How to rent movies online in Australia? Finding the right streaming service is quite hard nowadays since there are various options for streaming TV and movies online. With the collection of new releases, as well as all the classics and all-time favourites that are instantly available on demand, there’s just plenty of options to choose from.
But with all these options scattered among different paid streaming services, how to pick which ones to sign up for? While most TV and movie fans are subscribed to more than one service, paying for several streaming providers each month is still a costly endeavour. But what if there’s an alternative to monthly subscriptions?
Enter pay-per-view services with the likes of iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, Microsoft Store, Telstra TV Box Office and many more. These choices are just what you need if you’re looking for a diverse catalogue of shows and movies, plus the option to rent or buy new releases, without being required to sign up for a plan. Interested? Let’s explore these alternatives below.
What’s in this Guide?
Streaming video on demand vs pay-per-view
Streaming TV has certainly changed the way we watch entertainment. With so many video on-demand platforms available, each offering exclusive content, features, and other appealing benefits, we’re able to access top-tier programming and cinematic gems at just the touch of a button. But while these services mostly have free trial offers, it’s not like we can subscribe to all of them.
For those who are looking for other ways to stream without monthly subscriptions, there’s a lot of pay-per-view services in Australia to try. iTunes is one of the most popular ones, alongside Telstra TV Box Office and Google Play. There’s also value to be had when getting your entertainment fix from the Microsoft Store. Amazon Prime Video, despite being a full-pledge streaming service, also offers both users and non-users the option to rent or buy new movies using its platform.
How to rent movies online in Australia?
If there’s a new movie you can’t wait to watch online, renting is the only great option you have and doing so is as simple as registering for an account. Once done, you can browse your chosen platform’s catalogue of shows and movies and start streaming.
If you’re renting movies via iTunes, you’ll need an Apple ID to rent or buy. If you’re doing it via Telstra TV Box Office, you’ll need your Telstra ID. But what’s great about movie rentals is that you’ll only be charged for what you watch. This is a great option for those who feel they don’t use their subscriptions often. After all, what’s the point of paying for something each month if you’re not using it fully?
Of course, there’s also the option to purchase. While renting a movie is cheaper, buying it only means you can watch it again since it’s already yours to keep – and lots of people are surely guilty of repeating the same movies or shows just because it’s fun!
What new movies are available to rent or buy?
The novelty of watching new movies fresh from the cinema is always fun. While watching new releases in the movie theatre is still an option for many, some prefer to watch online in the comfort of their home. If you’re one of those movie fans who feel more comfortable watching a movie in your pajamas, here are some of the latest releases you can rent or buy instantly.
Where to rent movies online in Australia?
Here is list of pay-per-view services available in Australia to choose from:
Rent new release movies online in Australia with iTunes
iTunes allows you to rent movies and watch them on any computer or device running the latest version of iTunes or iOS. You will have 30 days to store your rented movies and 24 hours to finish movies after you’ve started watching them. To rent movies on iTunes, you need an Apple ID, a compatible device, and an internet connection.
Prices of movies can range from $9.99 to $24.99 depending on the title and on-demand rate of the film that you want to watch. You can visit iTunes to view the available movies and TV shows you can rent or buy.
Once you have bought or rented the movie of your choice, you can find it in your iTunes Library, which you can watch anytime and anywhere on your iOS devices or even on Windows and Android devices.

Rent or buy new movie releases on Amazon Prime Video
The Amazon Prime library is home to a huge range of must-see TV shows and movies for all tastes and ages from around the world. Amazon Prime customers in Australia can rent or buy new releases and blockbuster movies through the Prime Video Store.
After renting a title on Prime Video, you have a month to start watching, then up to 48 hours of unlimited playback once you begin playing it. You can also download most Prime Video content to watch offline. It’s also worth noting that you don’t need a Prime membership to rent shows or movies on Prime Video.
If you want to access Prime’s entire catalogue of shows and movies that’s included when you subscribe, you can always try the service using its 30 day free trial.
Rent or buy shows and movies Google Play
Google Play is another excellent option. Purchasing a movie costs from $5 to $19.99, while it can be anywhere from $0.99 to $7 to rent. For television shows, it’s approximately $2.99 per episode and up to $19.99 for a full season. Renting or buying shows and movies isn’t the cheapest option but it saves you money in the long run if you’re only after select TV shows and movies.
Rent or buy titles on Microsoft Store
To rent or buy titles on Microsoft Store, all you need is your Microsoft account. Simply head to the Microsoft Store on your Xbox, Windows device, the web to pick any shows or movies you want to watch online. You can access content on any of your devices just as long you’re signed in using the same Microsoft account.
As for the rental or purchase costs, prices range from $6.99 to $29.99 depending on the movie you want to rent or buy. For TV shows, prices range from $4.99 to $43.99 for each season of your selected show.
Rent movies online in Australia with Telstra TV Box Office
Formerly BigPond Movies, Telstra TV Box Office makes sense as your ultimate pay per view service if you’re a Telstra customer. As per usual, there are no subscription fees, just a paramount selection of ad-free content. When you register for a Telstra TV Box Office account, you’re also rewarded with a $6.99 credit, which you can use to rent your first movie. Plus you can easily watch your Telstra TV Box Office shows and movies right on your Telstra TV.
Other shows and movies on streaming TV
Movie rentals and purchases are great if you’re not able to make the most of your streaming subscriptions. But with the unrivalled quality of content available today, it’s hard not to invest some time on a TV series that’s just so engrossing you never want to leave the house. And there’s plenty of such programs from networks like HBO, Foxtel, BBC, AMC, FX, Disney and more.
Game of Thrones, Wentworth, Westworld, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, The Boys, and The Mandalorian, are just some of the binge-worthy shows that you can watch instantly – as long as you’re subscribed to streaming services that offer them.
It also helps that many of these services are priced reasonably with no lock-in contracts. For instance, BINGE and Stan’s Basic plan only start from $10 per month; Netflix cheapest plan is $10.99 per month.
Meanwhile, Disney Plus‘ single-tier plan costs $11.99 per month, while Amazon Prime Video offers thousands of movies and shows for only $6.99 per month. Most of these also have free trials that last up to 30 days!
Search and discover shows and movies now
To help you decide which streaming service to sign up for, you can search for any shows or movies you want to watch using our search engine library below. You can also type in any new series or movie you want to stream via pay per view if you’re not looking to sign up for a monthly plan.