Where to stream The Chameleon Killer

The Chameleon Killer


Released: 2021

6.6 / 10

Rated: TV-14

Cast: Diane Rasmussen, Eric Rasmussen, Terry Peder Rasmussen

From the perspective of a close-by neighbor, inspired by true events, The Chameleon Killer follows a twenty-something year old, Morgan, who finds herself distraught and alone at her house awaiting the arrival of her husband, Ben, to come home from his business trip the next morning. When Vanessa, a longtime friend of Morgan's, gets wind of the news coverage she begins to worry that Morgan is not safe where she is with the killer still on the loose. Inspired by the true story of Terry Rasmussen, a serial killer expanding from California all the way to New Hampshire. It was when the Bear Brook murders took place in Allenstown, NH that started to tie these awful events together, eventually landing Terry in custody.

Information about streaming services showing The Chameleon Killer

We have checked a all the main streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Disney+, Google Play, Foxtel Now, Netflix and Stan. The Chameleon Killer is not available on any of them at this time. Check out other potential shows and movies you might like below

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The Chameleon Killer Trailer