 2023 |
Savior Complex trailer
You can watch the Savior Complex trailer right here:
Best internet streaming plan
What streaming services are Savior Complex on?
Savior Complex promises to be one of the most riveting and thought-provoking documentaries of 2023. If you see one documentary this year, make it this one. Here’s how you can watch Savior Complex on streaming services in Australia:
Watch Savior Complex on Foxtel
You can catch HBO’s Savior Complex on Fox Docos on Foxtel. To do this, you need to sign up for the Foxtel Plus bundle, giving you access to documentaries as they’re released. This is a pay TV service as opposed to a pure streaming platform, so their plans can be a little more expensive.
Many people find that Foxtel channels are worth the money, though, as there are so many exclusive shows and films that you can’t access anywhere else. Thanks to Foxtel’s affiliation with HBO, you can also watch shows like The Last of Us, Succession, House of the Dragon, and lots more.
You can also watch the 2023 documentary when you sign up for Foxtel’s streaming service, Foxtel Now. Even easier for new customers, Foxtel still offers a free 10-day trial to access everything on its platform. After your free trial period expires, the Foxtel Now base pack, called the Essentials pack, is only $25 per month.
Watch Savior Complex on BINGE
The easiest way to watch episodes is through BINGE. This streaming service has quickly become one of Australia’s most loved, and it’s no surprise considering that its catalogue contains some of the best movies and TV shows ever made.
Signing up to BINGE is easy, and you can access the app practically wherever you need to: on your phone, computer, and smart TV. Existing customers will know the value for money you get with a BINGE subscription, while new customers can take advantage of the free trial that the service offers.
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What are people asking about Savior Complex?
Are you after more information about Savior Complex? Find out everything you need to know with the following frequently asked questions:
When will Savior Complex be released?
The documentary series will be released in the US on the 26th of September, but will premiere in Australia on Thursday 27th September on BINGE and Foxtel via Fox Docos. You can stream all episodes on the same day on BINGE, so you won’t have to wait at all if the first episode ends on a cliffhanger! On Foxtel, episodes are likely to roll out weekly.
What is a saviour complex?
A saviour complex, also known as a messiah complex, is a phenomenon where a person believes they are a saviour and has a God-given duty to save others. This disorder is usually linked to religion and is problematic because people commonly disregard the abilities of those they are “saving”.
How can I stream Savior Complex Australia?
The three-part docuseries will be available to stream on BINGE and Fox Docos from September 27th at 9:30 pm AEST. If you have neither service, the easiest way to watch the program is to take advantage of the BINGE free trial.