Where to stream Star-Crossed


Seasons: 1

Released: 2014

7 / 10

7.1 / 10

Rated: TV-14

Cast: Aimee Teegarden, Matt Lanter, Grey Damon, Greg Finley

When Emery was 6 years old, an alien spacecraft crash-landed in her small town. Whether they came in peace or with more sinister intentions didn't matter: a fierce battle erupted as humans fought for control over their new rivals, an alien species called the Atrians. In the midst of the conflict, Roman, a 6-year-old Atrian boy, found his way to a shed behind Emery's house, where she temporarily protected him from harm, bringing him food, comfort - and friendship. Ten years later, the Atrians have been acclimated to life on Earth, but they are interned in a heavily-guarded camp known as the Sector to keep them separate from humans. Now, for the first time, a group of Atrian teens will enroll in a suburban human high school, with the goal of testing the feasibility of human/alien integration. Emery and Roman find each other again in a school and a society that distrusts everything about the Atrians. While the world around them rages with anger and prejudice, their bond becomes increasingly strong and increasingly dangerous.

Where to watch Star-Crossed in Australia

Apple TV

Seasons of Star-Crossed

There is currently just 1 season of Star-Crossed

Information about streaming services showing Star-Crossed

Our data shows that the Star-Crossed is available to stream on Apple TV. We also checked other leading streaming services including Prime Video, Apple TV+, Binge, Disney+, Google Play, Foxtel Now, Netflix and Stan. Star-Crossed is not available on any of them at this time.

Please let us know if we got anything wrong?

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Star-Crossed Trailer

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